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DEVS: (EA Chrissay) Please Read and Reply (Prepatch) Quiver of Rage


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dear All DEvs and Chrissay,

Up until today, I am still getting hit by several archers on my shard with average of 42 damage per shot and 1.75 second every shot.

Due to the fact that they are using QUIVER OF RAGE (50 cold 40physical)prepatch to deal this insane damage that was intended to fix in the last patch.

Anyways, I would like to ask one question:-

Is it OKAY to use those quivers? If You say yes, I would go and purchase one and use it also.

If it is NOT OKAY, then please kindly state it on FIVE ON FRIDAY or UO website clarifying this point:-

"It is a bannable offense to use or own exploit item, and prepatch quiver of rage that ARE NOT fixed in the last patch is considered as an exploit item."

I hope something would be done here.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This pre patched quiver nonsesnse needs to be fixed sooner rather than later!

A select few archers on each shard benefiting from an overpowered item the Devs "Fixed" doesn't seem like something that was supposed to happen so it will be fixed, its just a matter of how long it takes them.

For the time being, please let us know you are alive and well and admit that things didn't go as planned, tell us your plan to fix this cock up and while your at it, let us know if those people who have these pre patched quivers are breaking the Terms of Conduct by utilizing them.

Get the finger out Devs!

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Long story short, they do more damage then quivers that are available to everyone who doesn't have them.

To clarify, we've got Chrissay stating that a bugged quiver is something that doesn't fit the description of a non-patched QoR.

Which means that, technically speaking, that thing isn't considered illegal until someone official states otherwise. As opposed to a situation where we know it's not going to become illegal. The matter is in limbo.

That is to say, players are worried it'll be made illegal the day after they buy one. You know, kinda like how you could get banned for buying items off a vender because they're illegal (even if they're indistinguishable from legal items).

The reasons for controversy on such matters are obvious. The reasons why we get no comment on them are unknown and aggravating.

(It occurs to me that the QoR is not the only item where "pre-patch" versions exist, though.)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I had about 8 QoR before the patch went into place... all of mine were changed, how did anyone get one that wasn't changed?


I agree with lynk i had about the same 8-10 some for sale on my vendor. Everyone of mine got changed with the patch. So how are these still even around? If they are legal then ****ing change mine back and redye them im pretty sure that was promised after they fixed them as well....


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Ok thanks for your post. But it is not reliable.

I am asking a DEVS or Chrissay for a direct reply on this.

The thread you linked I have read through and find no Devs replying and stating that it is legal or Illegal.

So again, lets wait for Devs or Chrissay to answer

Can we?


What makes you so special that you feel you deserve or rate a direct reply to an issue that the Devs have already addressed?

I assume that you feel the Devs have nothing better to do then troll these boards looking for YOUR posts so that they can try to satisfy you?

No offense but I am thinking that any Devs that may have stumbled upon your nonsensical post believe you to be the same tool that I do :)

Peace out :)


Now its official :)

Old Man of UO

What makes you so special that you feel you deserve or rate a direct reply to an issue that the Devs have already addressed?
BECAUSE, if you had taken the time to actually read the thread that is stickied above, you will realize that the Developers DID NOT address this issue. Go back and read the thread to learn a bit before you belittle someone else about something you should not have. Very Cheesy...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What makes you so special that you feel you deserve or rate a direct reply to an issue that the Devs have already addressed?
BECAUSE, if you had taken the time to actually read the thread that is stickied above, you will realize that the Developers DID NOT address this issue. Go back and read the thread to learn a bit before you belittle someone else about something you should not have. Very Cheesy...

1) I read the thread

2) It was not specifically mentioned as it was a non-issue. Had it been an issue it would have been addressed when the quivers were re-examined. Get it? RE-EXAMINED and still no issue.

Stratic Fanatic

Prepatch are legal for now.
Bugged hold more stones.
The sticky CLEARLY states what is illegal.

