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Bushido on Tritons

Grace of Minoc

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I had made a bushido only hiryu a ways back that ended up being sent to pasture because it rarely
cast bushido spells.

Thinking that it had too much to do with the bushido/ww/dismount/grasping claw I thought doing a
bushido triton, popped in Tokuno, with now only bushido/ww/healing would fair better in its ability
to actually cast bush spells and use whirlwind.

Still doesnt cast them much. I waited till it was over 100 bush to really worry about it.

Does bush/ww go off more at 120 bushido?


Stratics Veteran
I had made a bushido only hiryu a ways back that ended up being sent to pasture because it rarely
cast bushido spells.

Thinking that it had too much to do with the bushido/ww/dismount/grasping claw I thought doing a
bushido triton, popped in Tokuno, with now only bushido/ww/healing would fair better in its ability
to actually cast bush spells and use whirlwind.

Still doesnt cast them much. I waited till it was over 100 bush to really worry about it.

Does bush/ww go off more at 120 bushido?
Do you play CC or EC? I know on the EC there is an activator graphic for all Bushido spells and I see it go off quite often. When I was testing Bushido for the article on our site (Magic Ability: Bushido | uo-cah.com), I saw them use the abilities quite frequently. Bushido abilities also have a very low overall mana cost, so with only Bushido your pet won't be losing much mana at all (if you were tracking abilities by mana usage).

Personally, I find Bushido a niche spec on any pet. It can be useful, and I have several pets with full Bushido, but Chiv is better for single-target DPS, and FWW is better for AOE. (Which is also why I don't get why there was a such a tremendous uproar when people found out Tritons could get Bushido and any Triton not opened in Tokuno was "ruined", but thats another topic...)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Do you play CC or EC? I know on the EC there is an activator graphic for all Bushido spells and I see it go off quite often. When I was testing Bushido for the article on our site (Magic Ability: Bushido | uo-cah.com), I saw them use the abilities quite frequently. Bushido abilities also have a very low overall mana cost, so with only Bushido your pet won't be losing much mana at all (if you were tracking abilities by mana usage).

Personally, I find Bushido a niche spec on any pet. It can be useful, and I have several pets with full Bushido, but Chiv is better for single-target DPS, and FWW is better for AOE. (Which is also why I don't get why there was a such a tremendous uproar when people found out Tritons could get Bushido and any Triton not opened in Tokuno was "ruined", but thats another topic...)

Let's not open that "spawning Tritons in Tok" can of worms again! :gee:


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Personally, I find Bushido a niche spec on any pet. It can be useful, and I have several pets with full Bushido, but Chiv is better for single-target DPS, and FWW is better for AOE. (Which is also why I don't get why there was a such a tremendous uproar when people found out Tritons could get Bushido and any Triton not opened in Tokuno was "ruined", but thats another topic...)
Just 1 loud uproar from a person who does not finish things he starts.


Unless you already have a stable full of AI/Chiv pets you should make an AI/Chiv Triton first.

You can contemplate AI/Chiv/
FWW, Feint, Conductive blast, a poison.

I have plenty of AI/Chiv pets so I am going to add something else to any Tritons I make. But they will all have Chivalry.

Now that we know, you birth then at the Zento Docks. Just in case you want one that can hide.

Grace of Minoc

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I play CC. I can hear when the bushido moves go off. Since this is the second time I have run into this, either bushido on
pets are bugged, or I am. Anyone else do a bushido pet and it shies from doing spells?

Have other tritons with a magic and a special move/ability and both the magics and the special move/go off way more often.

I realize chiv/ai is what is most popular. Have only built one, a firesteed. Trained it, scrolled it, took it to krampus during the events
and it took a dirt nap quick. My magery/fww mare was used the rest of the time. I don't typically go hunting after one big boss, but
prefer too explore and that means multiple monster types.

