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Dear Developers,

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sometime when you are bored and caught up, with nothing to do (*looks and realizes there's no emoticon for "tongue in cheek*) ;)

How about checking out the bard coding, and make it where in Trammel area peace doesn't affect guildies/allies pets and summons?

And where it doesn't make guildies/allies peaced as well?

Thank you very much! :danceb:

Zyon Rockler

and add some cool new instruments, like maybe something with a low tone that's more in the background because some ppl seem to get annoyed by the playing of the instrument.

There is something that should be done with area peace because spawn tends to retarget and kill tamers and other innocents, but at the same time try not to take away the usefullness of being able to peace pets so they can be healed. An example would be: you have a greater dragon that is almost dead so you peace, the greater dragon runs back to the tamer and can be healed and then sent back in.

At the same time having all the pets pulled off every 6 seconds is kinda to much. Maybe have the affect not always work on tamed, etc...so on.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lets cut the delay time down some... Lil high on the succeed & wait time til you can bard again.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Area peacing is fine the way it is. The people doing it just need to wake up and realize what happens when they area peace (e.g., they peace others' pets, not just aggressive monsters, and the peaced monsters have a tendency to pick a different target when the calming effect wears off).

If you have people in your guild/alliance that don't realize this, maybe it's time for the guild/alliance leaders to speak up and give them a clue? And if these people persist in acting like morons and consistently getting everyone around them killed, maybe it's time to dump 'em out on their ear so they wake up.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I wanted to add another thought and a bit of an explanation so my previous reply doesn't sound quite so harsh.

People join guilds for many reasons, one of which is to learn how to play their characters better. I feel that a guild is doing its members a disservice if the leadership and guildmates don't have the courage to tell someone that they are playing their bard badly because they aren't thinking about the consequences of doing something. Area peacing is a powerful ability and shouldn't be used lightly. When I hunt with someone else, I rarely use area peacing and when I do, I always try to speak up first and warn and/or ask if it is appropriate at that moment. It's saved our collective butts a time or two when a peerless hunt went badly. But when I first worked on a bard and used the skill, I was a bit clueless and later realized I managed to get some of my friends' characters killed with irresponsible area peacing.

Do these people a favor and explain what they're doing wrong. That way they learn to be responsible bards around EVERYONE. I think the solution of not letting area peacing affect guildmates pets and character is a poor one because someone just making a bard and hunting primarily with guild and alliance mates may not ever learn that what they are doing is messing up other people that aren't in their guild or alliance. They'll blithely sail through a dungeon area peacing as they go and think all is fine and dandy because their guild mates aren't cringing at their bad manners. But their guild may end up with a bad rap on the shard because of that lazy/clueless/irresponsible bard.


But their guild may end up with a bad rap on the shard
Would that be a "bad rap" like P. Snoop Dogg Diddy (or whatever his name is this week), or a "bad rep" like Manny Rodriguez gave the Dodgers with his suspended, drug taking, moronic ass? :D

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow, some interesting answers to this idea. Didn't mean to start anything (this time :) )
just make the devs think about this anomaly.
I can cast firefields without damaging a mate, pet, or summons.
I can cast meteor swarm and chain lightning, without damaging any of the above.
Wither, Holy Light, not a problem.

So I don't understand why area peace stops all the guildies from fighting, all the pets tend to slack off, EVs tend to just wander around stupid for a bit...
to me it doesn't make sense, hope for some answer from someone with an EA/Mythic badge :)

Zyon Rockler

Area peacing is fine the way it is. The people doing it just need to wake up and realize what happens when they area peace (e.g., they peace others' pets, not just aggressive monsters, and the peaced monsters have a tendency to pick a different target when the calming effect wears off).

If you have people in your guild/alliance that don't realize this, maybe it's time for the guild/alliance leaders to speak up and give them a clue? And if these people persist in acting like morons and consistently getting everyone around them killed, maybe it's time to dump 'em out on their ear so they wake up.
I think your missing the point. It's almost as if your saying that the tamer is more important than the bard, or that the tamer has more right than the bard. The way things are now the bard controls your pet as well as the spawn and the boss. The problem is the tamers don't know how to work with the bard, not the other way around as you quoted.

What happens is, tamers have their pets go in on a boss and then get behind their pets to heal with bandages. When the boss gets peaced to take it off of an innocent to save their life, the boss turns on the tamer because they are standing right there by the boss. This is really what the problem is.

