Lord Gareth
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Gaman Horn Collection Contest
July 3rd - July 12th @ 8:00pm ET
July 3rd - July 12th @ 8:00pm ET
Gaman horns can be turned in by placing them in the mailbox at the Communtiy Crtafters Hall in The City of Kijustsu Anei Village. Whomever collects the most will win the tournament and their choice of a *Rustic Theme Upgrade or a *Gothic Theme Upgrade. Second place winner will receiver whichever upgrade the winner doesn't choose.
- You may work with a team
- You MUST turn all horns in on the *same character
- The Community Crafters Hall will use all Gaman Horns as supplies for its crafters.
- No Gaman Horns will be accepted after 8:00pm ET on July 12, 2011
*The Rustic Theme Upgrade does not come with a Raised Garden Bed
*The Gothic Theme Upgrade does not come with a Chest of Sending
(Codes were purchased to claim the Beds and Chests with no use for the account upgrade)
*Turning in Gaman horns on different characters will be counted as separate entries