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Best warrior template w/ shield?


Stratics Veteran
I was wondering what would the best warrior template be that uses parry and a shield. The aim is to take advantage of the new 25th Vet reward shield. However, it is very hard to beat the effectiveness and DPS of combining bushido/ parry and a 2-handed weapon. From my understanding, any 1-handed weapon/ shield combo will be inferior to a 2-handed weapon w/ bushido.
Does anyone know of a template and weapons that could make the warrior as efficient or more efficient than the typical bushido option?

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My guess is you will see that shield as a transmorged sc shield for mages more so than for warriors.

Afaik there is no warrior with a shield (at least in PvM) that comes close to the Sampire etc.


Slightly Crazed
Only my thrower is using a shield. Grugor one fits best. And one more for her luck suit.
Also my crafter is using shield of order , but just for teleporting purposes, because of +10 Chiv.
All other shields are collecting dust in special boxes and are unravelled /sold from time to time


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Your gonna want to max eval and pump sdi for this shield to utilize the FS to max, as well as parry
120 parry
120 eval
120 weapon
120 tactics
80 healing
80 anat
80 chiv

Could work with that setup, or if you can max di, drop the 80 chiv for necro and jewel up the rest for vamp form


Slightly Crazed
Draza, why bother with Eval? all hit spells have 80 eval already as I know. Having 120 will waste skill points. Hit spell cannot be affected by slayer on weapon/talisman. So damage will be pity.
If you can manage to fit SDI on a warrior, better be spellweaver (WOD) or wraith fighter. (Eval=>Spelweave /Eval=>SS)
New shield is just a vanity item.
Drop parry and Eval in your template for Mystic/Focus and you have nice mystic with 60% hit spell added on any weapon. And RC to tank and hit. Way more damage then pitiful one from shield.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
I have a Mace and Shield Paladin Warrior which runs the following:

120 Mace Fighting
120 Tactics
100 Parrying
120 Chivalry
090 Healing
090 Anatomy
080 Resist Spells

I run with slayer sets of Barbed Whips and Hammer Picks for weapons. Human race. Suit is all plate/ring for stamina protection. 190+ stam, 149 hit points. 15 HPR, 15 MR. I recently revamped this character from Swords and Bone/Stud to Macing with the Plate and I've been enjoying it.

I have a pretty Uber shield to make it work to hit all the mods I am aiming for. That's pretty important for any template with a Shield. You can find a good shield for pretty cheap, but getting a top end shield can be a game changer for a build like this.

Good luck!
Last edited:


Stratics Veteran
I have a Mace and Shield Paladin Warrior which runs the following:

120 Mace Fighting
120 Tactics
100 Parrying
120 Chivalry
090 Healing
090 Anatomy
080 Resist Spells

I run with slayer sets of Bladed Whips and Hammer Picks for weapons. Human race. Suit is all plate/ring for stamina protection. 190+ stam, 149 hit points. 15 HPR, 15 MR. I recently revamped this character from Swords and Bone/Stud to Macing with the Plate and I've been enjoying it.

I have a pretty Uber shield to make it work to hit all the mods I am aiming for. That's pretty important for any template with a Shield. You can find a good shield for pretty cheap, but getting a top end shield can be a game changer for a build like this.

Good luck!
Thanks Merlin,

I was thinking of something very similar to that. Do you have an specific purpose for the paladin or is the toon well rounded for most encounters? Do you think the Paladin warrior is a match to Samps? I find it very hard to beat what Samps can do.

Also it's probably worth having eval maxed if the FS will be affected by SDI. Will have to test it out first.


Stratics Veteran
Draza, why bother with Eval? all hit spells have 80 eval already as I know. Having 120 will waste skill points. Hit spell cannot be affected by slayer on weapon/talisman. So damage will be pity.
If you can manage to fit SDI on a warrior, better be spellweaver (WOD) or wraith fighter. (Eval=>Spelweave /Eval=>SS)
New shield is just a vanity item.
Drop parry and Eval in your template for Mystic/Focus and you have nice mystic with 60% hit spell added on any weapon. And RC to tank and hit. Way more damage then pitiful one from shield.
Thanks Gwen. That's a very good point. I haven't had a look at the shield to be honest. However, I am hoping it will have more mobs than just the FS. Considering it is a 25th year reward, I'm hoping it will be worth a pick at that level.


Stratics Veteran
My guess is you will see that shield as a transmorged sc shield for mages more so than for warriors.

Afaik there is no warrior with a shield (at least in PvM) that comes close to the Sampire etc.
Thanks Kylie. If you transmorg to the shield, you will loose the FS as well as any other mob the shield has. I'm hoping the shield will be useful and not just for the aesthetics.


Stratics Veteran
I just tested the shield on TC. I have to say, I'm pretty disappointed. It looks like there are no other mobs apart from 1% fire resist. Also, it does not have spell channelling so it won't work with most spell casters.
It servers no purpose for warriors as well because it is affected significantly by eval and SDI.
Gwen, I believe eval makes a huge difference. Between 0 and 120 eval, the damage was triple.
I think you guys are correct, the shield will mostly be for show, so sad!