If the tamer was back, far away like the bard and casting heal rather than bandaging with vet they would not get targeted.

In all due respect when you have a bard, tamers actually become obsolete because EVs can be used. This turns pets into meat shields, essentially buying time for other skilled characters to defeat the spawn. 'Cause when a peacer peaces your pet stops, so it's more important to have EVs or well equipped melee fighters IMO.

So, I don't think the bard should have to cater to any other skill. If you don't like the fact that a bard controls your pet then get something that can't be controlled, like a mage or a fighter or just make a bard.

Like I said, Having all tamed pets run from the boss every time you play music must be a pain to the tamers but you have to remember every time a bard plays they are controlling whether or not someone dies.

Arch Magus

Bards and tamers complaining about each other.

But when working together they are the most powerful PVM in the game.
*scratches head*


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wife and I both have bard tamers. I kinda like the way area peace works right now. Best template to play when your lag sucks since your pet has 0 lag.

The area peace ability saved our guilded bacons more than once due to targetting accidents :D

Also useful when training pets.

Besides, it takes only a sec to re-target.

Area peace can also prevent players from noto-killing others via auto-defend. (if the noto-killing trick still works at all...)

Arch Magus

Wife and I both have bard tamers. I kinda like the way area peace works right now. Best template to play when your lag sucks since your pet has 0 lag.

The area peace ability saved our guilded bacons more than once due to targetting accidents :D

Also useful when training pets.

Besides, it takes only a sec to re-target.

Area peace can also prevent players from noto-killing others via auto-defend. (if the noto-killing trick still works at all...)
what's noto-killing?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's an old term, noto is short for notoriety. A better description is for noto-killing or noto-pks is when blues attacked/killed reds and greys while remaining blue themselves.

Later also used to describe situations where you can turn someone grey to you so that you can attack them. You remain blue to them so they can't call guards on you. But if they war you and attack back, they become criminals. Then guards can be called on them.

Arch Magus

kinda like how I wait for a blue to attack me at guard zone?
I don't really understand why it's called Notoriety killing though...

thanks Harlequin


I personaly think the only issues with bards are that,

direct peace has basically become useless now due to the 140barding requirement of high end mobs.

Same with provoke and disco.

Also, Blues discording Blue pets/red pets should be an aggresive act and suffer the same flagging rules. Peace shouldnt follow the same rules, also im not sure if you can but pets should be able to be provoked onto spawn/players(have to come up with some way to block this though...otherwise would be way too overpowered!)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To Magus:

Np :)

Yes, something like that. But in my original post where I mentioned noto-killing, I was actually referring to a certain bug that has to do with auto-defend while both players are blue to everyone else (and in some cases, to each other as well). The victim can't call guards or attack back - or rather, if he attacks back, he becomes a criminal.

[Begin somewhat lengthy story]
Back in the beginning, there was no fame and karma system like now. Being blue/grey/red, great lord/dread lord, all this is just known as notoriety.

Because attacking a blue player would result in you losing notoriety, there was a group of pks that specifically attacked greys and reds. This way, the pks would remain blue.

Some players would also intentionally walk into your field spells and such to turn you grey. Which would allow them to attack you without losing notoriety. Allowing them to remain blue as well.

Under the new fame & karma system now, the term noto-killing has somewhat grown to cover instances when pks attack you without suffering consquences. Like the bug example I gave on top.

Hope that explains it better.

Arch Magus

Thanks for the lengthy history lesson. I understand what you are talking about now. appreciated. :D

UO must have been way cooler back then (that's what I always imagined) .

Bombastic Fail

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Would that be a "bad rap" like P. Snoop Dogg Diddy (or whatever his name is this week), or a "bad rep" like Manny Rodriguez gave the Dodgers with his suspended, drug taking, moronic ass? :D
For correction's sake; its snoop doggy dog/p diddy and manny ramirez/alex rodriguez =p

it jus so happens; rap music is my one of my top listened to musics; and baseball is my favorite sport :p

Arch Magus

For correction's sake; its snoop doggy dog/p diddy and manny ramirez/alex rodriguez =p

it jus so happens; rap music is my one of my top listened to musics; and baseball is my favorite sport :p
And Conor made himself look a fool. lol.
yeah I noticed earlier....


