Okay you....you made me go find a slang dictionary to prove to myself I didn't use the term "bad rap" incorrectly. Was going to tease you about it in ICQ but ....but.....this is more fun! (You know how I love to put links in my posts.)
*Googles "jargon dictionary."*
*Tries the Urban Dictionary....* A video to play. Ummm, no thanks. Who is that anyway? Bad rapper, I guess.
*Tries the Ridiculous Business Jargon Dictionary.* Says they've never heard the term. Pfffffffffft!! What do they know?!*
slang dictionary.* This should be a fun trip.
*Jumps to the Slangsite....* Looking.... Looking..... Nada. Blech.
*Growls mentally at Connor for this rude wake-up task.*
*Tries the Probert Encyclopedia, a "comprehensive online dictionary of over 16000 English language slang and dialect terms from around the world and through the ages." * "Sorry, we can't find any articles containing that phrase!" *Stares at the monitor in disbelief.* Oh my gosh....who are you people????
*Tries the Internet Slang Translator.* Bad rap = bad rap. *Scratches head.* Aha! Click the little tab for the Slang Dictionary. *Sits up straighter. * Here we go!! "We didn't find any matches for 'bad rap.'" *Squints at the monitor through narrowed eyes.*
*Back to Google to try a new term.* "Bad rap" should do it. *Sees "Is it 'Bad Rap' or 'Bad Wrap'? A brief examination of the correct grammatical use and origins of the phrase 'bad rap.' The purpose being to provide research based confirmation of its ..."* Ahhhhhhhhhhhh..... *Somewhat triumphant grin....malicious giggle....* Poor Connor. Hehe.
Connor, my dear, go make sure you've had your coffee. For your reading pleasure, I give you:
http://hubpages.com/hub/Is-it-Bad-Rap-or-Bad-Wrap .