Omegaman: Hi
Mesanna - more in line guys. How can we help you Omegaman
Omegaman: My antique jewelry loses durability when be affected by bard mastery songs even when I'm not taking damage the items will go all the way to 0/255 but will not lose durability after reaching 0 IE 0/254. Is this durability lose supposed to happen from bard songs?
Bleak - Yes
Omegaman: oh and can you use powder of fort on antique jewels or are they different too?
Bleak - You cannot powder jewelry period
Omegaman: so antique is like seriously bad. Do you have that information somewhere on a website?
Bleak - You get higher intensity items, it's a trade-off.
Kyronix - There is a page you can check
Omegaman: Im sorry I was told jewelry was no different than anything else so it's just a new is all.
Kyronix - It's on in the Wiki search for "Random Loot Generator" At the bottom of the page there is an explanation of how it works.
Random Loot Generator – Ultima Online
Omegaman: But antique armor is different, and weaps. Jewelry has no powder, that's a discription for antique in your guides. 3 powders. Is there a place that so monster loot tables?
Kyronix - No, that information isn't available
Omegaman: anyhow why does my antique jewelry lose durability to a bard song? Is that intended? A trade off?
Mesanna - yes as intended. it's good to not have a song running when it's not needed. Anything else?
Omegaman: why antique and nothing else what's the special reason?
Mesanna - I thought Bleak answered that question, you get higher intensity items.