They should do a trial run of UO on there. If they put UO on Origin Endless PC Gaming, it might start to make more money every month than it does now. A lot of people over the past several years have scoffed at UO's monthly price tag. I'm a die-hard fanboy but that's one of the few things I can't really defend. I still have fun playing UO but if we could all just admit (you, me, Broadsword, EA) that our old hobby is a bargain bin category game in all but price, UO might get more dollars thrown at it. It's a nearly twenty-year-old game lol (crazy, EA). I repurchased all of the Ultima games through GOG (even Savage Empire and Martian Dreams), all of those were a few bucks. Even for newer games, sometimes Steam will do a 75%-off sale and make some poor indie studio rich overnight. Talk your overlords into this
@Mesanna @Kyronix and I'll make forum accounts at every big freeshard and "casually" mention the Real Deal's new lower price tag.
And don't tell me it wouldn't bring anyone back, there's only one place where you can get every expansion and all up-to-date content.