Prepatch != bugged.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The reason it wasn't answered in the sticky was because that was about how to determine if your quiver was bugged so that I could carry more arrows/bolts. There are alot of pre-patched items in game from golems, talon bites, windsong bows, to taskmasters. Some of those are still in game because the Dev's didn't go back and change the ones that were already in game they just changed them going forward, while others they went back and tried changing the ones that were already in game. For some reason, not all were changed and you sometimes run accross windsongs and talon bites as well as the quivers with the old mods. It would be nice if they did mention if they had plans on fixing those or if they are just going to let them stay in game.

Old Man of UO

Prepatch are legal for now.
Bugged hold more stones.
The sticky CLEARLY states what is illegal.

Prepatch != bugged.

I would greatly appreciate a link to what you are saying as far as the "Prepatch != bugged" by anyone else besides other players. For every one you show from players, I can show another that says it's an exploit. If you can show me ANY post from anyone at EA that says they are "bugged" and thus legal to use, I'll drop it. No matter how long you protest they are legal, and just "bugged" the question will be asked until EA answers it.

Same for you Goldberg. I am just asking for clarification from someone of authority, which neither you, Fanatic, nor me are.

Stratic Fanatic

....show me ANY post from anyone at EA that says they are "bugged" and thus legal to use, I'll drop it.
I never said that.

Bugged are not legal.
Prepatch are.

Are prepatch golems illegal? Are prepatch taskmasters illegal? Prepatch wildfire bows?
The answer is no.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pre-patch is always legal. It's a mere error of code that leaves some unchanged. It has happened since AoS with various items including several bows and talon bite. It is not illegal to own something and use something that is entirely legal and always has been. It is something that they CAN fix with a future patch to end any quivers which somehow went unchanged.

On that note, archery is still overpowered.

Old Man of UO

I never said that.

Bugged are not legal.
Prepatch are.

Are prepatch golems illegal? Are prepatch taskmasters illegal? Prepatch wildfire bows?
The answer is no.
As I said, you can't show me a single post from anyone at EA saying the "PREPATCH" quivers are legal. You just made that up.

Stratic Fanatic

Every prepatch item in this game is legal.

I didnt make that up :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I think people who don't have them.. or can't afford them... get all bent out of shape and have to create such threads because they feel they have a unfair advantage. Makes sense doesn't it? :thumbsup:


Stratic Fanatic

I think people who don't have them.. or can't afford them... get all bent out of shape and have to create such threads because they feel they have a unfair advantage. Makes sense doesn't it? :thumbsup:

Sure does lol.

I dont own one. I dont even play an archer. If people have one that a patch didnt catch than so be it.
If they used an exploit to make it not change than that would be an issue.
But I have various other prepatch items that were just sitting in bankboxes and didnt change.

If prepatch is illegal then they need to convert/remove ALL prepatch items from game, not just a quiver. But the quiver is the flavor of the month soooo.....

If everyone started using the prepatch wildfire with 19-22 dmg then there would be a thousand threads about that as well.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pre-patch is always legal. It's a mere error of code that leaves some unchanged. It has happened since AoS with various items including several bows and talon bite. It is not illegal to own something and use something that is entirely legal and always has been. It is something that they CAN fix with a future patch to end any quivers which somehow went unchanged.
On that note, archery is still overpowered.
You would think it would be a simple fix since they already wrote the code to patch the items once before.

It wasn't anything someone did that caused it not to be patched and there isn't anything a GM can do to fix the problem other than taking the item away and giving the player one that was patched (like that is going to happen), so the odds of someone getting in trouble for having the item is slim to none. The bugged quivers on the other hand were bugged because a player did something to them to cause them to be that way.

I doubt if we will hear anything about the items other than if it is ok to have them, because if they say their not planning on re-patching them and then turn around during one of these code clean-up projects and all of them gets patched then they would never hear the end of it. If they say they are getting patched sometime in the near future, then every week someone will post wanting to know if and when they will be patched and if they then decide that their not going to patch them, then they get it from the other side.

Old Man of UO

I think people who don't have them.. or can't afford them... get all bent out of shape and have to create such threads because they feel they have a unfair advantage. Makes sense doesn't it? :thumbsup:

Hmm, nope... that's not right. I don't have one of the quivers (I do have several of the pre-patch Windsong and Talon Bites), but I do want to buy one. However, I do not want to buy one today and have it nerfed tomorrow, or worse yet, get banned because were were "supposed to know" it was illegal. Like the "bugged" quivers that many of us did not know was made with an exploit... I bought several.


