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DEVS: (EA Chrissay) Please Read and Reply (Prepatch) Quiver of Rage


Green Meanie

If you have any questions regarding your quiver please page in and have a GM take a look at it. They are able to look at the actual item in game.

This answer was worse than no answer. And if everyone pages in to see if there quivers are legit or not by the time UOS 4 gms get us out of the que to check are quiver we will be loged out. And lets not forget we are going to have to page in like 4 times becouse the first 3 we will get a canned response and the 4 will give no answer with a threat to ban us if we page in for the same thing again.


If you have any questions regarding your quiver please page in and have a GM take a look at it. They are able to look at the actual item in game.

The answer is ambiguous at best; not only does it not directly address any issues regarding the status of the QoR, it contains information which contradicts that found on the UO-Japan support site.

In other words, a simple "yes" or "no" would be great, even a "we're aware of it and are looking into it, please be patient (while having your fingers crossed and hope the players would someday forget about it)" would (probably) suffice for the time being.

Hope to hear from you again.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you have any questions regarding your quiver please page in and have a GM take a look at it. They are able to look at the actual item in game.

Go collect your paycheck for the day.....you've done exactly the type of job I'd expect from someone working at EA.

Old Man of UO

WHEwwww.... that's a bit harsh Colter. I understand you frustration on this one, I am too. It just may be that Chrissay CAN'T say anything about it, not allowed to by her boss.

I do agree her reply on the QOR just created more confusion when it should have been a Yes/No/Maybe answer, but I am still willing to give her the chance to clarify it.

Der Rock

WHEwwww.... that's a bit harsh Colter. I understand you frustration on this one, I am too. It just may be that Chrissay CAN'T say anything about it, not allowed to by her boss.
I do agree her reply on the QOR just created more confusion when it should have been a Yes/No/Maybe answer, but I am still willing to give her the chance to clarify it.
BUT she DID,and she did not in the good way :(

in germany we have a spelling:
"Mut zur Lücke"
means something like: "bravery for the breach" i think

so, a simple "I dont know" would have been 1000 times better than what we got.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There was an issue which allowed some quivers of rage to have higher than intended damage modifiers. While the majority of those have been fixed, there still is a few of them out there with irregular mods. Players should not be purchasing these items. A fix has been written that will reset the existing bugged quivers to the normal damage mods and will be released in the near future.


There was an issue which allowed some quivers of rage to have higher than intended damage modifiers. While the majority of those have been fixed, there still is a few of them out there with irregular mods. Players should not be purchasing these items. A fix has been written that will reset the existing bugged quivers to the normal damage mods and will be released in the near future.
Brilliant answer!

Thank you Regine (and Chrissay).


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, thanks for the answer. It might not be what people who paid xx mil or RL $ for one of these quivers wanted to hear, but at least people who read this forum will know not to buy one.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you have any questions regarding your quiver please page in and have a GM take a look at it. They are able to look at the actual item in game.


Sorry, but that isn't an acceptable reply from an EA Rep.

Either prepatch/unpatched QoR are an exploit or not.

If unpatched QoR are NOT an exploit item, then please explain how EAs' patching process failed to work correctly, thus giving some players a distinct advantage over others.

If unpatched QoR ARE an exploit item, then please tell us why the owners of these items are not being banned.

I doubt you are going to respond to this in any meaningful way, but your lack of response will tell us a lot about EAs' attitude to its' players in general, and to those who find a way to exploit the system in particular.

*doesn't hold breath waiting for a reply*


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There was an issue which allowed some quivers of rage to have higher than intended damage modifiers. While the majority of those have been fixed, there still is a few of them out there with irregular mods. Players should not be purchasing these items. A fix has been written that will reset the existing bugged quivers to the normal damage mods and will be released in the near future.
Bravo *Claps Hands*

This thread has proved to be one of the most useful on Uhall for a while following this response.

Well done slayer888, down with the haters that told you that you wouldn't get a response!!!


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry, but that isn't an acceptable reply from an EA Rep.

Either prepatch/unpatched QoR are an exploit or not.

If unpatched QoR are NOT an exploit item, then please explain how EAs' patching process failed to work correctly, thus giving some players a distinct advantage over others.

If unpatched QoR ARE an exploit item, then please tell us why the owners of these items are not being banned.

I doubt you are going to respond to this in any meaningful way, but your lack of response will tell us a lot about EAs' attitude to its' players in general, and to those who find a way to exploit the system in particular.

*doesn't hold breath waiting for a reply*
Well, the OP wanted a reply from Chrissay and he got one. We don't know what Chrissay is allowed to say or not. Let alone what Chrissay does know about this issue.

Plus, Regine already responded with a decent answer :D


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Still, no one has said in this thread whether or not they are ILLEGAL. Do you know why? Because it has already been addressed. Only the bugged 50+ stone/500+ arrow quivers are illegal.

What you have been told is not to waste your money on buying one. That's not the same as saying it's illegal.



Still, no one has said in this thread whether or not they are ILLEGAL. Do you know why? Because it has already been addressed. Only the bugged 50+ stone/500+ arrow quivers are illegal.

What you have been told is not to waste your money on buying one. That's not the same as saying it's illegal.
The information so far:
1) The GM's won't deal with them (UO-Japan site).
2) The Devs will release a fix that "will reset the existing bugged quivers to the normal damage mods" (Quote Regine).

While I agree that they did dodge the question once again (albeit in a more sophisticated manner), I guess based on the the facts that the GM's aren't out there banning people and that they said they were going to fix the existing quivers, I would say, right now, the quivers are probably "legal". "Enjoy-it-while-you-can" kind of "legal" (although don't take my words for it).

As long as they don't mess it up and turn it into a detect-who-owns-a-prepatched-quiver-mass-banning fix, that is.


There was an issue which allowed some quivers of rage to have higher than intended damage modifiers. While the majority of those have been fixed, there still is a few of them out there with irregular mods. Players should not be purchasing these items. A fix has been written that will reset the existing bugged quivers to the normal damage mods and will be released in the near future.
thanks sakk.btw we miss u on atl=[


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There was an issue which allowed some quivers of rage to have higher than intended damage modifiers. While the majority of those have been fixed, there still is a few of them out there with irregular mods. Players should not be purchasing these items. A fix has been written that will reset the existing bugged quivers to the normal damage mods and will be released in the near future.
Thanks Regine for the detailed information and all supports from the audience here.

I think audiences should note and read clearly of what Regine just said in the last sentence ," exisiting BUGGED quivers"

Now I want ask all audience 1 question. Are you allowed to use "BUGGED" items in UO?

UO have been mentioning using BUGS or EXPLOITS items = violate the rules of conduct.


OK. Now so if you see whoever using a "BUGGED" quiver of rage, page a GM and get him banned.

That's how simple it is.

Oh nevermind... I think GMs would send us a auto reply again.

So nevermind...........