James [W^H]

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a Mace and Shield Paladin Warrior which runs the following:

120 Mace Fighting
120 Tactics
100 Parrying
120 Chivalry
090 Healing
090 Anatomy
080 Resist Spells

I run with slayer sets of Bladed Whips and Hammer Picks for weapons. Human race. Suit is all plate/ring for stamina protection. 190+ stam, 149 hit points. 15 HPR, 15 MR. I recently revamped this character from Swords and Bone/Stud to Macing with the Plate and I've been enjoying it.

I have a pretty Uber shield to make it work to hit all the mods I am aiming for. That's pretty important for any template with a Shield. You can find a good shield for pretty cheap, but getting a top end shield can be a game changer for a build like this.

Good luck!
@Merlin How do you use “Bladed Whips” for a Macer? I thought only the Barbed Whip would work.



Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
I belive you can use it a destination for transmog and keep its mods. So someyhing with self repair and sprll channeling or such.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Draza, why bother with Eval? all hit spells have 80 eval already as I know. Having 120 will waste skill points. Hit spell cannot be affected by slayer on weapon/talisman. So damage will be pity.
If you can manage to fit SDI on a warrior, better be spellweaver (WOD) or wraith fighter. (Eval=>Spelweave /Eval=>SS)
New shield is just a vanity item.
Drop parry and Eval in your template for Mystic/Focus and you have nice mystic with 60% hit spell added on any weapon. And RC to tank and hit. Way more damage then pitiful one from shield.
According to this, you would go from a base damage of around 3.5 at 80 to 4.6 at 120. Thats about the same as 110 sdi, and being able to toss out passive FS that way without having to stop attacking to cast spells could work.


Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Honestly my straight up pally warrior is every bit as effective as a sampire
120 swords
120 tactics
120 anatomy
120 healing
120 parry
120 chivalry

The problem lies with the weapons and specials rather than the build..


Stratics Veteran
I belive you can use it a destination for transmog and keep its mods. So someyhing with self repair and sprll channeling or such.
Are you 100% sure? If that's the case, then it becomes quite useful :)


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Thanks Merlin,

I was thinking of something very similar to that. Do you have an specific purpose for the paladin or is the toon well rounded for most encounters? Do you think the Paladin warrior is a match to Samps? I find it very hard to beat what Samps can do.

Also it's probably worth having eval maxed if the FS will be affected by SDI. Will have to test it out first.
The truth is that a Sampire is going to be more survivable than a Paladin Shield build. The one scenario where you could out perform a Sampire in terms of survivability is if you're running with another Warrior with healing and you're staying near and cross healing each other. In terms of damage output, again, Sampires likely will do more damage with a two-handed weapon than a Macer/Swordsman with a one-hander. Now this certainly is not to say the build isn't playable. But if you're going for top tier, it's going to be tough to out play a sampire.

The toon is well rounded enough to do spawns, peerless, Doom... for the most part, it can do any content a sampire can, just needs to be managed more carefully. You still have lots of options for survivability if you're going it alone, but can thrive in a group setting especially if no one else has the Macing mastery. I like having some variety in my choices when deciding to kill stuff, and this was actually my very first character when I returned in 2012. I also have some pretty good Antique jewels with extra skill points that will last quite a bit and help boost up some stats and give some extra skill points for Parry and Anat. I'm not worried about them wearing down since I generally rotate so many different builds.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just tested the shield on TC. I have to say, I'm pretty disappointed. It looks like there are no other mobs apart from 1% fire resist. Also, it does not have spell channelling so it won't work with most spell casters.
It servers no purpose for warriors as well because it is affected significantly by eval and SDI.
Gwen, I believe eval makes a huge difference. Between 0 and 120 eval, the damage was triple.
I think you guys are correct, the shield will mostly be for show, so sad!
You can transmog the stats of another Shield onto the 25th Anniversary Hildebrandt Dragon Shield, and it'll retain it's FS function. The FS effect of the Hildebrandt Shield functions differently than the "Hit Spell" effect on weapons, it's not locked at 80.0 Eval. It scales from 0.0 - 120.0 Eval skill. It also scales with item SDI. The FS function does not interrupt the Reactive Paralyze property from some shields. It does seem like it'd be better utilized in the hands of Mages than Warriors though.

I wish they'd introduce more items with abilities like this. For example, a full suit of artifact Dragon Armor with ability functions (Dragon Armor used to innately function similar to the "Eater" property pre-AoS). A Dragon Helm that grants the same "Firebreath" ability that Reptalon Form (Ninjitsu form granted by Talisman of the Fey) gives. Dragon Gauntlets that grant use of the "Inferno" monster/pet ability (deals Fire Damage while reducing victim's Fire Resist by 1/4th for 4-5 secs), either with a % chance to proc, or an on-use ability with a short (1-2 min) cooldown.
A Spiked Shield with the "Blood Oath" ability on-use (5-10 min cooldown).
Got plenty more ideas for items along these lines.

a wizard

If you're gonna use a shield, drop bush and go parry fencing + ninja and use a leafblade. Feint + AI.

