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Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
The Lady Vixen is stepping down from her governorship of the City of Minoc. The reasons cited are, her family needs her more, and she wishes the people of Minoc the best in this upcoming election in December. Get out there and vote folks.

December 1st is when it all starts.


Seasoned Veteran
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I am also stepping down as governor of Jhelom. I would support someone who could get some events going in the fighting pits.
Thanks to all the folks who have supported me as gov over the years.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
OOC ((I ran for the role play during the governor's meetings, when EM Bennu took up the mantle of doing a once a month event here and no meetings with HRM King Blachthorn the news just died here. No role play with the king no news))

Upon accepting the office a Governor may:
Grant a title to a citizen by accessing the context menu on the City Stone
  • Governors can only grant titles to the Citizen of their City
  • Characters may remove their city title by accessing the City Stone and selecting “Remove City Title”
  • Governors may remove City titles by leaving the title input form blank
  • Titles do not persist through character transfer and will be removed if a character denounces citizenship
  • Titles will expire at the conclusion of the Governor’s term in office
Open a Trade Deal with an NPC guild
  • Trade deals cost 2,000,000gp from funds obtained from the City Treasury.
  • The City Treasury can be donated to by dropping gold or checks on the City Herald near each City Stone.
  • The City Treasury is subject to a daily 5% reduction above 10,000gp to pay for general City Services.
  • Trade deals can be changed once per real world week and persist indefinitely.
  • Citizens may utilize the trade deal for 24 hours by visiting the City Stone and selecting “Utilize Trade Deal” from the context menu.
Trade Deals Include:
  • Guild of Arcane Arts: +5% Spell Damage Increase
  • Society of Clothiers: +1% Resist bump to all resists
  • Bardic Collegium: +1 Faster Casting
  • Order of Engineers: +3 Dexterity Bonus
  • Guild of Healers: 5% Bandage Healing Bonus
  • Maritime Guild: +2 Hit Point Regeneration
  • Merchant’s Association: +2 Mana Regeneration
  • Mining Cooperative: +3 Strength Bonus
  • League of Rangers: +3 Intelligence Bonus
  • Guild of Assassins: +5% Swing Speed Increase
  • Warrior’s Guild: +5% Hit Chance Increase
  • Buffs will not go over caps
Sit in the Governor designated seating at public Council Meetings.
That is the best seat for a reporter ;)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's basically an RP tool. Depending on attendance it can be fun. The very last Governors meeting on Legends I had my Governor character assassinated and die in Blackthorns Castle. It involved using a Wraith stealthing in and casting lightning bolt. My Governor character was giving his monthly report on Yew. Then he fell over dead while presenting a mysterious box. The Wraith collected the box and disappeared.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Congratulations on you and "your Governor character" for having a little event based all around you. I've never ran for Governor but I've also never thought of it as an RP tool. Is there RP involved ? Sure, but to me the Governorship should be about the players of the shard and the shard itself, not the Governor's. I also firmly believe if you don't have the time to be a Governor, don't run for freaking office. And you can also stop the "just select a representative for the absent Governor"...no, stop running if you don't have the time to stay involved. If the system falls apart because of that, fix/replace the system.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm with Garth on that. Be responsible. Stop running if you don't have the time, like Garth said, or just want a fancy title for some weird UO.... power trip or something. Some people have the voting power to take any office they want over almost any other candidate. Which, hey, that's fine if you're going to do something with the office.

To all governors (except Yew's) from the last term: Events and RP existed long before EMs. Blaming our lack of EM involvement for your own lack of activity is bull hockey. Did any of you governors from the last term even TRY to call a meeting? The King hasn't been seen in the better part of a year. That sounds like a pretty rich starting-off point for some roleplay and events, doesn't it?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay okay, I'm a lazy governor, I know. I also know I'm not alone, but what the hell, if someone else wants some of that Moonglow Governor seat action, have at it. The Governor's Mansion, however, does not come with the office ;-)

Sent from my XT1028 using Tapatalk


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
When we had EM Hawker we had monthly meetings with the King, it was during these meetings you would role play with the King regarding any and all events that were taking place across the shard. As for Vixen doing any sort of event in Minoc is really funny since it's a VvV town and she was a crafter who needs gate scrolls to move. Since all elections are now 6 months and we had no King there was no reason at that time for Vixen to step down.