Thought a bushido triton would make a good tank, didn't care too much about max damage, but I wanted to explore with a bushido
I have several pets with full Bushido, but Chiv is better for single-target DPS, and FWW is better for AOE.
So chiv and ai for single target, fww and what magic for aoe? Or no magic? I put SW and fww on one. It did really good at Turtle spawn for awhile, but then the triton
got overwhelmed with too many tigers and apes and can't mount it or recall away from there.

Am saving my best triton for possible chiv/ai if they have a new long term single boss encounter I would be interested in doing.
Don't want to set the resists till I know what damage this (future) boss does. Am hoping high seas revamp will have a new boss!


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Am saving my best triton for possible chiv/ai if they have a new long term single boss encounter I would be interested in doing.
I made one for Corgul.


I have a lot of build options here: Triton Builds

As long as you dont waste 120 scrolls or a 129+ wrestling Triton on them, have fun.
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hope no one copies this build with the intention of doing corgul.

Also, build options does not equal good builds.
Why? I will. First chance I get. Corgul will die. He does about as much damage as Piper.

Corgul the Soulbinder - UOGuide, the Ultima Online Encyclopedia

The poster just told Khyro that they wanted to build a Bushido pet for fun.

Those options have notes. Care to critique a Build I have there that is not marked Try at your own risk.

Ill build it and go fight anything but Exodus or Paroxysmus with it.

Im tired of AI Chiv all the time.
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Funny how this pet can kill him with no problems but a Pet that doesn't use bleed cant.



Lore Master
Glad you started this thread. I have 1 more triton in my stable and I've been thinking about giving it feint and full bushido, basically a defensive triton.

Here's the 3 triton's I've made so far, and I love them all:
1. Ai/Chiv (single target)
2. CB/Discord (general use pet)
3. Poison/FWW/Essence of disease (area damager)


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Other places my Garden Slug should not be?

upload_2019-5-22_23-16-19.png upload_2019-5-22_23-17-7.png

They are little killers for most of us.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glad you started this thread. I have 1 more triton in my stable and I've been thinking about giving it feint and full bushido, basically a defensive triton.

Here's the 3 triton's I've made so far, and I love them all:
1. Ai/Chiv (single target)
2. CB/Discord (general use pet)
3. Poison/FWW/Essence of disease (area damager)
With this one and the the AI/Feint/Chiv build I have noticed these using their abilities pretty well.


When in a tight group it mainly fought one on one. I noticed it would kill something and just stand and let stuff attack. I tell it to kill and it would. This may sound bad but usually when surrounded a pet will do a death spin by changing targets over and over. Also in the cave, fel, he could walk out of crowds when I called him. Usually a pet cant walk though skeletal dragons and Dream Wraiths there. Maybe he was lucky.

It only used poison breath when a large crowd was coming up. It tried to poison that Skeletal Lich just that one time when it first saw it. In melee range it only used AI/CB/Chiv . This is the 4th place I have taken it to test its crowd control abilities and how it used the area. It uses it differently than my Cus use Goo.

It will not use the poison breath on Navrey when in melee range. I received 2 tangles this week.

Not impressed with Poison Breath but it does what it is supposed to do and it has a large range that hits many targets.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
feint and full bushido, basically a defensive triton.
Took my tank to T Rex to do a whisper. I let it fight until here:

Turned on Consume and it was back at full in 20 seconds or less. I recommend doing it at 3/4 HP.

At the end of 10 mins it looked like this.

This toon has no way to heal other than consume and I have taken the Tank all over the place and it only died at Grizzle. I did not shoot at T Rex because that makes him angry and change to me.

This is the most tank I need. My other tamers can keep stuff alive with constant consume and heals if needed.

T Rex does 94 damage sometimes. It is worth the mana to make that 45.

I like having a tank that does damage. Skills at 117 and 118.

A Bushido Triton would get hit less when skilled. But I have not found a place where I need it.

PS. A Cu damages T Rex a lot more.


Stratics Veteran
Glad you started this thread. I have 1 more triton in my stable and I've been thinking about giving it feint and full bushido, basically a defensive triton.
Was one of the first Tritons I made on prodo servers. I don't find much use for it, but others might. It's fully scrolled and with leveled 120 healing/bushido, if you want to test it on on TC, let me know and I'll copy it over.