For correction's sake; its snoop doggy dog/p diddy and manny ramirez/alex rodriguez =p

it jus so happens; rap music is my one of my top listened to musics; and baseball is my favorite sport :p
And Conor made himself look a fool. lol.
yeah I noticed earlier....
Not paticularly. It just shows how much attention I pay to garbage music and overpaid, underworked, pampered, overgrown kids that throw a fit when they're not making $50,000,000 per game; that throw it all away because they think they're above everyone else in their actions. Besides, the point was poking fun at Tina because of her spelling error, which obviously worked just fine since you 2 understood it.

So.....point made....:next:


So in other words, trolling.
Sorry, but you couldn't be more wrong if you tried. Tina's a friend, and it was good natured fun.

We do have some nice consolation prizes for you though. Try our new board game! Bob, tell him what he's won! :dunce:

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think your missing the point. It's almost as if your saying that the tamer is more important than the bard, or that the tamer has more right than the bard. The way things are now the bard controls your pet as well as the spawn and the boss. The problem is the tamers don't know how to work with the bard, not the other way around as you quoted.

What happens is, tamers have their pets go in on a boss and then get behind their pets to heal with bandages. When the boss gets peaced to take it off of an innocent to save their life, the boss turns on the tamer because they are standing right there by the boss. This is really what the problem is.

If the tamer was back, far away like the bard and casting heal rather than bandaging with vet they would not get targeted.

In all due respect when you have a bard, tamers actually become obsolete because EVs can be used. This turns pets into meat shields, essentially buying time for other skilled characters to defeat the spawn. 'Cause when a peacer peaces your pet stops, so it's more important to have EVs or well equipped melee fighters IMO.

So, I don't think the bard should have to cater to any other skill. If you don't like the fact that a bard controls your pet then get something that can't be controlled, like a mage or a fighter or just make a bard.

Like I said, Having all tamed pets run from the boss every time you play music must be a pain to the tamers but you have to remember every time a bard plays they are controlling whether or not someone dies.
I guess you know it all. I only have .....hmmm.....*stops to count*.....(let's see now...Great Lakes one, Atlantic two, Legends two, Sonoma one, Napa one, Oceania two, Pacific one, Baja one, Origin one, Lake Austin one, Lake Superior one, Europa one, Yamato one)...*counts on fingers*...16 peace tamers.

Yeah, I know nothing about bards and tamers working together.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But their guild may end up with a bad rap on the shard
Would that be a "bad rap" like P. Snoop Dogg Diddy (or whatever his name is this week), or a "bad rep" like Manny Rodriguez gave the Dodgers with his suspended, drug taking, moronic ass? :D
Okay you....you made me go find a slang dictionary to prove to myself I didn't use the term "bad rap" incorrectly. Was going to tease you about it in ICQ but ....but.....this is more fun! (You know how I love to put links in my posts.)

*Googles "jargon dictionary."*

*Tries the Urban Dictionary....* A video to play. Ummm, no thanks. Who is that anyway? Bad rapper, I guess.

*Tries the Ridiculous Business Jargon Dictionary.* Says they've never heard the term. Pfffffffffft!! What do they know?!*

*Googles slang dictionary.* This should be a fun trip.

*Jumps to the Slangsite....* Looking.... Looking..... Nada. Blech.

*Growls mentally at Connor for this rude wake-up task.*

*Tries the Probert Encyclopedia, a "comprehensive online dictionary of over 16000 English language slang and dialect terms from around the world and through the ages." * "Sorry, we can't find any articles containing that phrase!" *Stares at the monitor in disbelief.* Oh my gosh....who are you people????

*Tries the Internet Slang Translator.* Bad rap = bad rap. *Scratches head.* Aha! Click the little tab for the Slang Dictionary. *Sits up straighter. * Here we go!! "We didn't find any matches for 'bad rap.'" *Squints at the monitor through narrowed eyes.*

*Back to Google to try a new term.* "Bad rap" should do it. *Sees "Is it 'Bad Rap' or 'Bad Wrap'? A brief examination of the correct grammatical use and origins of the phrase 'bad rap.' The purpose being to provide research based confirmation of its ..."* Ahhhhhhhhhhhh..... *Somewhat triumphant grin....malicious giggle....* Poor Connor. Hehe.

Connor, my dear, go make sure you've had your coffee. For your reading pleasure, I give you: http://hubpages.com/hub/Is-it-Bad-Rap-or-Bad-Wrap .

