Moss, I prefer not to kill mobs. If I could, I would just craft and do nothing else. Sadly, I can't though. With an item based game, it's all about the best items. To get the best items, you either have to kill for them, or kill to get the high end resources to make them. You can also buy them, but the cost is ridiculous. It's never been about the money for me. Maybe after I get my combat characters suited up, I will start particpating in high end spawns. Until then, you will find me mining or chopping trees.
I will hold out for Imbuing. In the meantime, I will do BODs and get hammers. I am already 2 BODs away from filling a large Shadow.
BTW, anyone need any sturdy shovels. I have 200 of them now. I have the containers set to anyone.
Dermott, I picked up my first PT last night. I recalled to cove and guess what happened. I use a shovel and valorite drops into my pack. Didn't even need the PT. Got 20 pieces too. The spot has been good to me since then.