Well, that is interesting. I wonder if it is only broken on Siege?
Twist someone's arm to give it a try. I suspect it works fine there too, as long as you satisfy all the criteria. If it doesn't work with the silver amounts I posted, try doubling or tripling them just in case it costs more there. I do know you won't even get the faction blessing/hue gump if you're in the right spot and made something exceptional but don't have enough silver in your backpack.Well, that is interesting. I wonder if it is only broken on Siege?
For whatever it's worth, I just did a quick test with three characters on the shard where we still have allied faction and nonfaction guilds. Here were the results of a very very small test:just a quick edit: JC, your previous post about not being able to perform beneficial acts on Factioners if you're not in Factions, even if you are allied to them, is as far as I know correct......Some of the arguments made against these alliances are ridiculous. But, that doesn't mean their conclusions are wrong, just that the paths they use to get there are wrong. Didn't want you to think I was disagreeing with all of the facts you were presenting...I just have, eventually come to the opposite conclusion.
I believe that on Siege, you satisfy all the criteria but never get the gump. Honestly, that is the way we want it even though it was broken by accident.Twist someone's arm to give it a try. I suspect it works fine there too, as long as you satisfy all the criteria. If it doesn't work with the silver amounts I posted, try doubling or tripling them just in case it costs more there. I do know you won't even get the faction blessing/hue gump if you're in the right spot and made something exceptional but don't have enough silver in your backpack.
While you are at it please also consider including faction char walking thru two of the major weapon used in group fights, paralyze and poison fields, laid by nonfaction friends. Also maybe you want to include one that your nonfaction and faction EV dont flag eachother. oh yea and maybe one that your nonfaction and faction mixed necros can stand in the same spot and mass wither bomb and dont hit each other. Is there more? oh yea how about when your "nonfaction" mage fielders getting xheals from your "faction" mages safely hidden behind their fields LAID BY "NONFACTION" and when your "nonfaction" frontline mages take a death for your "faction" crew they can just run behind you and get a 3 second quick rez from anyone AND "faction" players with zero risk of be stated and will be back in full power in 3 second and start to lay down more fields. Maybe consider including the one where spellweaver using massive AoE EoW and TS and not hitting your own... how about some facts that using nonfaction mage tamers with GDs with fields laid at a choke points with GD on "all guard me" and dont get auto flagged by any of the super dragons when the "faction" hardcore players flee into your "nonfaction" fields. I can go all day... oh yea what about FACTION stealth archers standing and waiting in your massive NONFACTION fields just so when enemy gets low they can popout from those "NONFACTION" fields and "STAT" their enemies then flee back into "NONFACTION" fields again with zero chance of being caught by friendly fire...That is 100% false. You can not resurrect a faction member with an allied non-faction person. You can no heal/cure a faction member with an allied non-faction person. You will still get fielded in by energy fields no matter who you are.
I'm going to make a video showing this just so that there will be no mistake anymore. For people to keep claiming this is possible is just ridiculous.
But faction characters can heal anyone in their alliance including the nonfaction.- In Fel, the faction character could heal the allied nonfaction character. However, the allied nonfaction character could NOT heal the blue allied faction character and also could NOT give her any pets (tried with an ordinary horse). For both healing and pet transfers from an allied nonfaction char to an allied faction character while in Fel, I got the "no beneficial acts" message.
Other than energy field (duh) all other fiends can be used by faction and nonfaction guild in same alliance and not scratching each other. Faction reds can walk thru nonfaction fields laid by blue or red and dont get touched as long as the they are in the same alliance. This one is huge, and most choke point fights consists of para and poison fields anyways (at least for the better guild) so they can rush out and kill someone quickly if someone gets low. Energy field is only used to trap people in anyways.I didn't have time to test anything with field spells to see if nonfaction allied characters can walk through various types of fields cast by an allied faction character while in Fel. Don't have any red characters to mess around with.
It's no different than any other ally but an alliance by using this exploit gain some (many try to convince people it's minor) advantages in a supposed faction warfare.omg this topic again?
there isnt much diff tween a non fac & non fac ally than a non fac & fac ally. In both cases u r allied so u dont attack each other. only diff is u can heal & rez if both r non fac, but if one of u is fac then only the fac can heal or rez the non fac, the non fac can not rez or heal the fac char.
as the non fac ppl cant go into the bases, they cant help there... & im sorry spawns r fair game so it shouldnt matter there as to whos allied to who.
so some used an exploit (i guess ud call it) to get a non fac & fac allied, but soem have been allied forever before it wasnt possible to do it.
yes the exploit should be fixed, but I dont c what the big deal is to have em allied. Its no diff than any other ally imo.
