War Ultima...I very much resent you calling me a liar. That, sir, is a personal attack. What I described is what I saw and participated in. Perhaps you had a different perspective than I did, but I know what I saw. If you disagree with me please state why you disagree but do NOT repeatedly call me a liar. You do NOT know me or my personal values. Thank you.actually ruffie glad you are serious enough to keep replying and enough to throw out lies. At least one harry that i know in fact cop had to call in pas to xfire on us. maybe thats the harry you are talking about.
As for the Harry I am referring to, I know for a fact there were only a mere handful of us...5 or 6 at the most. I was in our vent so, I think I am better qualified to determine the numbers. We knew we weren't going to be able to take your Harry but were laughing are arses off running you hither and yon. I also know that at some point PAS joined in, and started attacking the Harry with dragons...What conclusion would you draw based in what I saw? Or perhaps you are talking about a Harry where I wasn't present? After all you did claim to do quite a few.
War Ultima,no where did I say that COP chased out SCAM. Please go back and reread the post. It would help if you could actually set aside your vitrolic attitude and not read into my post things that are NOT there. Let me ask you this? Why would COP even want to chase away people that want to PVP? Those that give us a challenge are welcome. It is FUN being challenged! This is not just my attitude but the attitude of most of COP We LIKE, no LOVE, to have a good fight.
Let me give you a great example:
There was a raid on the turtle spawn, unfortunately, I didn’t even log on until just after the blues and SL and TB and M had taken it and completed it. I was able to get there for the aftermath and went about pulling up health bars of the "enemies". I hit the limit of health bars within 2 min. I know its pretty hard for some of you to count but there were far more of you than the dozen people in vent. However! Cudos to all of you that came out and raided! It WAS fun even though the only dismounting I could do was during the exodus out or Del. I was sorry I missed the beginning. With all the excitement in vent when I finally was able to get on UO, it sounded like it was great fun. We love to win, everyone does. But a great fight is also what makes playing UO fun.
Ok, so we like to kill people...that is what PvP'ers do...but we don't get our panties in a twist and post personal attacks against those we PVP against. *Hint Hint*
For Sickshine:
As for PAS having PVP'ers in different PVP guilds, It is the reason my husband and I broke alliance with them. I think it is very important to be loyal to the guild you are with. As far as you rallying the PAS to PVP. I salute you, sir. I honestly hope that we see some more PAS at the gate and in spawns. You have many fine people in PAS. As far as some PAS people being in COP...who? Give examples...otherwise your comment holds no credibility.
My name is Ruffles...not Ruffie. Thank you