I had about 8 QoR before the patch went into place... all of mine were changed, how did anyone get one that wasn't changed?
I agree with lynk i had about the same 8-10 some for sale on my vendor. Everyone of mine got changed with the patch. So how are these still even around?
I think it was just due to some sloppy patching; it seems that the patch has missed all the quivers stored in the bank boxes and backpacks of characters inactive (or just did not log in) during the publish.


I think I'll be the one scapegoat popping open a gigantic can of worms here...

Found this on the Japanese support site:

Quiver of Rage は、過去にその能力を調整されましたが、一部の Quiver of Rage はその調整が適用されずにゲーム内に残っています。これは米国エレクトロニック・アーツ社が気付いている問題の一つです。

これは、 ゲームマスターではなく 開発チームが取り扱う問題です。調整適用前の Quiver of Rage を使用しているプレイヤーについて、ゲームマスターを呼び出すことはなさらないでください。​

My Japanese is somewhat limited (spent only 2 years working there), but I'm quite sure part of the article says
1) "EA-US are aware of the problem (that some of the quivers are not patched)" (これは米国エレクトロニック・アーツ社が気付いている問題の一つです)
2) "it's a problem to be handled by the devs but not the GM's" (ゲームマスターではなく開発チームが取り扱う問題です) and
3) "please don't page a GM regarding players using pre-patched QoR's" (調整適用前の Quiver of Rage を使用しているプレイヤーについて、ゲームマスターを呼び出すことはなさらないでください)
although nowhere in the article is the legality of the QoR addressed directly.

So yeah.
For now, it's just "please don't bug the GM's about the QoR even if you spot one".
I would love to know the final verdict on the issue though.

Good luck with this one, both the players and the devs.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What makes you so special that you feel you deserve or rate a direct reply to an issue that the Devs have already addressed?

I assume that you feel the Devs have nothing better to do then troll these boards looking for YOUR posts so that they can try to satisfy you?

No offense but I am thinking that any Devs that may have stumbled upon your nonsensical post believe you to be the same tool that I do :)

Peace out :)


Now its official :)
You're not helping.

You're talking $hits only.

Be more productive could ya?

I just need to know a CONFIRMED answer so I could go and purchase 1 of these and do over 40+ damage per shot on my enemies.

That's all I wanted to be honest.

If its illegal, then I won't purchase and at the same time, I want my enemies not able to use it at all. So its fair game.

You still don't get my meaning?

Read my freaking post again and don't even bother to reply. Can ya?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sure does lol.

I dont own one. I dont even play an archer. If people have one that a patch didnt catch than so be it.
If they used an exploit to make it not change than that would be an issue.
But I have various other prepatch items that were just sitting in bankboxes and didnt change.

If prepatch is illegal then they need to convert/remove ALL prepatch items from game, not just a quiver. But the quiver is the flavor of the month soooo.....

If everyone started using the prepatch wildfire with 19-22 dmg then there would be a thousand threads about that as well.
I got a question to ask you all:-

1. Why would EA/OSI fix the quiver of rage or any other prepatch items in the first hand?

Answer: Because they tested and know that something is NOT balanced about those things.

2. What do you think EA/OSI should do to the quivers of rage or any other prepatch items that ARE NOT fixed?

Answer: They should fix them also in the near future because they are the same thing that they treated it as IMBALANCE and shouldn't exist in the freakin game.

Try correct me, if I am wrong.

Otherwise, lets all just shut up and wait for an official REPLY from EA or DEVS Chrissay.

