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Castle Deco Idea Thread, Reborn!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah, its half past midnight on a sat. night, and here i am, decoing...

addiction is awesome isnt it?

ok so, i wanted to get some comments on my deco in my castle. Also i'd like to see what other people have done! Lets share deco ideas!!!!!!!

ok here we go!

silly thing will only let me post five images :( more to come! oh wow, apparently my signaure counts as an image. ok four at a time, here we go.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
really nice, Blesh! love the fishy room :thumbup1: but where's your amazing bed?

Patty Pickaxe

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Great Deco! [I love your "hall of torture!
But what is all over your upper floors? I can make out corrupted trees, but what is under them??

Can we post pics of keeps too? I consider them mini-castles!:p


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
really nice, Blesh! love the fishy room :thumbup1: but where's your amazing bed?
haha thank you Devils :) The bed is at Pariah's, and his castle is no where near done.

Great Deco! [I love your "hall of torture!
But what is all over your upper floors? I can make out corrupted trees, but what is under them??

Can we post pics of keeps too? I consider them mini-castles!:p
Hehe its just the corrupt trees, nothing under them. somewhere along the line thought it would be neato to cover the upper floors in them.

and Sure, the more screen shots the better! I'll go change the subject right now! :D :D


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am very curios, and i cant figure out which items you used for this


Could you make a small list for me? Even just most expensive / difficult to obtain items can be enough ^^

alot of that was gifts over the past two years. alot is stuff dyed white that i liked. stealables like the white dolphins. there is a pair of tok dyed plain white boots. i dont think you can dye thigh boots anymore. white bells from a holiday thing years back were a gift fom Damia :) the armor on the table is near my toon was dyed by my GM when i first made WhiteMage, who is now know as Blesh Terra. theres an almost white lantern there, that doesn light. Blesh Terra holds a trapped soul, ::points to her signature:: which looks just like it but actually lights. there is a valentines rose from the recent event that Pariah won for me :heart: my white candle of love event candles (the candles were lost to a hack about a year ago, and Sorcon returned them for me. I could never thank him enough :heart:) and of course my white stuffy bear, which Pariah and Damia gave to me :)

all and all that room is recreatable with minimal cost (tokuno dyes and the cost of the marties/arties/stealables) that you like. you can still dye crafted wooden items if they are made with a colored wood. which is how i did my planters 9water troughs) and benches and stuff. :)

Most of it only means alot to me. but that white room is my pride and joy. I got a thing for white. lol

Patty Pickaxe

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here is my keep! This is the third time I have redecorated it. I hope this is the final version. Some areas of the keep are "lightly" decorated because I don't want to be maxed out on lockdowns. I figured the corners and the back rooms that I don't use can be left minimally decorated.

First Floor:

I used ash rarewood chests, benches, combined fabric and pillows dyed to match the chests. I used four bedrolls on the southern sides of the couch to hide the benches and make it look like the couch touched the floor. I put the flowers and vase the in NE and SW corners because I could not get the bedrolls to meet up like in the opposite corners. I thought the flowers and vase were a good way of hiding it. The purple pillow on the eastern couch is hiding a gap between the bedrolls and the green pillows, where the gaza below could be seen.

Second Floor:

This is the upper and lower NW corner :



alot of that was gifts over the past two years. alot is stuff dyed white that i liked. stealables like the white dolphins. there is a pair of tok dyed plain white boots. i dont think you can dye thigh boots anymore. white bells from a holiday thing years back were a gift fom Damia :) the armor on the table is near my toon was dyed by my GM when i first made WhiteMage, who is now know as Blesh Terra. theres an almost white lantern there, that doesn light. Blesh Terra holds a trapped soul, ::points to her signature:: which looks just like it but actually lights. there is a valentines rose from the recent event that Pariah won for me :heart: my white candle of love event candles (the candles were lost to a hack about a year ago, and Sorcon returned them for me. I could never thank him enough :heart:) and of course my white stuffy bear, which Pariah and Damia gave to me

all and all that room is recreatable with minimal cost (tokuno dyes and the cost of the marties/arties/stealables) that you like. you can still dye crafted wooden items if they are made with a colored wood. which is how i did my planters 9water troughs) and benches and stuff.

