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Draconi please look atfishing and tmap loot



I know this isnt a new thread topic, but I just fished up 12 sos and I didnt get a single thing worth a damn. Please make fishing and T map worth the time. Being able to do that type of thing makes UO stand out from any other MMO out there.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend

Fewer but higher quality items would be a start. Along with level 6 tmaps spawning in Fel. I only know about fishing so can't really comment beyond that.

I'm hoping that now the BoS changes are in and gold is much lighter, the devs will be looking over the loot tables.



Lore Keeper
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Would love to have a reason to start doing level 6 maps again!



Would love to have a reason to start a t-hunting fisherman!


Crazed Zealot
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They've implied that loot is getting a massive overhaul. Now would be a good time to include the fishers and t-hunters in the overhaul...


... and new and fabled creatures... like Sirens...

(dropping sashes...)

Nyte Doombringer

Yes Yes Yes. As you say Treasure Hunting and SOS Fishing does make UO stand out. Please give us some really nice stuff. Better and different deco stuff would be great. Nice weapons. More monsters in the seas ect. Would really love some new aspects of TH and Fishing.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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This topic comes up quite regularly... I thought at one time they said they would "look into it".... that was um.... 6 months or more ago.....

Don't suppose it's high on the priorities with SA around the corner... But I for one hope like the dickens that when SA comes out... its not filled with a bunch of new good items that WON'T be available on any MIB or T-Map...

Seems to me that if I get a T-Map off of Miasma.... which I typically do.... that the chest should have some good stuff that has some ML items in it... but NOOO ....

Also would it be sooo horrible to include ML Mini-arties in the chests? Especially since 80% of the lvl 6 maps come from ML creatures ie Miasma....

Also if I spend 20 min taking my boat out to sea to go and fish up an MIB... one would think it would be worth it... The only thing I ever get worth a hoot off of any of them is the gems.... which I toss in a box.... Sad really.... the garbage scrolls and things like that I sell to the NPC's but half the time they won't buy stuff like masks, Bone Armor, wands, and a few other items.... pitchforks... weird things of that nature... Which means that even if I sell all the garbage to NPC's... which I do.... you can only do that for about 90% of the stuff.... the rest is total garbage and gets dumped in the closest receptacle.

I don't see why we can't get chances at Tokuno minor arties, some unique just to Treasure hunting items.... Like "replica's" made just for T-Hunting.... some deco items like maybe some treasure tiles.... special gems .... Maybe some cool deeds... like the churchy looking bench some folk got from the Magincia event... perhaps some Unique books and stories... a chance at a special map in a dungeon somewhere.... that spawns some sort of wild champ or something... that gives cool replica's or items or even some new ingredients.... Anything at this point would be a HUGE improvement.

Maybe some special floor or wall tiles.... special rugs.....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am all for this though if they do redo the loot they should also obsolete the rune library's to all the t map spots and make the chests spawn randomly all over the map just so people have to actually go on a treasure hunt not a gate loot special as it is now.



My GM fisherwoman is bored and rarely goes out to sea anymore!


Babbling Loonie
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I've just gm'd my fisher/cook and already I'm disappointed with loot. Only reason to set sail is white pearls, and it's boring without other stuff to look forward to.


Slightly Crazed
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I know this isnt a new thread topic, but I just fished up 12 sos and I didnt get a single thing worth a damn. Please make fishing and T map worth the time. Being able to do that type of thing makes UO stand out from any other MMO out there.
Yes, please lower the amount junk items and increase the chance of something good.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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As for the monsters our EM on Chesapeake ran a Big Fish event and we even got to meet some new creatures. Maybe this will help when you are pulling up Sunken treasure better make sure the bones of the Pirates are in fact dead.




I pulled up 8 SOS's yesterday and the only thing good that I got is a blue net and the gems.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There was a hint in an interview, that fishing will get some love with SA. (Or was it after SA? Not shure about but it is on their list.)

Most usefull in the fished up chests are the nets. unfortunately, if you thrown them, best what you can get from is a mib.

One easy improvement would be, that nets thrown in the Tokuno-World would give a chance for a minor ToT. Maybe give us a chance to pull up paragons with those nets in tokuno waters.