Thank you.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Found this on the Japanese support site:

Quiver of Rage は、過去にその能力を調整されましたが、一部の Quiver of Rage はその調整が適用されずにゲーム内に残っています。これは米国エレクトロニック・アーツ社が気付いている問題の一つです。

これは、 ゲームマスターではなく 開発チームが取り扱う問題です。調整適用前の Quiver of Rage を使用しているプレイヤーについて、ゲームマスターを呼び出すことはなさらないでください。​
According to Babelfish:

Quiver of Rage past was adjusted the ability, but Quiver of part Rage the adjustment without being applied remains inside the game. This is one of the problems where the American electronic arts corporation becomes aware. As for this, it is not game master and it is the problem which the development team handles. Please do not do that game master is called concerning the prayer which uses Quiver of before the adjustment applying Rage.
So yeah... Pretty much how you read it. They know, it's the dev's job to fix it, and the GMs aren't to be paged.

"Enjoy it while it lasts".


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sure does lol.

I dont own one. I dont even play an archer. If people have one that a patch didnt catch than so be it.
If they used an exploit to make it not change than that would be an issue.
But I have various other prepatch items that were just sitting in bankboxes and didnt change.

If prepatch is illegal then they need to convert/remove ALL prepatch items from game, not just a quiver. But the quiver is the flavor of the month soooo.....

If everyone started using the prepatch wildfire with 19-22 dmg then there would be a thousand threads about that as well.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Otherwise, lets all just shut up and wait for an official REPLY from EA or DEVS Chrissay.

Thank you.


Of course this thread is no different than all those other "To Devs" threads. Most of which do not have any replies at all. What do you think makes this thread so special compared to all those other ones to warrant a reply by your demand? IMO this is simply a rant thread, again, like a lot of those other "To Devs" threads.

But hey, you might get lucky, lmao.


According to Babelfish:
Hehe I guess I can't resist the temptation to do a manual (human) translation...

Quiver of Rage は、過去にその能力を調整されましたが、一部の Quiver of Rage はその調整が適用されずにゲーム内に残っています。これは米国エレクトロニック・アーツ社が気付いている問題の一つです。

これは、 ゲームマスターではなく 開発チームが取り扱う問題です。調整適用前の Quiver of Rage を使用しているプレイヤーについて、ゲームマスターを呼び出すことはなさらないでください。​

"Although the properties of the QoR were adjusted [in a previous publish], some of these quivers escaped patching and continue to be available within the game. This is one of the problems EA-US are aware of.

Furthermore, this is not a problem to be handled by the Game Masters, but rather by the Development Team. Please do not contact the GM staff regarding players using pre-patched QoR's."​

For those who are interested.

(An indirect way of saying "STFU"? You be the judge.)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hehe I guess I can't resist the temptation to do a manual (human) translation...

Quiver of Rage は、過去にその能力を調整されましたが、一部の Quiver of Rage はその調整が適用されずにゲーム内に残っています。これは米国エレクトロニック・アーツ社が気付いている問題の一つです。

これは、 ゲームマスターではなく 開発チームが取り扱う問題です。調整適用前の Quiver of Rage を使用しているプレイヤーについて、ゲームマスターを呼び出すことはなさらないでください。​

"Although the properties of the QoR were adjusted [in a previous publish], some of these quivers escaped patching and continue to be available within the game. This is one of the problems EA-US are aware of.

Furthermore, this is not a problem to be handled by the Game Masters, but rather by the Development Team. Please do not contact the GM staff regarding players using pre-patched QoR's."​

For those who are interested.

(Possibly an indirect way of saying "STFU"? You be the judge.)
Man, I have over 20 quiver of rages on two different shards saved up from a long time ago... each and every single one of them are patched... Just when I thought this whole thing is a big hoax I saw two with my own eyes. One in game one on a vendor marked as "not for sale". :cursing:


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I got a question to ask you all:-

1. Why would EA/OSI fix the quiver of rage or any other prepatch items in the first hand?

Answer: Because they tested and know that something is NOT balanced about those things.

2. What do you think EA/OSI should do to the quivers of rage or any other prepatch items that ARE NOT fixed?

Answer: They should fix them also in the near future because they are the same thing that they treated it as IMBALANCE and shouldn't exist in the freakin game.

Try correct me, if I am wrong.

Otherwise, lets all just shut up and wait for an official REPLY from EA or DEVS Chrissay.

Thank you.
Good post, your on point.

There's a good chance we will get no official response but at least these threads raise awareness and will be seen.

