I tested this after see'ing this on items. I would like to know if this is intended for a character name?
www(.)myguild(.)com <<<<example
www(.)myguild(.)com <<<<example
Does the advertising hurt your game play?...la
What he said! I will also ask around to see if it's possible to get this blocked in the name filter.If you are talking about a certain crafter on Atlantic whose player name just happens to be the same as the web-address of a well known PVP guild...
I had this same conversation recently with a developer (Regine/Sakkarah). I had purchased a pair of leggings crafted by this player and the website showed in the "Crafted by" line. The response I got was (after she confirmed with several departments):
1.) It is an illegal name and if caught, the GM's will force a name change.
2.) It is not illegal to own or wear items crafted by such a player - but it is inappropriate.
3.) If you page a GM, you can get the "Crafted by" name removed from the item - although you may get a few canned responses depending on how you word it. I went this route just in case - besides - why would I want to advertise someone else's guild and a GM personally showed up and "fixed" the item.
I hope that answers any questions on it, but if not, PM me, ICQ me, or ask in game.
Safe Journeys!
Sure does i pay to play this game and it has some serious tos i am not paying to have people spam adds at me if i wanted that i might watch television and i have gone for 5 years without one of them. Its rather nice not to have a million ads being sent at me during my relaxation time!! I have needs and can go to the mall car lots movie houses to see the new products and choose for myself. 80% of adds lie to you in order to sell you a defective product why would i want more of this in my game time?.Does the advertising hurt your game play?...la