Stratics Legend
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Lessen the items in the chests to like 1-10, get rid of miasma/grobu/anything else that has a chance to drop a chest non paragon so that a level 6 map actually takes work to get, and change loot to:

Level 1: 1-2 properties, 10-100% intensity.
Level 2: 1-3 properties, 20-100% intensity.
Level 3: 2-3 properties, 30-100% intensity. (Including sos)
Level 4: 2-4 properties, 40-100% intensity.
Level 5: 2-5 properties, 50-100% intensity.
Level 6: 3-5 properties, 60-100% intensity. (Including ledgendary sos)

Then add in ML, and SL items, as well as rare deco, or themed chests, and ML rare ingrediants like taint, and scourge.

T-hunting becomes worthwhile again.

Jirel of Joiry

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While we're overhauling fishing and t-hunting how about making it so you can put a boat in Gravewater Lake in Malas and fish there too! You could make like undead weird stuff come up there when you throw a net...hehehe Davy Jones anyone?

Kallie Pigeon

Do you actually get good stuff from fishing? I never do except the gems/reagents/gold/stuff to smelt down into ingots. Well maybe once in a while a bracelet or ring that is good.


Draconi can you please let us know you at the very least see this


Lessen the items in the chests to like 1-10, get rid of miasma/grobu/anything else that has a chance to drop a chest non paragon so that a level 6 map actually takes work to get, and change loot to:

Level 1: 1-2 properties, 10-100% intensity.
Level 2: 1-3 properties, 20-100% intensity.
Level 3: 2-3 properties, 30-100% intensity. (Including sos)
Level 4: 2-4 properties, 40-100% intensity.
Level 5: 2-5 properties, 50-100% intensity.
Level 6: 3-5 properties, 60-100% intensity. (Including ledgendary sos)

Then add in ML, and SL items, as well as rare deco, or themed chests, and ML rare ingrediants like taint, and scourge.

T-hunting becomes worthwhile again.
I'm sure the devs wouldnt use this verbatim but thats a damn good idea, I wish they would use something like this.



pls, no more cavorting clubs!! pls change the loot, worthless and barely worth it.


Crazed Zealot
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*pauses and puts on fireproof suit*

I disagree.

We need to break the loot inflation spiral. Not every subsystem in the game can be competing for "best loot ever!".

Fishing could be improved by simply having a collection like they did for the spring cleaning that lets all the "junk" fished up give you progress towards a long term goal. I'd also put in a pitch for conch shells to be craftable into musical instruments :)

Treasure hunting could use some unique ingrediants or collectables/collections of its own, but if the loot is simply increased then we're going to be back in the same round of complaints.

(another possibility in the loot rebalance is to make properties less than completely random - have some creatures / systems show a preference some one or more properties so that if you want luck, it would be better to hunt one creature/system, but if you want LMC you'd hunt/seek something else)


Signed /. Please look into those blue/teal maps that came off those spring tokens as well. They said that you could drop them onto your oarsman and he would take you to the coordinates. I don't think they ever worked right. I'm still holding onto mine but it's drawing dust on a cabinet in the house now.


Reference above post. There is also a strong possibility for operator error on that map. If there is a subject matter expert reading some guidance would be greatly appreciated.


How about some fishing exclusives, since the SoS's are much harder to hunt down than the t-maps. Maybe:
Sunken Ship's Wheel (deco).
Rudder of the Lost Vessel (deco).
Pirate Captain's Hat/Eye Patch/Cutlass/Dagger (arti hat slots, arti weapons).
Decorative Fishing Nets (like the anniversary ones).
Treasure Ship's Figurehead/Bowsprint/Railing that can be used to decorate your ship similar to house deco.
Pirate's Skeleton that makes noises when locked down and turned on at your house.
Admiral's Writ of Passage, single use only to allow a red character to enter tram/city/whatever for, say, XX minutes. No guard whacking.
Scurvy Tree that gives 5 oranges per day.

The possibilities are not endless, but there are many.


Seasoned Veteran
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/ signed

Back in the beginning.... many many moons ago, thats all I did was t maps and sos's, back when you had your sights set on vanquishing and silver weapons.... wow... the good ole days!

since returning to UO 2 years ago, I really wanted to get back into T maps and fishing, one of my first couple new characters I created. Then I found that there wasnt much use in them in the way of loot. Really just a waste of time, no real incentive to get out there and hope to come across that one high end piece of loot... its just not out there. So now I too have a couple of toons just setting there collecting dust in hopes that one day the fun of fishing and t map hunting will be revived!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*pauses and puts on fireproof suit*

I disagree.