Funny reading the posts from the people who are fighting tooth and nail to save their pre patched quivers. It aint gonna happen, this will be fixed its just a matter of how long.

Old Man of UO

Funny reading the posts from the people who are fighting tooth and nail to save their pre patched quivers. It aint gonna happen, this will be fixed its just a matter of how long.
You are absolutely wrong about the reasoning (of my posts at least). I don't have one, would like to buy one if they are not going to be fixed and we don't get penalized for owning one. My preference is that these get fixed like they should have been... already too many other bugs in the game.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You are absolutely wrong about the reasoning (of my posts at least). I don't have one, would like to buy one if they are not going to be fixed and we don't get penalized for owning one. My preference is that these get fixed like they should have been... already too many other bugs in the game.

Im a bit confused because I thought we were both singing from a similar hymn sheet, so why you thought my post was directed at you i'm not sure.

There are others in the thread who I think want to protect their precious pre patched quivers ;)

PS of course I did already know you didn't own one of these because I do read through an entire thread before posting :)

Old Man of UO

Ahh ya, sorry about that. I don't get too bothered about Stratics posts anyway... most. :D

The one thing that makes the Quiver of Rage unique above all the other "pre-patch" items is that its use affects other items, meaning it gives increased damage output to ANY bow used. And ALL QOR's were intended to be changed.

Pre-patch golems, Talon Bite, Windsong, even pre-patch Nightmares, are different because it was not intended that the previously spawned items were NOT meant to be changed, only newly spawned ones. The "pre-patch" mods only affect those particular items and I wouldn't call any of them over-powering. The QOR's are different in that they were ALL supposed to have been changed, and they affect the damage output of ANY bow being used. This puts them in a different category than the others mentioned in this thread...

This is NOT the same, and it can be overpowering in certain circumstances.

Why was it changed? Because it was overpowering. So either change all of them to post-patch values, or change ALL of them back to the original values. If it is okay to own the pre-patch quivers, make it okay for everyone and change them all.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
BECAUSE, if you had taken the time to actually read the thread that is stickied above, you will realize that the Developers DID NOT address this issue. Go back and read the thread to learn a bit before you belittle someone else about something you should not have. Very Cheesy...
sorry engl is bad for me
btw ill try to....

in FOF some weeks ago they talked about BUGGED quivers... lot of people asked about this to clarify wich was the bugged quiver and wich wasnt...
they said u could have been banned if found in possession of this kind of BUGGED quivers...
two were the idea of bugged quivers.. one holding more than 50 stones or more 500 arrows...
the second was about prepatched quivers wich are 40 cold 50 poison resist instead of new quivers 20 each resist....

they said the BUGGED was only the first one (50 stone or 500 arrows ) so answer was that prepatched quivers werent ILLEGALS...
hope u understood it :D


If you have any questions regarding your quiver please page in and have a GM take a look at it. They are able to look at the actual item in game.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If the quiver of rage (pre-patched ones) werent giving such a huge bonus people wouldnt have complained. For stuff like prepatched windsong ect as you mentioned it only works on that one particular item and not on any godly bows you could get from a heartwood kit. Heck those quivers can ALSO work ON TOP of those prepatched windsongs

I believe many people are wondering about how "BIG" the bonus is.
I am not going to crunch out the exact number but this is roughly how big the bonus is.

Assuming a legendary archer (120 anatomy/tactics) using a HXbow and has 100 damage increase. his paperdoll damage (base damage) is 77-92.
For the simplicity lets ignore that 10% modified damage on quivers for now (this is actually the best damage modifier in game that unfortunatly only works for archers)
So 77-92 would translates into a final damage of 23-28 damage against someone with straight 70 resist. However with the prepatched quiver 10% of the BASE damage will be delt as direct damage thus not mitigated by resists and that portion of damage would be roughtly 7 to 9

Now we take out the 10% direct dmg from the 77-92 the remaining base damage would be 70-83 which after 70 resist mitigation 21-25. So with a prepatched QoR the archer will deal 28 to 34 final dmg.