Today was the 1st of December I hope any and all that are running for the governorship in a city have nominated themselves at the city stone and that a citizen of the city has second that nomination. Voting will start next week. Good luck!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Garth wasn't expecting you to be sour. It wasn't about me. I was trying to take a proactive stance. To get attendance up and participation of other players. Especially when it's the EM and maybe 3 other players

There are two types of people in the world; Those that wine and groan. Those that choose to do something about it.

Governorship are nothing more than an RP tool and a town buff. That's all the Devs are going to do with it. I guess on Siege it's just a buff.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
I am currently working on my platform for the run for King of Siege. I will announce a press conference soon. [It will be a practice run on recording a meeting.]

I want to encourage people that want to make a difference to run for governor. No matter how big or small you might think that difference is. Choose a city. Make a decision and make a promise to follow though.

I will follow through with my promises as well. We will be represented.

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am currently working on my platform for the run for King of Siege. I will announce a press conference soon. [It will be a practice run on recording a meeting.]

I want to encourage people that want to make a difference to run for governor. No matter how big or small you might think that difference is. Choose a city. Make a decision and make a promise to follow though.

I will follow through with my promises as well. We will be represented.
I fully endorse Kelmo for King, he would make the tough decisions. such as where to drink, which scullery maid is the hottest, and giving me all the cookies in the land.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe too early to think about, but wondering if anyone running has an idea of what trade deal you will implement?

Really liked the Order of Engineers that Drakelord was running in Minoc. Although an unpopular choice for many, based on gear, it was great for Savage Warrior stats with our limited armor/template it did general give us the boost needed at 120 healing to drop another second off the heals without expensive imbuing. Of course my reasoning is skewed for myself/guild but just curious so I know whether to recommend changing towns, find alternative options, etc...appropriately.

Maybe others can share whether they found that buff useful, but kind of guessing it may be limited to just my cronies and me :).
Last edited:

Blind Otto

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I wish to assure all voters that:
1. Although I have expertise in stone crafting, I have no intention to build any walls between towns.
2. I have fairly large hands, calloused from years of mining.
3. I do not currently operate a private pigeon coop for messages.
4. I will listen to your needs carefully, assess them, and make an informed decision.
5. Bribes are of no use to me. I just give them away to charity. So you may as well cut out the middle man, and give directly to charity yourself.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

The question was asked for you, not the King. The question being ~
Luka Melehan said:
and just -who- is the hottest scullery maid in the land?? taps foot

So ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I fully endorse Kelmo for King, he would make the tough decisions. such as where to drink, which scullery maid is the hottest, and giving me all the cookies in the land.
Colored the pertinent parts, as I said, that is for The Kang @kelmo to decide.


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Who is this "we" you are speaking for Freja?


Queen of The Outlaws
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Campaign Patron
The ones who are with me, the outlaws :p


Queen of The Outlaws
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Now you are making drama Garth


Queen of The Outlaws
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Not that they should vote for me, I was not the only one they could vote on. I know I should follow the Elections for the other towns or at least do it once a year, but I had not had the energi to it and no one had asked for it.
It took lots of afford just to make all put Safe Haven in their house sign, so we could get our town stone.
Vinny, Talia, Vic and Katt is member of the concil but as the town contain several guilds, an Election is not an easy thing to do as I have hard getting the words around.

Did i step on your toes?


Queen of The Outlaws
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Campaign Patron
Also being Mayor of Safe Haven and being Queen of the Outlaws are two very different thing.
Safe Haven Citizen are not outlaws or not all of them but the goal for the town is to make it a peaceful place with lots of shops and a community who get along.

I call myself Queen of the Outlaws because my guild was meant to be a RP outlaws guild, who wanted to share some fun with our victims. Now times have changed and there is not many outlaws left in the land but we are still outlaws in many ways.
Now not all outlaws are in my guild and some of them would never be able to follow my rules. I would love to see RP reds in my guild again and I would love to go red again but my hunting ground was the forest and there are rarely a soul.
If that should changes, I'm going to get my red color back and enjoy some evil RP.


Queen of The Outlaws
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Campaign Patron
While I as Outlaws can't support a King, that be Lord Blackthorn or anyone else, I do support the idea of making player runned Governor meetings.

I do wonder if all the towns to support this King. Are they all Virtue or are some of them Vice?
