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Draconi please look atfishing and tmap loot



i refuse to let this die until the devs at least let us know they see this.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am a fisher and i totally support this post...

But, many seem to forget that they already have beefed up the fishing skilll...with the great white pearl that you can now randomly fish...

Beside that, nothing have moved, exept they sometime a while ago added ASOS to the possible outcome of MiB...but this is way too random, sometime you get a couples of them out of 100's of mib, sometime near none...then you have to pinpoint the location, get to it on boat wich take decade of idleing...then pull out the high pack chest of junk hat you skim through in the hope of maybe 1 keeper item...then you find a spot to trow the net where you can't loose the lev's fleeing...kill it with a char that has 100pts in fishing to get some cance of marty, to get a slim chance of unique sea marty...for deco only.

I wish they could do as in the spring cleaning event again..since some of us missed it..and make it somewhat permanant with a limit....so it leave option for player who want to play different style...or add it to the community collection...3,200,000 fishsteak for the sea talismen of totaly ridicoulous...it cannot be done in any fun way unnassisted.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Campaign Supporter
Well that's at least encouraging..... would still like to hear from them on the matter.



>>Remember the days when folks did team thunts?

Teams were voluntary then, and I remember it exactly like you do.
T-Hunters were a special breed back then. Even in a team, you could
pretty much expect something cool from a chest - I don't even smelt or
sell items/jewels anymore, just toss 'em, and I do it solo because nobody
wants to go anymore - boring and no loot.

Think about this:
Back when champ spawns out, they openly said they were going to FORCE
player interaction - this is a side effect of that management. The game
became item based, then leech and other formula values changed.
Other skills such as LumberJack all became mule skills.

How often did you even see a level 5 map back then? I get a half dozen pretty easily
in a few hours now.
Level 5 maps on my vendor sell slowly for 1500gp and usually get marked down to 500gp.
Level 3-4 maps sell for more because they're actually rarer.


New Player Protector
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Stratics Legend
First of all, I don't play UO anymore, quit cold turkey after being utterly, utterly done with it, but since it's been a big part of my past I still like to read up on it on the Stratics forums every now and then...

Second of all, everytime I read a post about the current state of fishing and t-hunting I die a little. I've never been into PvP, or big PvE champ spawns, but this... these two skills where... I mean are... unique. I've literally played my t-hunter to death doing treasurehunts and it still hurts to see that nothing is being done to save these unique UO skills. All previous comments of "We'll look into it soon™" have gone the way of the dodo. Last one I recall was a promise made by Leurocian about a year and a few months ago...

Goodluck to all of you who're hanging in there trying to get it changed. People have been trying to bring it to their attention since the implementation of AoS. Atleast forum-nerd rage from me and a few others managed to get the Khaldun puzzle chests fixed, that only took them, oh... 4 years or so... rolleyes:

So hang in there!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
First of all, I don't play UO anymore, quit cold turkey after being utterly, utterly done with it, but since it's been a big part of my past I still like to read up on it on the Stratics forums every now and then...

Second of all, everytime I read a post about the current state of fishing and t-hunting I die a little. I've never been into PvP, or big PvE champ spawns, but this... these two skills where... I mean are... unique. I've literally played my t-hunter to death doing treasurehunts and it still hurts to see that nothing is being done to save these unique UO skills. All previous comments of "We'll look into it soon™" have gone the way of the dodo. Last one I recall was a promise made by Leurocian about a year and a few months ago...

Goodluck to all of you who're hanging in there trying to get it changed. People have been trying to bring it to their attention since the implementation of AoS. Atleast forum-nerd rage from me and a few others managed to get the Khaldun puzzle chests fixed, that only took them, oh... 4 years or so... rolleyes:

So hang in there!
Yeah i am in the same boat as you (pun intended). I quit after too many things went unfixed..


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Please address this on today's FoF
Here, I will save them the time:

Can someone please look at fishing and treasure map loot? It needs to be improved.

"This is something we are interested in doing, and will be covered in the loot balance pass that we have been talking about for the last 5 years. Also in SA gargoyles will be able to fish up petrified gargoyle feces!"

(or the short version)



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here, I will save them the time:

Can someone please look at fishing and treasure map loot? It needs to be improved.

"This is something we are interested in doing, and will be covered in the loot balance pass that we have been talking about for the last 5 years. Also in SA gargoyles will be able to fish up petrified gargoyle feces!"

(or the short version)



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Joking aside,

The Devs have stated there is some new content for fishing in SA, which is good.

But the systems need a serious look not just for content or loot, which desperately needs a facelift, but also for the way the system works. We have several land masses now and only one holds the promise of buried treasure.

Someone above pointed out that these systems as envisioned and in practice are unique to uo. Now, I'm not saying that they need to be a Flagship system, but we should really play to our strengths as we move forward.

Either of these systems by themselves can provide hours and hours of entertainment for multiple players if we just make it rewarding to do so.

In my mind I see chests pertinent to their facet location buried throughout fel, tram, ilsh, malas, and tokuno, and much like the champ drops each facet offering at different tmap levels items that reflect the facet and difficulty with regard to rarity and use.

That is a LOT of coding and I am very hopeful that the use of a new client or "engine" will allow this model to be looked at closely.

Fifi LaForge

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Fishing and tmap loot are just sad and dismal, hardly worth the effort. Give us a few changes please.

Sir Morder

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Fishing and t-hunting has been like this since this game was started back in '98. Don't expect any changes soon.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Fishing and t-hunting has been like this since this game was started back in '98. Don't expect any changes soon.
Neither of these systems exist as they did even back when I started in 99. Upper end loot has been modified for both. What has changed even more dramatically is the loot available in other places in the game.

The systems have indeed been fed, but they haven't really been cared for on par with other ways to obtain loot. Therein lies the problem.

The introduction of replicas at champ spawns shows a willingness to look at loot tables and make adjustments where necessary. In fact it was stated at a townhall late in the last calendar year that the whole game from combat to skills and loot tables as well was due for a balance pass prior to the release of SA.

I do not at this moment remember the name of the Dev responsible for that massive task. And for that I apologize, but he does exist. What a massive undertaking!

Anyway, just figured on the chance they might be reading and making notes somewhere, I'd throw in my two coppers.



I recently returned to UO after a long haitus, and it was mainly because of fishing. I was taking a break from EQ2 and tried out WoW. Their fishing in that game reminded me so much of UO's fishing that it eventually consumed my thoughts in the game til I had to resubscribe to UO...just because of the fishing.

No other MMORPG has ever come close to the old tried and true UO when it comes to certain aspects such as fishing, treasure hunting, gardening, ect.

Fishing and treasure hunting is a hook (no pun intended...okay, maybe a little) that even as old as UO is, no other MMO has come close to in depth and richness. As such it needs to polished on occassion and flaunted a bit.

You can't let such crowning jewels of UO fade and dull. They're one of the few things that seperate UO from the other games.

I applaud the work done in the gardening aspect, but now equal attention needs to be paid to fishing and treasure hunting to keep UO as the only game to come to in order to enjoy such fully integrated experiences.

They may seem like small things, but it's always the small things that make for a truly enjoyable gaming experience.


But aye, since returning I've found and fished up 19 SoS's so far. My only keepers being 5 pillow and 2 pictures (pre-loot), 2 bracelets, 2 rings, 4 nets, the reagents, and the chests themselves. Everything else vendored, trashed, or salvaged. Glad I came back to scratch my fishing urge but at the same starkly reminded of why I went ahead and quit UO the first time. Fishing just isn't the game in itself that it was pre-AoS....