There are no rares left in this game.
All items coming from last dupe seal forward are the rares.
Some of the RUBBLES might be rares but they were farmed to hell.
Im all for what ever new stuff they bring. It is a game. Rares collecting is part of the game.
And besides punishment is a silly way to look at it. Punishment is for doing something wrong.
No one is being punished, new stuff is just being added.
As for those "rare" items on atlantic. Everything you can think of is available over and over again. And over again.
My burnt rubble is rare then that stuff.
If you think there's no rares in this game anymore that haven't been duped I suggest you pay a visit to Manticore's museum on Baja and ORC's museum in Luna on Great Lakes.
I'm sure you'll be surprised at how many items dupers never got their hands on thanks to the people who actually COLLECT the items instead of selling out to dupers and renting their stuff to be duped like a certain person who sold his entire collection to dupers for $30k and still most likely retained a copy as part of the deal.
Re: everyone else
Rares are there to be ogled over knowing full well we'll never be able to get it which is why they're rare. If it was attainable every other holiday why the F would I want one? Do you see people clambering over holiday globes and stuffy animals? Didn't think so.
Leave rares rare and simply create NEW rares so the new players will also have an attainable sense of being a collector while always being able to reach for that far goal of getting a really old rare item one day. Rares shouldn't simply be turned off like they have been and left to the dogs to ravage and dupe.
collectibles companies always do this, release a limited edition amount of X item, stop production. Next year, edition 2 of this item is popped out in limited X quantity. at 10 years past, the first year limited edition items you can bet will be worth a hell of a lot more than a limited edition from a year ago. This is how it is supposed to be. It isn't supposed to be re-releasing something rare from 10 years ago and ruining the whole rares collecting sect of the game. In your mentality we should just make this game contain no rares and make every graphic available to players. If you still don't see the logic in wanting rares kept rare I suggest you actually take the time to read every post in this thread instead of scrolling to the end of page 2 and read the last 2 comments because that's what people are doing and the same questions and answers are being cycled over and over and over.
Stop wanting something easy and go work for it. Stop wanting answers now and go read through 2 pages. Same mentality, we don't need it in the game.