Most of it only means alot to me. but that white room is my pride and joy. I got a thing for white. lol
Thx a lot for suggestions! :)

Just a thing, i dont speak English very well, what marties stand for?? :D


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
"marties" is a contraction/corruption of two words - minor artifacts = marties

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Patty, I like how you've done your keep. I've been kind of at a loss how to decorate mine and your post gave me some great ideas.

Patty Pickaxe

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you! The previous Castle/Keep Deco thread gave me alot of ideas as well as all the other pics. The best thing about my deco is it's lock-down friendly. All those chests in my smithy/tailor rooms are filled with bods. I couldn't go crazy with plants, gaza mats, and all the other fun stuff. Have fun with your keep!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Patty, that roof is just awesome! great job! ::contemplates:: i may be redecorating soon :):)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here is a picture of what i did with Damia's castle roof when the rubble first came out.

the platform was actually a little hard to get to work right. We ended up needing goza mats under them. otherwise you ended up falling under the plank tiles when you walked to to bench.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
my roof ~~ flowerbox on north side is how the Hearth of the Homefire chimney is covered up.... and I really, really want to be able to grow hedges!!



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I LOVE the deck you built using the rubble stairs and the rubble wooden floor tiles. Now I need to find some rubble stairs so I can build my own. :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
DevilsOwn I love your idea for hiding the Hearth of the Homefire. *You notice Shelleybean stealing your deco ideas*

PS Your baby chick in your signature is the cutest little thing. :)


That looks very nice. Now I'll take my beating as say that I would like to see what it looks like in KR.


Yea...love the black and white room! And the rubble plants section:thumbup1:


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That castle looks SOOO familiar...

wait, i sold it to her!


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
eolsunder, that's a serious amount of rubbles :) looks great, and I love the water feature you created, well done

Patty Pickaxe

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Was this thread stickied on the other forum? Can we get it stickied here? Just a suggestion. Maybe we could sticky the other pic thread too.....the only skylark started about needing to see deco pics.

Duncan McDermott

Patty how in the world did you get your troughs to place so close to the East wall? The best I can do so far is one tile away, and they look lousy. Yours look like they are right next to the inside wall.

* I figured it out I was standing too close to the trough after placing it.*

Skylark SP

Available Storage: 0
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LOL...so basically we can say that Eolsunder hauled half of Magincia into his/her castle and rearranged it. :D

Thanks for stickying the threads, Rachel! :)



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I just placed my first keep on Origin. I had been watching one ready to fall behind my auction house and managed to be able to place it there. I'll be decorating it this week and will post pictures of rooms as they are completed.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just placed my first keep on Origin. I had been watching one ready to fall behind my auction house and managed to be able to place it there. I'll be decorating it this week and will post pictures of rooms as they are completed.
Woot!!! Grats on the new keep!!!

Skylark SP

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OK...not sure I am quite "done" with this kitchen & pantry but I am happy with how this is turning out, and so is the castle owner! Many thanks to Ashyn (Bordoms) for the inspiration to chop everything in site, and to Petra for posting the example of the aquarium food for the stew contents. Because this was a classic house, it sometimes made me want to pull my hair out getting things in place, but with the goza ramp, table & book stacking, and much experimenting of chopping, it finally it came together. :)


Patty Pickaxe

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here are some snippits of a keep I decorated for a friend. I *thought* I took pics of it when I was done, but I can't find them. Now, he has to sell the keep and started taking things down.

Here are some pics. Just ignore the aggressive neighbors. They are a bit cranky.

First floor, front rooms. I never finished the front room the way I wanted.

Here is the upper SE corner.

On top of the black boxes I used this little guy, but turned him facing east. It looked really good.

Here is the upper NE corner. I got the idea directly from one of the deco how-to's on the old site. IT might have been Sarsmi's design.

Here is the lower NE corner. Bathroom complete with toilet, tub, and sink!

Skylark SP

Available Storage: 0
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here are some snippits of a keep I decorated for a friend. I *thought* I took pics of it when I was done, but I can't find them. Now, he has to sell the keep and started taking things down.