Why? I will. First chance I get. Corgul will die. He does about as much damage as Piper.

Ill build it and go fight anything but Exodus or Paroxysmus with it.
Corgul is split damage and a necromage. Piper is 100% physical, you can turn on consume and afk for a minute, perhaps 5 minutes for some people.

Will corgul die? Of course. Mr Wiggly Jiggly could do Corgul, in fact next time we do it, I will invite him. But that doesn't mean I'd be advising or promoting people to go get Walruses for end game content.... Though if that's what they want to do more power to them.

Funny how this pet can kill him with no problems but a Pet that doesn't use bleed cant.

View attachment 98035

We just went there this week on a community hunt. He hits very hard, so you need the poison and cold resists.
So, you could make a single mob Cu with AI/Chiv or use a balanced resist.
Has anybody found a pet or build that works with him...
I was almost late to the hunt so I took my White Cu I was bank sitting on (45 poison). When he was aggroed he took a lot of damage so I had to run up and mount him twice. Wasn't a fast loss of HP but fighting Corgul keeps you busy.
So no problems = having to run up and mount it twice?

This toon has no way to heal other than consume and I have taken the Tank all over the place and it only died at Grizzle. I did not shoot at T Rex because that makes him angry and change to me.
Do the people you play with cross heal?
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do the people you play with cross heal?
Not pets often. They heal your toon. Each hunt could have 6 different players than the last hunt.

I think that was the day my heal macro did not work. Now I know when he pulls you in you don't have to run out. He is like primeval lich. You can vet pet then walk out.

Triton will be a breeze. Unless you have to do puzzles while you fight him and have camping skill.

More realistic. They will make you Forensic Eval his minions before he appears and then do some sort of hoop jumping.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Other places my Garden Slug should not be?

View attachment 98047 View attachment 98048

They are little killers for most of us.
I took my goo,fww,ww,life steal,bushido triton here too just too see how it would do and it did pretty well 5-6 rotting corpses on it no problem only time I had trouble was when a banshee mortal striked it with 4-5 corpses and 2 of the lichs on it even then it survived.

Unless you have to do puzzles while you fight him and have camping skill.

More realistic. They will make you Forensic Eval his minions before he appears and then do some sort of hoop jumping.
nope taste id u have to lick corgul to make sure ur not fighting a shadow clone then if u are fighting a clone u have to use herding to move it away or u wont damage the real corgul. If u try to aggro the clone and drag it away it will blow up half the real corgul's loot. That seems to be the new theme from UO do it our way or we blow up ur loot.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I took my goo,fww,ww,life steal,bushido triton here too just too see how it would do and it did pretty well 5-6 rotting corpses on it no problem only time I had trouble was when a banshee mortal striked it with 4-5 corpses and 2 of the lichs on it even then it survived.
Pets with healing and defense are great!

Just have to balance what you tell someone you may never see again. Make an AI/Chiv then you can go crazy and do what you want. Just don't use 120 scrolls on the Melee skills unless you also have those to burn.

We finally have a pet that can get abilities and HP.

nope taste id u have to lick corgul to make sure ur not fighting a shadow clone then if u are fighting a clone u have to use herding to move it away or u wont damage the real corgul. If u try to aggro the clone and drag it away it will blow up half the real corgul's loot. That seems to be the new theme from UO do it our way or we blow up ur loot.
Ugh your scenario is worse than mine. All the players on the Island take two quick bursts of 85 damage when the clone explodes. Like Great Ape barrels with more damage.


Lore Master
I decided to skip the Bushido build. This is on my discord tamer so I built a triton with CB/AP/Energy Aura with the idea that I can discord the mob/boss, pet uses CB lowering energy even lower. AP seems more appropriate for this build than AI, especially if I'm using him in a group. Decided to add energy aura to help keep the spawn off me.

Just got him to 5 slots. He has 850 HP and 900 Mana, max all regens. Points left for full 120 scrolls. Tons of points with this build because those abilities are cheap and no extra scrolls needed.
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