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Chuck Norris



Ok, now for the REAL question here.

What is the deal with Chuck Norris and WoW? I always see him plastered all over and references to him and I JUST DON'T GET IT. Did I miss the memo or something?


It's just one of those things that comes and goes around.
<ul>[*]Chuck Norris is capable of photosynthesis.
[*]Chuck Norris has never had a surprise birthday party. He can NEVER be surprised. EVER.
[*]Chuck Norris does not love Raymond.
[*]Chuck Norris can lick his own elbows. At the same time.
[*]Chuck Norris can kick start a car.
[*]Chuck Norris doesn't breathe, he holds air hostage.
[*]Chuck Norris wrote an autobiography....it was just a list of everyone he has killed.
[*]Einstein's original Theory of Relativity was; if Chuck Norris kicks you, your relatives will feel it.
And you have brought it back around. :p

Chuck Norris Facts .com

Bo Riddler

Heres a question.

How far apart is Chuck Norris from Kevin Bacon. If we had to play the six degree's of seperation here, how far apart are they?



Like all of us he's only one round house kick of death away.

I have almost made a connection but work keeps getting in my way. I'll have an answer for you after work.

Bo Riddler

Thank you, I tried and got frustrated so I'll wait for your wisdom.



I gave myself two rules to follow in making the connection.
1: It has to go back to Kevin Bacon in Animal House.
2: It cannot use Saturday Night Live as one of the connection points.

I have made the connection and will post it this afternoon.

Ignoring those two rules I have an even shorter connection I'll post as well.


Here we go. Please forgive any spelling errors.

The long way:
Chuck Norris was in Lone Wolf McQuade with David Carradine.
David Carradine was in Kill Bill with Uma Thurman.
Uma Thurman was in Pulp Fiction with Samuel Jackson.
Samuel Jackson was in Coming To America with Eddie Murphy.
Eddie Murphy was in Trading Places with Dan Ackroyd.
Dan Ackroyd was in The Blues Brothers Movie with John Belushi.
John Belushi was in Animal House with Kevin Bacon.

The short way later.


Shortest connection I can make.
Chuck Norris was in Walker, Texas Ranger with Bruce McGill for one episode.
Bruce McGill was in Animal House with Kevin Bacon.

Remember D-day Simpson from Animal House? That is Bruce McGill.

Bo Riddler

I am truely impressed. I hope we have not gotten too far off topic but you are beyond words.... very damn entertaining!



Okay, time to be afraid. Very afraid. Of Chuck Norris.

It seems our friend Mr. Norris has a Christian Ministry. He even has a weekly essay/article/sermon over on World Net Daily (also called by some, "Wing-Nut Daily"). One of these articles over there actually discusses the "Chuck Norris Facts." In fact, in that article, he expressed the belief that people really believe these to be true facts, and aren't just jokes.

I kid you not.



On Chuck Norris 'mania' sweeping the Net

Posted: October 23, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

Have you heard of the "Chuck Norris Facts"?

There are more than 50,000 jokes making their way around the Internet that purport to be "facts" all playing off my movie roles as a "tough guy" and my history as a martial arts champion. But they aren't "jokes" to those who spread them – they're "facts."

Here are a few of my favorites:

"When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris."

"Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants."

"Outer space exists because it's afraid to be on the same planet with Chuck Norris."

. . .

[/ QUOTE ]



Ok, now for the REAL question here.

What is the deal with Chuck Norris and WoW? I always see him plastered all over and references to him and I JUST DON'T GET IT. Did I miss the memo or something?

[/ QUOTE ]

A lot of people like to take popular internet clichés, from sites like Fark and use them in their day-to-day lives, to try and be funny.

With over 8million people playing WoW, im sure some are familiar with the above posted site.


Chuck---jonathan brandis :sidekicks

Jonathan brandis--bruce willis :Heart's war

willis-----demi more :moonlighting

more---kevin bacon. : a few good men.


Thank the maker I have a Chuck Norris filter on my chat.


here ya go:

When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.

There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.

Outer space exists because it's afraid to be on the same planet with Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.

Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.

Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding.

Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.

There is no chin behind Chuck Norris’ beard. There is only another fist.

When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn’t lifting himself up, he’s pushing the Earth down.

Chuck Norris is so fast, he can run around the world and punch himself in the back of the head.

Chuck Norris’ hand is the only hand that can beat a Royal Flush.

Chuck Norris can lead a horse to water AND make it drink.

Chuck Norris doesn’t wear a watch, HE decides what time it is.

Chuck Norris gave Mona Lisa that smile.

Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.

Chuck Norris does not get frostbite. Chuck Norris bites frost

Remember the Soviet Union? They decided to quit after watching a DeltaForce marathon on Satellite TV.

Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy, it is a Chucktatorship.