Yes, Greater Drags dmg needs to be toned down but so does the dmg done to my pets from others. The dmg cap needs to be a two way street, my pets dmg gets capped then players dmg needs to be capped against my pets. What you are asking for is balance correct?
Ok, I will agree to this.. I agree that if pets are to be used in PvP they should reflect a PvP I will concede that all EoO, slayer and DI caps are consistent AND likewise, their HP's should be reduced to 150ish when in Fel... since our damage will cap out at the same level as a PvP character, likewise their health will reflect a PvP chatacters also.
You are no idiot.. GDragons have between 1002 - 1998 HPS meaning after a tame 501-999 hps... no person planning to PvP with a drag is gonna just tame one with no regard to its stats.. your GDragons will have atleast 800hps post tame before youd take it... so yoru pet will have around 800+ hps.
You want your pet being treated like a normal PvP character... so all the damg bonu's VS that drag are gone when tamed, and consistent to PvP'r it will lose all but 150 of its HP's just like a normal PvP char would have.
This sound fair?
You forget that these dragons are not your only weapon. You have a lot more skill points to use to increase what your character is capable of doing. The point is that right now you dont HAVE to because dreads and greaters are strong enough to do it all right now. A pet is supposed to be a utility.. ESPECIALLY if used in PvP.. not the only thing you character can do.
Considering you can have full mage skills, or archery, or ninja or whatever, our dragons SHOULD die fast.. the point is that YOU don't. Its also your job to keep it alive.. it has almost 1000 hps and high resists.. if you + the dragon cant keep it alive/get the player off the screen or kill them then its YOU not utilizing your character and just expecting the gdragon itself to be enough.
I will easily concede that all the extra damage not normally allowed in PvP will not effect your pet, if you concede to drop its HPs also down to the normal PvP range....
considering in a normal 1 vs 1 match, it takes anywhere frmo 4-7 hits to kill a person if they do not heal.. and considering vs a tamer you have to kill a pet+char to kill that 1 person, 4-5hits for the dragon then 2-3 hits for the tamer after you kill the pet seems about right.
In any other game that has necro's or summoners, once your pet dies, your done with... you basicaly ARE the pet and your main job is keeping your pet should be the same here.. if you let your pet die you SHOULD go down, and pretty easily since your pet is so strong.
Here is another way to look at it...
If a PvPr = 100%... thats 1 person.. doing all I can do and reaching my FULL potential of what my character can do I am at 100%. You are a tamer.. you using say 200-400 of your skills to have/assist your pet and the other 300-500 on a bit more dmg/defense to compliment it.. so for YOUR character(not counting your pet) you about 50% of your characters possible potential as 1/2 your armor/jewels/skills are to have and support a pet. Your pet if super strong, it hits harder than any dexer at 100% potential, casts spells with a HUGE mana pool(it has med), doesnt have to stop to cast spells, it can bleed(with no mana cost), it has a special fire breath ranged attack(that cost no mana) that hits just as hard as a normal hit, and has upto 7x the ammount of HPs that I could have at max potential.. its only draw back is that its probably 40% of a normal characters mounted speed. Consider the drawback vs its strengths its still easily over 100% of a normal persons potential.. its speed is its only drawback. So yout 50% potential + your pets 90% potential(heck even say 80% if you want to weight its lack of speed that much) and your STILL way over the 100% potential that could ever have...
Whatever potential your pet has, you as the tamer need to have the remainder of the 100%.. if any one player can only be "so strong" then your pet + you should only ever equal that.. right now your character can be very strong along with a very very strong pet..
Balance it like this...
If your have 1 control slot taken = no penalty
2 control slots taken = -25% melee dmg
3 control slots = FC cap 1, -25% melee dmg
4 control slots = FC cap 1, -25% melee dmg, no melee special moves
5 control slots = FC cap 1, -25% melee dmg, no melee special moves, all resists - 10
So you can still mage cast.. just not as good as a pure mage, you can still melee.. just not as good as a pure dexer..etc
Similar to other games this give YOU a penalty for using your control slots. If your a summoner you are not a mage with a extra awesome pet.. your a weaker caster that has a pet to make up for what your character lacks...