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Character Creation and the WWW(Spada pls respond)

Pink Dragoness

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I tested this after see'ing this on items. I would like to know if this is intended for a character name?
www(.)myguild(.)com <<<<example

Pink Dragoness

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does the advertising hurt your game play?...la

There are rules with this type of advertising, and if it is a guild, it should be registered with EA for approval.
I dont care you put it on your house sign, or drop it in a book, I do mind that characters names are being allowed to use this WWW.
There enough website spam in my email without me having to play a game I pay for each month to have characters running around with this. One does it and it breeds infestation.

Thought this had been blocked in the past but its not blocked now, here ya go, it is under rule number 8 of ROC

Names which are website URL’s or the personal information of you or another.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
From what I remember of the rules, ingame advertising of websites or website URLs in any form is prohibited. They never put anything in to keep you from doing it, but paging on the characters/creators is absoloutely fine.


If you are talking about a certain crafter on Atlantic whose player name just happens to be the same as the web-address of a well known PVP guild...

I had this same conversation recently with a developer (Regine/Sakkarah). I had purchased a pair of leggings crafted by this player and the website showed in the "Crafted by" line. The response I got was (after she confirmed with several departments):

1.) It is an illegal name and if caught, the GM's will force a name change.
2.) It is not illegal to own or wear items crafted by such a player - but it is inappropriate.
3.) If you page a GM, you can get the "Crafted by" name removed from the item - although you may get a few canned responses depending on how you word it. I went this route just in case - besides - why would I want to advertise someone else's guild and a GM personally showed up and "fixed" the item.

I hope that answers any questions on it, but if not, PM me, ICQ me, or ask in game.

Safe Journeys!


If you are talking about a certain crafter on Atlantic whose player name just happens to be the same as the web-address of a well known PVP guild...

I had this same conversation recently with a developer (Regine/Sakkarah). I had purchased a pair of leggings crafted by this player and the website showed in the "Crafted by" line. The response I got was (after she confirmed with several departments):

1.) It is an illegal name and if caught, the GM's will force a name change.
2.) It is not illegal to own or wear items crafted by such a player - but it is inappropriate.
3.) If you page a GM, you can get the "Crafted by" name removed from the item - although you may get a few canned responses depending on how you word it. I went this route just in case - besides - why would I want to advertise someone else's guild and a GM personally showed up and "fixed" the item.

I hope that answers any questions on it, but if not, PM me, ICQ me, or ask in game.

Safe Journeys!
What he said! I will also ask around to see if it's possible to get this blocked in the name filter.



If you can get that done, I think you'll have a very happy Pink Dragoness! :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does the advertising hurt your game play?...la
Sure does i pay to play this game and it has some serious tos i am not paying to have people spam adds at me if i wanted that i might watch television and i have gone for 5 years without one of them. Its rather nice not to have a million ads being sent at me during my relaxation time!! I have needs and can go to the mall car lots movie houses to see the new products and choose for myself. 80% of adds lie to you in order to sell you a defective product why would i want more of this in my game time?.

Pink Dragoness

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you Spada, that is all I would love to see, a block put on the character creation name.
Much appreciate your time and attention on this issue.