*pauses and puts on fireproof suit*
I disagree.
We need to break the loot inflation spiral. Not every subsystem in the game can be competing for "best loot ever!".
Fishing could be improved by simply having a collection like they did for the spring cleaning that lets all the "junk" fished up give you progress towards a long term goal. I'd also put in a pitch for conch shells to be craftable into musical instruments
Treasure hunting could use some unique ingrediants or collectables/collections of its own, but if the loot is simply increased then we're going to be back in the same round of complaints.
(another possibility in the loot rebalance is to make properties less than completely random - have some creatures / systems show a preference some one or more properties so that if you want luck, it would be better to hunt one creature/system, but if you want LMC you'd hunt/seek something else)