We need to break the loot inflation spiral. Not every subsystem in the game can be competing for "best loot ever!".

Fishing could be improved by simply having a collection like they did for the spring cleaning that lets all the "junk" fished up give you progress towards a long term goal. I'd also put in a pitch for conch shells to be craftable into musical instruments :)

Treasure hunting could use some unique ingrediants or collectables/collections of its own, but if the loot is simply increased then we're going to be back in the same round of complaints.

(another possibility in the loot rebalance is to make properties less than completely random - have some creatures / systems show a preference some one or more properties so that if you want luck, it would be better to hunt one creature/system, but if you want LMC you'd hunt/seek something else)
Long post coming, sorry ;)

I don't think anyone (certainly not myself) is asking for uber loot. Just something like fewer but better items. Or nice decor pieces that can only be obtained through the chests.

A fisher or thunter has to find their map or MIB, find its location, then go to the location and extract it, in the thunter's case fighting off high end mobs. Then he finds what they're guarding and probably wonders why they bothered :D In comparison any PvM character can beat several monsters in the same time and get significantly more loot. So I think it's fair to say fishers/thunters aren't asking for too much.

Remember the days when folks did team thunts? In those days my guilds often did guild maps and we usually all got something from the chests and a share of the gold. When I first fished up chests I regularly pulled out keepers, but as the newer monsters entered Britannia, that loot became increasingly out of date and redundant.

As I said above, it's not about uber loot, it would just be nice to open a chest and find a keeper more than once a year :D

I don't think we need another turn-in either, the spring cleaning was useful, but I wouldn't want to do that constantly. Those things play too much into the hands of scripters, and sadly fishing can be scripted. Besides, turning items in would be more time consuming than selling them with UOA's sell agent. Unless you could turn in a whole chest of loot at a time, you're talking about a LOT of clicking :(

I can see the point you're making, but given the time even an efficient player takes to locate and haul a series of chests, bumping the loot up is justifiable and won't cause a problem. And so what if folks whine that fishers/thunters get something they don't? They can make a fisher or thunter themselves. Just as I have no place to whine about peerless loot when it's my choice to not hunt peerless.



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Something special, which is only found that way and people want, would be nice. Or even something necessary for the event chain. (and not only in the high level chests)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
/signed. I dumped over 200 level 3-4 maps for Spring Cleaning. I decided to keep most of my level 5 and 6 maps just in hopes they would be worth the hunt again someday Some of the monsters have been beefed up(Liches/Lords, Dread Spiders, Ancient Wurms) that spawn from maps, and it's high time the reward reflects the new risks.


Thank you Wenchy,
I think you have summed up nicely what we are all getting at.
Just something worth the time and effort we have put into these chars, and the time we put into finding and fishing/digging up the chests.
not to mention the mobs we have to go through to loot chests (t-hunters).


Lore Keeper
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They seemed like they were going to bump the loot like a year ago and it still has not happened.


Slightly Crazed
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/signed and /signed and /signed again :)

And ask Leurocian...we fisherfolk are very generous with people who show us some love!



The past couple days I logged my fisher on to try to get white nets for the ever eluding ghost anchor. In the process I did fish up quite a few MIBs and decided to do them. I did 53 SOS's and not a single item in any of those chests were worth me keeping. At least throw a zinger in there when I am not expecting it.


I said earlier i agree, I have a feeling (maybe completely wrong) that Fishing chest loot hasnt changed since AOS, While every other area has had increases...or decreases, it ouwld appear fishing/tmaps have not moved.


I'll agree with the spirit of what the OP said, but I'll add a couple of my desires to this list.

Since the market has dried up for the items that have been pulled from SOS's over the last 11 years, how about awarding something like 2 points for shipwreck items at the Library?

Maybe even something for magic items that can't be smelted for ingots/cut for cloth for 2-5 points for the treasure hunter at the Library?

And, while I like the idea of beefing up the loot, in order for it to not get too inflated, how about making them about as rare as finding the big painting while fishing up SOSs?

Just some thoughts.