Didn't Mesanna pretty much admit she used the "Mr. Slicey" (think about it) program during one of the M&Gs last year?
That was an unscheduled meeting that had to do with the governor's at the time.
I'm not sure exactly how the conversation got to this point, but we got to talking about how many people were "Clean" (meaning everyone there (~10-12 people) that haven't used any "Illegal Programs"), she said "Wow, more than I thought", 2 people were clean.... she told me that I personally, haven't used ****uo since 2008. which is very likely true.
I then told her that I use **loop to macro skills etc... she responded "I use it too", which I thought was interesting to say the least... a program that can play a macro on a set timer repeatedly.
Someone else that was at the meeting, said they were currently using **St**m.
I believe that particular person has quit playing UO for the time being. but some people that knew who they were, said that they were banned. This was quite a while after said meeting occurred.
so whatever happened, was not a direct result of what they had said in the meeting.
Just because the Producer/Devs don't know how to handle this situation doesn't mean it's "Okay to Cheat" and take advantage of it.
Everyone here (or most of us, myself included at one point or another) think that they're avoiding the situation by not banning the offenders. possibly due to how much money could potentially be lost as a result -We don't know if that's really what the problem is.
One could speculate that with the in-game store perhaps being successful enough, and the future plans on possibly having a free-to-play model, they'd be able to afford the loss of those "cheaters".
again, this is just speculation there's no way to know what goes on there unless they tell us.
In what they have said in the last few years regarding similar issues is very vague and it's Very open to assumptions.