Now we have
23-28 dmg (for using any other quiver) and
28-34 dmg (using prepatched quiver of rage)

Then we factor in the 10% damage modifier giving the final dmg a 10% boost:
25-31 dmg (other quivers) and
31-37 dmg (prepatch QoR)

Thats about 8 additional damage per shot for using the prepatch quivers.
How big is 8 "FINAL" damage? 8 FINAL damage means 27 BASE damage. HXbow has base damage of 20-24 Lets use the max damage of 24.
27/24=1.125 that means its as good as 112.5 Damage Increase (round it down to 112)

So the same legendary archer with patched QoR (or any quiver) will need 212 damage increase to achieve the same damage he can do with just 100 damage and a pre-patched QoR.

In this case it's a 112 DI ADVANTAGE (over the 100% DI CAP) for simply using one single item when used against other players.

So 112 Extra Damage Increase over the cap... big difference or not... should they be changed/nerfed/unified? You decide. :thumbsup:

p.s I rounded down the DI and used HXbow's max dmg for the calculation, its actually close to 120 DI advantage but oh well =P


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One more thing, with prepatched QoR a legendary archer can indeed do 35+ dmg moving shot, added in hit lighting and velocity it could be 50 dmg moving shot... To all 70 resists opponent.

That's a lot of damage from an inescapable attack thats chainable and can be fired at 2 second a shot. This is no joke...

Just feel like to throw it in there since recently I kept hearing people say "it's impossible to do 30dmg moving shot ever unless you are naked." Yet another false comment thats been floating around on UHall. :thumbsup:


If you have any questions regarding your quiver please page in and have a GM take a look at it. They are able to look at the actual item in game.

So if it's not illegal to own one, why page a GM.. to have it changed into a weaker version?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you have any questions regarding your quiver please page in and have a GM take a look at it. They are able to look at the actual item in game.

I am very disappointed on this type of answer.

It is because of this type of answer that not all players know what is exploit items and what are not which end up giving suspended or banned innocently.

The UO Japan site tell us DO NOT page a gm about it and it's a Dev job to fix it.

Yet, Now Chrissay is saying we should page a GM to look at it.

So again, I would like to ask you 1 question.

Why would quiver of rage ADJUSTED in the first place??

HELLO Chrissay? Could you answer me this simple and direct question?


Old Man of UO

If you have any questions regarding your quiver please page in and have a GM take a look at it. They are able to look at the actual item in game.

I know you meant well, but that answer just sort of muddies the whole question and makes me think no answer would have been better. A direct answer, as Slayer says, would be best.

Chrissay, check here please:
Are "pre-patch" Quivers of Rage legal?
____ Yes
____ No
____ We are going to patch and change all QOR's to the current value
____ We are going to patch are revert all QORs to old values
____ What's a Quiver of Rage?

Thank you! :D

Der Rock

If you have any questions regarding your quiver please page in and have a GM take a look at it. They are able to look at the actual item in game.

i expected a litlebit more clarification here.like a simple:
Prepatched QoR YES or NO

Der Rock

I know you meant well, but that answer just sort of muddies the whole question and makes me think no answer would have been better. A direct answer, as Slayer says, would be best.

Chrissay, check here please:
Are "pre-patch" Quivers of Rage legal?
____ Yes
____ No
____ We are going to patch and change all QOR's to the current value
____ We are going to patch are revert all QORs to old values
____ What's a Quiver of Rage?

Thank you! :D

I like this kind of humor,sad that not all do :thumbup:


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know you meant well, but that answer just sort of muddies the whole question and makes me think no answer would have been better. A direct answer, as Slayer says, would be best.

Chrissay, check here please:
Are "pre-patch" Quivers of Rage legal?
____ Yes
____ No
____ We are going to patch and change all QOR's to the current value
____ We are going to patch are revert all QORs to old values
____ What's a Quiver of Rage?

Thank you! :D
This is very SAD!

I started to think she doesn't even know what is a QUIVER OF RAGE.


My goodness... What's the difficulty to answer this question??? I really don't get it... HAHAHA

My goodness, we pay US$10.00 per month per account and over US$30.00 per expansion per account for this sort of bull$hit.

Way to go EA.