I think the notion of removing Keep and Castle size plots is a bad idea. I don't have a problem with allowing smaller plots to have the same storage capacity as a castle plot.
A number of players (including me) have collected items over the many years and would like to have the space to display them. Other players (me included), would also like additional space to have a thematic style home, such as black smith area's, a tailor rooms, etc etc. I have seen some really creative types of houses over the years, especially on the Japanese shards. I have found myself visiting these shards for some innovative designs.
The castle/keep competition is a game within a game. Meaning if you want a chance to win, its not just about having a great design, its having the support of guild mates, friends and your shard voting for you.
I'm hoping that a design will be approved that will make me want to change from the classic ones.
Lets keep these conversations civil, and not call out specific winning designs as unappealing etc. Its a game after all.