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Draconi working on RNG any questions


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Well..... I always have thought the RNG hates me with a passion.....

Years back when I was in another guild we'd roll out to doom or something and there was this one particular friend/guildmate who had the most uncanny luck ever... now here's the kicker... I know my character did more damage than this guildmate... by far... consistantly. Yet for years I never got a single arty.... while my guildmate.... almost always got one everytime we went..... infact one particular time I recall quite well..... He got 2 ornies....... back to back... killed the first DF he got an ornie...... killed the second DF he got another Ornie....

What's the possibilities of that happening??????

And finally after 3 years of doing doom...... I got my first ever artie..... and what was it....... stupid dragon lance...

It's my firm belief that some entire accounts have a "black mark" on them and are doomed to being on the short end when it comes to the RNG. And then you wonder..... is it based on account? Or IP?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's my firm belief that some entire accounts have a "black mark" on them and are doomed to being on the short end when it comes to the RNG. And then you wonder..... is it based on account? Or IP?
Well I must be at the top of that list.

In the last week I have solo'd a certain champion spawn on a very secluded shard. Over the course of a week I have completely 50+ Champion Spawns and received 3 replica drops. This equates to about a 6% drop nowhere in the vacinity of the 33%.

As far as replicas go in from my experience it hasn't been right from day one. Clearly something isn't right.

Against Meraktus I have had many runs of 0-9, 0-10, 0-12. I have completed the Glade spawn with a close group of friends and it took us 16 Spawns before we got our first drop.

But 3 drops in 50 runs! Unreal!:thumbdown:

Either there is a black list as you suggest and I sure as hell am on it or the RNG is worthless.

It'd be nice to see the Replica Drop System be replaced with some other system. Perhaps Tokuno drop system.


During Cleanup 2008 I had this one run where I got 6 Breath of The Dead's in a row. My luck has now improved (just by a tiny tiny tiny bit), but the majority of arties I get are still the Breath of The Dead.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
More amusing facts that don't really mean anything.

Six breaths of a dead is six more Doom artifacts than I've received ever. I stopped trying Doom about six months ago. It isn't fun, and isn't worth it if you don't get an arti drop.

After hundreds of peerless battles, I have never received a rare peerless specific artifact. I have exactly 0 Crimson Cinctures, 0 Marks of Travesty, 0 Paroxy dragons, 0 Grizzle mares, 0 Mel's hatchets and 0 Dread's anything. But Peerless, unlike Doom, are worth doing if you don't get the rare drop. Every successful peerless run gets the group at least 200k gold worth of ingredients (including boss specific ones like the dread horn mane or grizzle bones). In most cases, key collecting can be more fun than the boss itself.

Now the funny bit. There's one person who sometimes hunts with me. EVERY TIME that he does a peerless or champ with me, he gets a rare drop. It's uncanny.

I'm chalking all that up to real luck and I hope that it has nothing to do with the RNG.