Scripting certain spawn is actually quite easy, you just need a greater dragon and an auto loot script; I'm thinking the spot in the middle of the Painted Caves where you can't move for being surrounded by Troggs in particular. Legally, and with no scripts I can often just park new GDs there to train them up, whilst I can invis under them and sit attended but reading a book whilst they learn. I also use the Sphinx in Lost Lands, where there isn't any aggressive spawn that can trouble me; and if I want to finish that funny paragraph I can look away, until I come back and All Kill on the peaceful Sphinx again. It wouldn't take much to take me out of that entirely and automate it. Pinco's UI already shows, quite legally, how you can filter corpse gumps and automatically take only specific items. The only reason you don't see people going the final steps and actually doing it scripted and unattended any more is because there isn't enough money in actual game loot as such, and the risks of being seen and reported if unattended don't make it worth it. Which is why those who do script have moved to vendor scripting for search sites to generate traffic for gold sales, and to scripting resources, as there's always money in that (even if only in from converting it via Museum etc hand ins into items people want; the opportunity cost is irrelevant when you can leave characters strip mining automatically every hour of the day).
None of which changes my MAIN point about this quest though. You're still competing against obsessives and people with tonnes of free time for this quest even if it can't be, or people won't bother finding ways to script it. And your reward is based upon my doing more or less cures than I think you've done, or are likely to do. And that is, by it's very nature, BAD DESIGN. If you ever played World Of Warcraft under the old PvP system which was similarly weighted against the performance curve of everyone else, you will know exactly why Blizzard eventually took it out... and indeed, were even seriously considering capping people's ability to throw their lives away in game in general. As I recall, to make it from Rank 11 to the final Rank 14, I calculated I needed to move up to do a further 3 weeks of 16 hours EVERY SINGLE DAY on Khadgar due to the level of obsession (and character sharing shifts) others were putting in... needless to say, that's where I gave up.
Of course, here in Ultima Online, they are perhaps assuming the rewards aren't so stunning, the overall population and interest much lower, so that hardly anyone will bother after the first week so everyone can get a shot at the small number of items? That the mechanism that makes it work is that it's not all that inspiring? Oh dear. But even that's still leaving hostages to fortune though, because what if suddenly someone discovers an exploit or imbalance with one of the items, like the Berserkers Suit revealed in PvP? Suddenly that quest will be extremely popular indeed. What if griefing players due to the movement bug there catches on? Now your ability to get those items relies upon being able to avoid the negative attention of others more than other people were able to avoid being griefed. We're back to Ultima in 1997 then? What it someone is just trying to corner the market? Now that's the person, and their hand ins, that you need to beat. What if...?
I'm sorry, but I don't have the time or interest to fight "What Ifs". The Nexus puzzles you could do at your own pace, for a guaranteed rewards; hurrah, two steps forward! This one... a logic puzzle, ok reasonable new content; but making it competitive? VERY BAD IDEA INDEED. And making it more rewarding would, by it's very design, make it oh so much worse.