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. Deliberately circumventing the censor filter is prohibited.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Blesh, I believe the disallowed uses is when it's obviously being used to insult someone.

Saying your dog has been going crazy over the neighbour's pancake is fine (since it's perfectly reasonable to assume that you are not referring to the neighbour's wife/daughter, but rather their female dog).

However, accidentally revealing that the neighbours don't really own dogs and it becomes obvious that your intent was an insult :D

Even if you are really tight with them and you use pancake as a show of affection.

I do have something interesting to ask the mods though, it's fine with the commonly known words, but what about saying something like:

I don't give dem Billy Hunts a Donald Duck. Those Aristotles.

haha, well aside from the obvious. like is it ok to say "that peerless run was bitchin'!"

or "that quest chain is a pancake!"

i also wonder if the phrase "wicked pissah" would be allowed. i miss that phrase.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I do have something interesting to ask the mods though, it's fine with the commonly known words, but what about saying something like:

I don't give dem Billy Hunts a Donald Duck. Those Aristotles.
There use to be and may still be a line in the RoC that pretty much said "We have been around a lot of blocks. Don't try to con us, it won't work"

Now having said that, then one might assume that the simple way this works is to deal with the Intent. If the intent, no matter how clever it is, no matter how entertaining it is, violates the RoC, then it CAN be treated as a violation of the RoC.

*Shrug* Me? I am always up for being entertained:danceb:

It would seen that if an individual is being entertaining, then it might be kind of hard for them to be mean spirited, harmful, wanting to hurt .....

Old Man of UO

Some of the User Names violate this rule, but those seem to be still allowed. Those that create the user names most likely know it. Just saying...

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I understand what's being said here about everything else (ie: the words), and I hope that it's adhered to and enforced evenly. That said...
There is no 'sex' in UO, let's keep it off the boards too please.
Not to make light of this situation, but you clearly haven't been among some of the more "interesting" roleplaying groups.


Pocket-watch doesn't have the same flow. Did I just circumvent the filter?

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
it was also Starbucks (Dirk Benedict) way of cursing in the original Battlestar Galactica series. Commonly heard at least once "OH, FRAK!!!"
The thing is, frak, like it's four-letter alternative that we're all familiar with, is a meaningless, nonsense word. Now, I know people will say, "But the other word means..."

Does it?

See, this is the problem with having a language with hundreds of thousands of words and then choosing about a dozen of them to get all worked up about. The only reason that these words have any harsher, stronger meaning is that we've allowed them to. Consider that on primetime television, you can now regularly hear the word pancake, but they censor the word bull****. Why is one worse than the other? *shrugs*

And that, in the end, is the problem with being sensitive about words. As a forthcoming Comms major, and a member of a speech team, I understand that words have meaning, connotations enforce those meanings, and so forth. But in order for a word to have power, we, each of us individually, has to give it that power.

Frak is nonsense. We know that it means to replace the common four-letter expletive, but the question is, in what context is it replacing it. Yes, it can be used to substitute for copulation (ironically a word that no one seems offended at all by) or simply for "Ow, I hit my head on a bulkhead!"


In the end, it's up to each board's moderators as to what is appropriate or not... but hopefully the debate over what is appropriate or not will never end in the course of humanity, for it is these very debates from which we gather the connotations of approrpiateness at all.