Well I really like’t it, I must say it’s one of Blizzards best work so far! Well this is what I think or it… It start off, with (I guess) memories of he’s father, about he’s birth (sort of giving us a bit of background information, if you will). As he awakens, he’s father’s voice continues, he’s father is trying to show him how to rule over he’s people. As he walks thru the desert of Northrend, we get a sense of how far Arthas/ The Lich King has cross’t over to the “dark-side”, mostly when he summons the undead dragon (I guess the dragon is there to sort of give us a picture of Arthas on the inside, as cold, evil, killing machine…). As the dragon fly’s over Northrend it is as if it is graining or empowering the vas army of undead at Arthas’s command (graining or empowering because when the undead yell out it is like the ice cold blue glow is flowing out ward… and empowering because the ice cold blue glow can be the power of The Lich King energizing them…).