That is 100% false. You can not resurrect a faction member with an allied non-faction person. You can no heal/cure a faction member with an allied non-faction person. You will still get fielded in by energy fields no matter who you are.Advantages are very minimal???
1. Can res up by faction mate and no stat loss
2. Can heal and not getting fielded in
Hmmm... very minimal!??
I'm going to make a video showing this just so that there will be no mistake anymore. For people to keep claiming this is possible is just ridiculous.
Ok nope. Everything is nope.Nope.My point is VERY VERY simple and CLEAR.
You mean the link I provided and you didn't? No I think my providing it in my first post on this thread has it covered.1. There is no EXPLANATION NEEDED AT ALL because this is BUG / EXPLOIT that Mr Draconi mentioned in the FOF CLEAR and CLEAR.
Do you need the link again?
Other than insults and ranting I don't think you really have one. Others have made the case much better than you have. Hell, I made it better and I am not sure I agree with you.I think you simply missed the whole point of my reply.
Though I agree with you a lot more upon reflection. Of course your posts are so bizarrely incoherent that I could disagree with you and not know it.
But if your point is that these alliances should not be allowed (current policy should be unchanged) then I'm coming closer to agreeing with that.
I had this one covered too....The way I expressed it was something like, that this is a game and the rules deserved some sanctity simply because they were the rules.Even there is "0" NO ADVANTAGE, it is still an EXPLOIT or BUG.
Actually not every bug has led to banning. If that were true, think of all the mass bannings of Fellies that would occur when you all go to Trammel and try to lure monsters on people. Or the use of various cheats and exploits which you all complain about constantly. (Though I'm wondering how correct most of those are, since I have been accused of speed-hacking and I move far too slowly to actually be hacking.)Now using an exploit or bug is bannable offense or not?
I dont think I need to answer you this question right?
Supporting a policy change on the boards is also not grounds for banning, far as I know. Cute of you to advocate banning me on that basis, though. I don't think I've ever quite seen anything like that.
Game: This is an exploit.
Player on boards: I don't think it should be.
Seriously though.....You need to learn basic reading comprehension a little better. I had most of what you're saying covered.
And if I'm understanding your incoherent ranting correctly, then I agree with you more now than I did when the thread began.
-Galen's player
I know...I know...you can't compete in fel so you resort to house hiding and complaining about the legality of something that has no effect on your gameplay. *sadface*But but but but my butt hurts. *cries more*
Please be constructive and refrain yourself from using insulting terms if people's "reasoned" opinions you dont find pleasing. Try to point out that some of my arguments being wrong if you like.I know...I know...you can't compete in fel so you resort to house hiding and complaining about the legality of something that has no effect on your gameplay. *sadface*
Go ahead and report me for trolling. While you are at it, please pay close attention to your posting and posting style. If anything your negativity and one sidedness effect the way others post. Hence my post nooby.Please be constructive and refrain yourself from using insulting terms if people's "reasoned" opinions you dont find pleasing. Try to point out that some of my arguments being wrong if you like.
Reported for trolling.
The norm is faction and non-faction guilds being able to set up a choke point against an invading faction group, the allies have free and easy access through that choke, the invaders obviously dont.I can tell you from personal experience that this "issue" isn't game breaking. With each example you state the extreme, but not the norm. This in effect skews any opinions that may be formed as a result of your *openness to reasoning*.
Well...this is how it would turn out then. If the alliance system was nullified then all it would take is faction mages fielding chokes...while blue chars walked inside of them.The norm is faction and non-faction guilds being able to set up a choke point against an invading faction group, the allies have free and easy access through that choke, the invaders obviously dont.
Now, the norm is also that when the invading factioners get low health the protected(by the non-faction meatshield) will rush out and attempt to stat the invading factioners putting them out of the fight for 20mins.
If any of the Meatshields die the norm will be a res from the protected factioners and back to fielding.
This is the norm in most fighting these days(despise faction bases, harries) and that cant be disputed.
When the alliance is broken this wont happen, these guilds will have to adapt and come up with a new tactic, rather than cheap tactics to put others out of the fight for an extensive period(20mins = despise start to finish and back up to level 2maybe 3).
