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-= DEVS =- Durability is drastically broken atm..


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According tho the multiple threads on this - it is happening to BOTH imbued and normal items, and even Frostwood FISHING POLES with spell channeling are breaking from spellcasting at range. (before, there was only a chance of a pole breaking, if the holder was in melee, and it was rolled for a parry attempt).

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
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According tho the multiple threads on this - it is happening to BOTH imbued and normal items, and even Frostwood FISHING POLES with spell channeling are breaking from spellcasting at range. (before, there was only a chance of a pole breaking, if the holder was in melee, and it was rolled for a parry attempt).
I just personally had not seen a change with my non imbued weps or armor taking more damage. So.....I admit being mistaken and gladly withdrawl from being anything more than a troll in this thread. Thank you. :pint:


It seems you are intelligent enough to figure out regular items are not taking a loss...is it just follow through keeping you from testing the rest? Or did you just wish to argue semantics here instead?

Reg items = fine (I can report no dur loss from unimbued items beyond normal wear)
imbued items = poop (I report irregular dur loss from imbued items will beyond normal wear)

hope that helps...

My posting of the huge durability loss is to a "regular" bow ... not even enhanced. So yes, it is happening to ordinary weapons as well ...

hope this helps ...


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend

1) My mage using a 19 DCI SC weapon casts any damaging spell on a Target and loses 1 pt of durability on the weapon roughly 50% of the time.. I cast 10 magic arrows at a guildmate and lost 5 durability from my mage weapon while taking NO other damage...

2) Titan's Hammer Whirlwind Character. With 1 Whirl Wind attack I've lost up to 5 durability in a single swing. This is durability loss over 50 times greater than what it was in the past..

3) The guildmate I cast 10 magic arrows on had some imbued items and lost 6 points of durability in those 10 damaging attacks.. 2 of those came off of his imbued bow which never did any damage....
Yes, durability is currently a mess.

It seems they tried to 'step up' the way things wear out by checking for durability hits on spells when another creature is damaged. Go out with a necro and watch your weapon drop to zero in less than 1 champ spawn.

Its an extremely poor way of trying to speed up item decay. Seriously stupid way to do it.

What SHOULD have been done is leave duribility loss as it was and change the repair chances so that when you repair you can lose 1-5 pts of durabilty.

That would allow things to still wear out faster but not so that you have to run back to town every hour to repair your stuff.


If the devs think champ spawns should require you to leave and come back 2-3 times to repair your weapon - thats just a horrible gameplay idea.

Its a rookie move to change durability like this and it should be put back. The intern with this 'bright' idea should never have been listened to.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Personally I think mage weapons should lose durability. But it is a tad too much now.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Ran a little test....

Spawn: Destard (Lizzie)
Start: Popped from scratch
Players: Solo
Template: Necro Mage in Wraith form withering everything in sight
Weapon: Pyros Staff
Durability Start: 169/169
Durability Finish: 64/169
Spawn Progress: 1st level and 1/2 of second level

That's just crazy. If I would have stayed - I would have been at zero dur right around 3rd level which is halfway though.

Thats just a bad bad bad bad change......


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK so from what I read...


-Any item that has durability is now capable of losing it both when receiving dmg & dealing dmg. This includes spell dmg.

-Dealing dmg to multiple sources with a single attack / spell makes MULTIPLE checks for durability loss.

-For Weapons what used to be a 5% chance to lose durability when dealing dmg is at the very least 20% (the percent armor's supposed to use ) now and possibly higher ( and a weapon is a valid result for durablity loss even if you don't parry when RECEIVING dmg..)

Some Examples...

-I'm on my pvp mage... I cast 200 damaging single target spells and get hit 200 times, and hit my Target with my mage weapon 0 times.

200 damaging spell = 0 Dura loss on Armor / Weapons
200 hits (non macing weapon) = 20% of them cause dura loss = 40 dura lost.


200 damaging spells = 20% ATLEAST = 40 durability off my weapon (@ range)
200 hits (non macing) = 40 Dura lost (of which your Weapon is a valid option which it wasn't before unless you had parry)

2X as much Dura. lost currently... All the extra to the weapon...

If you add in an AREA spell like wither / WW the lost of durablity is insane...

1 Wither hits say 10 Targets... and since weapons are at least using the 20% chance to lose durability that armor uses you just lost 2 durablity off your weapon in 1 spell.... Can anyone actually go START to Finish in spawn with only 127 Wither's? or Whirlwinds? Because if you started at 255 dura that's all you'd get before it broke... With the Way it is currently Any Area attack / Spell is pretty much unusable imo... Heck I bet lightning arrow on a magical shorty causes 1-3 durablity loss per USE.. if it has hit area of any kind just throw the weapon away you'll at least KNOW when it's going to break instead of being 1/5th of the way through 1 quiver and wondering where your bow went lol...

