Postponement of the "Bearly armoured Paladin" event
I never like bringing RL into the game... but I have to do it now.
I have lupus (as well as RA and ankylosing spondylitis and a few others). Normally, this does not interfere with game time, in fact it gives me even more(!), since I am on disability. But last week I developed what my Doc thought was a staph infection and she put me on a high dose sulfa antibiotic. I already take a sulfa med daily and the extra caused my lupus to think my liver was it's new playground. I now have a severe liver and skin flare and due to new meds and some old ones being temporarily suspended... I am not really in a "playing mood". steroids make me hungry, antihistamines make me sleepy, the loss of my normal sulfa med makes me achy and the skin reaction makes me insanely itchy.
I am so grateful to have been given a chance to add to the Cherry Blossom festivities! I wanted to make this event special. I meant to do more advertising. I meant to be organized. I meant... well it meant a lot to me. MEANS a lot to me, and to Trinsic.
I love the idea of bringing the communities closer and think it was a brave thing for the organizer to undertake.
I still want to do this event. I still want it to be under the "Cherry Blossom Festival" flag, but for now I have to postpone it. I am not sure yet when. I need to DO that planning and organizing I meant to do last week. I just need to be in better health to do that.
Please stay tuned.
(Lady Dramora, thanks for the added prize and I promise to safeguard it until the event is held)
Please, PLEASE do not offer "condolence" posts because they make me feel like a sick person instead of a sick week or so.