Here are some pics. Just ignore the aggressive neighbors. They are a bit cranky.

First floor, front rooms. I never finished the front room the way I wanted.
LOL...Patty I think those harpies want to steal your deco ideas! :D

I like the hardwood table behind the big sofa...it is just like what would be in a real house, complete with the pile o' books. :)


Patty Pickaxe

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you, however, I totally stole that idea from a pic in the other castle/keep thread!!


PLEASE give me a "How to" on the fireplace and couches.. i would die for that design... thats one of the greatest fireplaces i have ever seen :bowdown:


wow look at those shrooms! Their huge! What you been using as fertilizer on those babies, Dragon poop? You could probably trip for days if you ate one of those babies!

Are they from the spring cleaning collection?

Lord Drakelord

This is my wife's Keep, its all she has really wanted in game for a very long time, and when I saw a person selling a tram keep for 15 million I asked for a tour, well it was perfect for her, little dangerous spawn, all by itself. Well she had 8 million on her tamer and I had 8 million on my tamer, so I gave her charactor all my checks and had it purchase the Keep, then when she came home I go, Honey be sure to log in on your tamer as soon as possible, i have a little gift for you.

Doors are set to friends so if you want a tour you have to catch us. It located just north of Brit and south of Despise. The couch I borrow from a picture I saw at the castle forum on Stratics, lady on Siege made it. I used square gozo mats to trick the tables so the spinning wheel is on one and the elven chests are on the other two.



My castle is done! whoot! I had lots of fun doing it. I don't think you really realize how big a castle is, until you start taking screen shots. I'll be making the house public, and I'll be very happy to do tours. Mouse over of items and the animation makes for a whole new experience than these frozen images.

bottom floor

I wanted this room 'classy' ... my nature for anything glittery got in the way slightly. notice french doors :)

Bedroom is boring, but ech. I'd never done manikin's before, but once I figured it out, had tons of fun creating dresses.

Some of my collections in boxes, and the kitchen. The kitchen still needs work.

Lots of fun making a crafter's area. fully functional, too.

My train and a basic storage area.

... next post, middle area.


center level of castle...

games room. Did I mention my love of color? Put on shades for the games room ;) Think 'vegas UO style'

the fish tank room (used crystal tables) and the front walk way.

the music room.

The 'attic' room, where things are broken but still too good to throw out. basically, storage with attitude.

My T-hunters map room.

.... roofing and other bits in next post.


top levels of the castle...

Where i have my favorite armor, and the garden where I make apple cider.

The 'guards' room, and where they practice.

I think this and the water fall are my two favorite pieces of the castle. It's still animated. I love my cat samurai statue.

My other favorite place.

The start of the waterfall - and really, whats a castle without a little darkness?

I can sit here and see all the best bits of the castle ;)



Alright, so...my boyfriend and I had a bet going. I never really like to post much, let alone post things I've decoed but I lost the bet so I've gotta post. Oh, and *coughs* You were right Elrond. rolleyes:

Ok, so I'm from the Legends shard, and this guild called the Tradesmen's Guild just hosted a house deco contest. I've never entered that kinda thing before, so the bet basicly was, he thought I'd win and if I did I had to post my castle on here. If I lost he'd leave me alone about posting it. I got 1st place, which was totally awesome and made me cry, but I lost the bet. So, enjoy the pictures.

My Livingroom

My Dinningroom

My Kitchen

My Bedroom

The Center Roof

I love my rubble hot tub, and yes you can sit in it.

Storage Area

The South/West corner is a special room. I made it with items a friend of mine who quit playing gave me. So if she ever decides to come back,*hint hint Sio*, even just to visit, she'd have someplace that felt like home to her.

This is my fav thing in my castle. The Waterfall took me a little over 3 hours to build and get the cascade at the bottom to look just right.

Alright, I'm done, bet paid off. Hope ya liked the pictures.

Leanan Sidhe

Amazing Faith...
I love that waterfall!! And great job everywhere.... even your storage area looks nice a neat!!
I'm glad you lost that bet too!!


Thanks for all the nice comments everyone :) I'm glad you liked the deco.