ANY DEV pls. STATE if this intended or bug ?



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmmm.. Yeah I ran a little test too...

400 Magic arrows at My horse which I healed occasionally... and my Mage Weapon 19 dci SC etc.. lost 34 durablity which works about to be about

9% chance you lose durablity.. I kinda split the difference between What's expect for Armor (20%) and weapons (5%) .... Maybe Rnd Num generator is off or My Avg just didn't use a large enough pool... Either way I'm actually ok with Mage weapons losing durablity when they do dmg..

It's .........
AREA effect spells
WhirlWind Attack
Hit Area effects

These attacks SHOULD not for Multiple Durablity checks... they are pointless if they do...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There indeed is an issue with items losing durability way faster than we intended. We are looking into it.

Eyes of Origin

Finally an answer! Now everyone can stop bickering back and forth on what was or wasnt intended!


Hmmm.. Yeah I ran a little test too...

400 Magic arrows at My horse which I healed occasionally... and my Mage Weapon 19 dci SC etc.. lost 34 durablity which works about to be about

9% chance you lose durablity.. I kinda split the difference between What's expect for Armor (20%) and weapons (5%) .... Maybe Rnd Num generator is off or My Avg just didn't use a large enough pool... Either way I'm actually ok with Mage weapons losing durablity when they do dmg..

It's .........
AREA effect spells
WhirlWind Attack
Hit Area effects

These attacks SHOULD not for Multiple Durablity checks... they are pointless if they do...
add momentum strike to that list


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There indeed is an issue with items losing durability way faster than we intended. We are looking into it.
Thank you! Simple communication that you know about it goes a long way.

Next up.... why/how people are completing the puzzle quest while sitting at Luna bank.

I had someone standing there by me making the puzzle solving sound and dropping rewards non-stop. Hmmmmmm No wonder so many 3.0 SOT's out there.

Eyes of Origin

I heard how this is happening, but I cant tell you how. I will tell you its bannable and needs to be fixed asap.


Seasoned Veteran
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Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

I also came back just to PvP. Can get some decent **** now for alot cheaper than before. For a weekend worth of work gathering ingreds and getting friedn to make me equipment, I am set up too PvP for months...guess what...I got 200m+ in bank...if nothing to spend on guess what...got my pots, aids, boxes, apples, petals etc. I dont play all the time just to replace gear. If came dime a dozen, no worries, but it dont!
What made UO different from bad PvP games (like WoW) was that gear did NOT matter.

A skilled player in GM made armor/weapons could fight anyone. Those using vanq weapons had an edge but that wouldn't last for long... just like now with completely overpowered items which break as fast as they should.
It is sad if they fix it, it is the way it should be IMHO.

Use regular items and only use über stuff when you're outskilled :thumbsup:

Eyes of Origin

Ok the problem has been acknowledged, but when will we see a fix for it?
I was training magery on a new char last night and the SC wep I was holding went from 144/144 to 0/30 in about 2 hours. :( Getting quite annoying.


Re: [DEVS] Durability is drastically broken atm..

What made UO different from bad PvP games (like WoW) was that gear did NOT matter.

A skilled player in GM made armor/weapons could fight anyone. Those using vanq weapons had an edge but that wouldn't last for long... just like now with completely overpowered items which break as fast as they should.
It is sad if they fix it, it is the way it should be IMHO.

Use regular items and only use über stuff when you're outskilled :thumbsup:
that is narrowing becouse of inbibeing and that gulf is closing, but becouse of the Dur and being weighted to low there is still a level between the regular player and the ones who have lots of gold a very noticable one.

If rings and braclets are everybody big overpower complent weight rings and things heavier, but realise that most PvPer are running with 3/1 high hci,dci,di rings as it is, for there dexers, and 3/1 with high magic mods for there casters so you weight it like now those with the gold still have a big advatage.

Geoffrey Blake

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I pretty much only use GM crafted weapons, and where as before SA I could keep the same kryss basically until i eventually lost it, just repairing it once a month or so, now i have to carry four or five just to last one night of pvm, unless i leave to repair. This is definetly not just happening to imbued weapons!


Slightly Crazed
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I used to farm trogs for gold, could take two soulseekers, 5 or so bags of sending, and work the spawn for most of the day. I would use 240 or so points of durability and switch to the second soulseeker, and run that one down about 50% on durability before I was bored to a stupor and left. I was farming trogs the last two weeks for junk armor to unravel. I took a full 255/255 soulseeker down to 37/255 in just over an hour of play time. There is no doubt something is seriously messed up with durability. Seriously messed up...........:(


here's something funny, my darkwood suit actually lost a few points in total durability from fighting in spawns. that's a first.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There indeed is an issue with items losing durability way faster than we intended. We are looking into it.
Thank you Sakkarah for taking the time to provide illumination. Many a toe was cursing us while we stumbled about in the dark.