Yes, disbanning alliances IS INDEED a moot point and therefor the idea should just be scrapped.I dont care about stat on my faction chars, as the do faction fighting.
The norm for these fights, is NOT faction fighting. It is spawning and harrowers. That is fact.
Yes the blues could walk through fields however the majority of factioners(at least on GL anyways) are red as well...due to the fact they dont "faction fight" they spawn. So that argument is really a mute point.
Again, this is not a faction issue...but rather an issue with friendly fire. Second, spawns and choke point fighting are not faction issues...they are spawning issues. Third, if you are crashing or running a spawn and dont want to go into stat loss...use red chars or blue spawners.I still dont see, nor has anyone made a valid point as to why they should be allowed to keep them???
If it doesnt affect peoples gameplay as its faction fighting, then why are there faction alliances roaming the spawns???
So, if it IS indeed only faction fighting why do they need an alliance with a non-faction???
There is no logical answer except they are looking to exploit the system.
You went on about the "norm" in an earlier post...Everyone knows the NORM is for faction guilds to spawn, not faction fight...hell the majority on almost every shard dont give a flying **** about the sigs, they want the arties to use for PvP.Again, this is not a faction issue...but rather an issue with friendly fire. Second, spawns and choke point fighting are not faction issues...they are spawning issues. Third, if you are crashing or running a spawn and dont want to go into stat loss...use red chars or blue spawners.
Also, there is no exploit here, only legal use of implemented game mechanics. (see grandfathered homes for another example of this.)
Many things in this game can be perceived as liked or disliked. In this situation you (and others) choose to mix what ifs, hypotheticals, and non similar issues into one big grouping...which essentially nullifies any reasonable debate on the issue.You went on about the "norm" in an earlier post...Everyone knows the NORM is for faction guilds to spawn, not faction fight...hell the majority on almost every shard dont give a flying **** about the sigs, they want the arties to use for PvP.
If they didnt then why on every shard would the majority of the pvp guilds be factions?
All the while they are being used with non-faction allies to take and hold spawns and grinders they are an issue outside of "factions".
And, no exploit?? So Draconi is wrong?? Is that what your saying??
He's already stated they are exploited alliances.
Also, your "argument" makes no sense, if your worried about "faction" issues...then why are NON-FACTION GUILDS allies?They are not a "faction" issue either
Ok nope. Everything is nope.
Do you understand what this sentence mean?
Can't you step aside and wait for it to be FIXED? ^__^
Thank you.
You're a bit late, mod. The insults started 2 days ago, assuming it still counts when I'm the target.Chill folks. Focus on the discussion, not on perceptions of each other. Thanks.
Rich you've been spot on. If it wasn't a big deal then no one would be crying to defend this "bug" as draconi said.You went on about the "norm" in an earlier post...Everyone knows the NORM is for faction guilds to spawn, not faction fight...hell the majority on almost every shard dont give a flying **** about the sigs, they want the arties to use for PvP.
If they didnt then why on every shard would the majority of the pvp guilds be factions?
All the while they are being used with non-faction allies to take and hold spawns and grinders they are an issue outside of "factions".
And, no exploit?? So Draconi is wrong?? Is that what your saying??
He's already stated they are exploited alliances.
Also, your "argument" makes no sense, if your worried about "faction" issues...then why are NON-FACTION GUILDS allies?They are not a "faction" issue either
Just put me on ignore; you don't actually read my posts anyway, or if you do you don't understand them.
If you did you'd see that I changed my mind.
-Galen's player
all pvp is item v item. If you disagree you're drunk or never played skill based UO..
As for the alliance system. Blue guilds should not be allowed to ally oj guilds.
The major examples being HoT/Heat on atlantic exploiting this system and L*D/Meatshields alliance on legends exploiting this system.
So you would punish an entire group of people who would like to play together simply because they have a poor leader? of course then the leader of the guild usually holds gm in both allied guilds and this of course means more than one account, so really....you are not hurting anyone with a suspension. Well I had to do something while typing this so I do not remember what the rest of my post was going to be *shrugs*Thank you for your support.
I would now like to see DEVS reply on when they would put in a publish to fix this bug.
Anyways, I would also like to see GMs ban or suspend anyone currently in thsi alliance status.
Because knowing a bug and still use it = illegal