Zyon Rockler

I never said you weren't good at being a bard or a tamer. This is not something to take personally. Until ppl learn to work together as a team ppl are going to die.

In my guild we do what we can to support each other, as far as healing and watching as many lifebars as possible. In theory everyone is after the same goal and to accomplish the goal it's best to try to keep everyone alive, even the weak that have no idea what they are doing. Some day they may be our best players.

This allows all of us to become one power or force and makes it much easier to overcome what seems to be impossible. One man cannot do this alone. We all need to pull as many lifebars as possible and work with each other, so we know how we react and the types of skills we use. So, it is up to the experienced players and ppl who plan on playing UO for many many more years or other online games like it to come together and focus their efforts.

And I don't think it's fair that you consider me a know it all. I am just a man who is trying to learn how to make this world better and as it changes so must the way I think.

Knowledge is not something you know it is something you behold.


Okay you....you made me go find a slang dictionary to prove to myself I didn't use the term "bad rap" incorrectly. Was going to tease you about it in ICQ but ....but.....this is more fun! (You know how I love to put links in my posts.)

*Googles "jargon dictionary."*

*Tries the Urban Dictionary....* A video to play. Ummm, no thanks. Who is that anyway? Bad rapper, I guess.

*Tries the Ridiculous Business Jargon Dictionary.* Says they've never heard the term. Pfffffffffft!! What do they know?!*

*Googles slang dictionary.* This should be a fun trip.

*Jumps to the Slangsite....* Looking.... Looking..... Nada. Blech.

*Growls mentally at Connor for this rude wake-up task.*

*Tries the Probert Encyclopedia, a "comprehensive online dictionary of over 16000 English language slang and dialect terms from around the world and through the ages." * "Sorry, we can't find any articles containing that phrase!" *Stares at the monitor in disbelief.* Oh my gosh....who are you people????

*Tries the Internet Slang Translator.* Bad rap = bad rap. *Scratches head.* Aha! Click the little tab for the Slang Dictionary. *Sits up straighter. * Here we go!! "We didn't find any matches for 'bad rap.'" *Squints at the monitor through narrowed eyes.*

*Back to Google to try a new term.* "Bad rap" should do it. *Sees "Is it 'Bad Rap' or 'Bad Wrap'? A brief examination of the correct grammatical use and origins of the phrase 'bad rap.' The purpose being to provide research based confirmation of its ..."* Ahhhhhhhhhhhh..... *Somewhat triumphant grin....malicious giggle....* Poor Connor. Hehe.

Connor, my dear, go make sure you've had your coffee. For your reading pleasure, I give you: http://hubpages.com/hub/Is-it-Bad-Rap-or-Bad-Wrap .
You've got too much spare time on your hands today lol.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Zyon, I agree 100% you have to work as a team. That is why I don't think area peacing needs to be changed. If you play with someone who has a bard and goes crazy area peacing without realizing how they MIGHT be inconveniencing fellow players, then someone should get up the nerve to explain the situation to them. It is very annoying to be playing on a dexxer and have someone run through and area peace willy-nilly, perhaps just because they're in a place that gives them good peacemaking/music gains. It's also annoying to have someone area peace as they run by and all of a sudden your pet has a mind of its own and the monster it was killing is chomping on you.

I think changing things so guild mates and alliance mates don't drop out of war mode or their pets don't stop fighting when a guild/alliance mate area peaces is just taking the easy way out to solve a problem that could be solved instead by educating someone. It would do absolutely nothing to stop the problem of mobs changing targets when they are area peaced. It also does nothing to protect people outside the guild/alliance from being affected by someone's area peacing. Perhaps in Fel that's okay, because if someone else's area peacing irritates a person sufficiently, he will take direct action to "educate" the offending bard. However, in Trammel people don't have that option. They have to suffer the consequences of someone playing stupid because they either don't know or don't care. If it's the latter, I fear the person playing the bard really will care even less and cause more problems for others if a change is made so that their laziness or thoughtless ways no longer have such an impact on guild and alliance mates.

Leave area peacing the way it is. Teach the people who use it in a sloppy manner what happens beyond just peacing a monster. They can still use the ability to area peace when in a group and when it makes sense to do so, but hopefully only after they've warned people about what they're going to do. And if they need to get gains, they can go work the skill by themselves where they aren't affecting everyone else.