That's about all there is to it to melee shield templates.


Slightly Crazed
I just tested the shield on TC. I have to say, I'm pretty disappointed. It looks like there are no other mobs apart from 1% fire resist. Also, it does not have spell channelling so it won't work with most spell casters.
It servers no purpose for warriors as well because it is affected significantly by eval and SDI.
Gwen, I believe eval makes a huge difference. Between 0 and 120 eval, the damage was triple.
I think you guys are correct, the shield will mostly be for show, so sad!
You checked on TS and shield damage takes your real Eval into account ?


Slightly Crazed
If you're gonna use a shield, drop bush and go parry fencing + ninja and use a leafblade. Feint + AI.

That's about all there is to it to melee shield templates.
Ninja Focus Attack is not working with shield. So shields are for mages in this game.

a wizard

Ninja Focus Attack is not working with shield. So shields are for mages in this game.
Why would you use focus attack for pvm?
Ninja and bushido unlock using leafblade's feint, and you can mirror image tank if you're on foot (old whammy setups) And since a shield makes bushido not practical, ninja is the best alternative route.


Stratics Veteran
You can transmog the stats of another Shield onto the 25th Anniversary Hildebrandt Dragon Shield, and it'll retain it's FS function. The FS effect of the Hildebrandt Shield functions differently than the "Hit Spell" effect on weapons, it's not locked at 80.0 Eval. It scales from 0.0 - 120.0 Eval skill. It also scales with item SDI. The FS function does not interrupt the Reactive Paralyze property from some shields. It does seem like it'd be better utilized in the hands of Mages than Warriors though.

I wish they'd introduce more items with abilities like this. For example, a full suit of artifact Dragon Armor with ability functions (Dragon Armor used to innately function similar to the "Eater" property pre-AoS). A Dragon Helm that grants the same "Firebreath" ability that Reptalon Form (Ninjitsu form granted by Talisman of the Fey) gives. Dragon Gauntlets that grant use of the "Inferno" monster/pet ability (deals Fire Damage while reducing victim's Fire Resist by 1/4th for 4-5 secs), either with a % chance to proc, or an on-use ability with a short (1-2 min) cooldown.
A Spiked Shield with the "Blood Oath" ability on-use (5-10 min cooldown).
Got plenty more ideas for items along these lines.
Seems like it will be hard to take advantage of the shield on the hands of warriors. However, how will this work with a mage? Is there a good mage template w/ parry? Also, that means the mage will have to tank the monsters in order use the shield's ability. How would that work?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Thats why i posted my tempkate further up.
Going for 4.6 base damage of the FS as well as sdi, but able to fight as well. Your main sdi should be from jewels in that case, and maybe the earrings.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Mage weapon dont give access to speacial moves but katanas wouldnt be bad, dont need as much dex. Whip for WW, but wont get the bonus from bush.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The FS effect of the Hildebrandt Shield should be looked at as just a nice little bonus, not anything major. The shield is more of a status symbol.
Hook's Shield (SC/15% DCI/10% SDI/FC 1, 0/10/0/10/0 Resists) would be a good one to transmog onto the Hildebrandt Shield for Mages.
This no-name Legendary Shield that my Macer/Paladin uses would gain a nice little FS effect if i transmogged it onto the Hildebrandt Shield, but i'm holding off on that, wondering if they'll eventually introduce an even better shield to transmog these stats onto. Can't get Shields like this anymore, afterall.
Shield 1.PNG


Stratics Veteran
The FS effect of the Hildebrandt Shield should be looked at as just a nice little bonus, not anything major. The shield is more of a status symbol.
Hook's Shield (SC/15% DCI/10% SDI/FC 1, 0/10/0/10/0 Resists) would be a good one to transmog onto the Hildebrandt Shield for Mages.
This no-name Legendary Shield that my Macer/Paladin uses would gain a nice little FS effect if i transmogged it onto the Hildebrandt Shield, but i'm holding off on that, wondering if they'll eventually introduce an even better shield to transmog these stats onto. Can't get Shields like this anymore, afterall.
View attachment 127073
That's an amazing shield. Do you know of any mage template that uses parry? The only way it will work w/ a mage is if it's a tank toon, since it needs parry to activate the FS.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
That's an amazing shield. Do you know of any mage template that uses parry? The only way it will work w/ a mage is if it's a tank toon, since it needs parry to activate the FS.
Bok Mages will use Parry. While their focus is clearly for PVP, you can have fun with them in PVM in a hybrid type of role. Probably not the best for solo play, but a very versatile build if played right.

My Bok Mage build:

Skills in left column are real, right column are what I am getting from items. Using the Bushido mastery. Probably going to take Magery up higher at some point and bring tactics down.


Stratics Veteran
Bok Mages will use Parry. While their focus is clearly for PVP, you can have fun with them in PVM in a hybrid type of role. Probably not the best for solo play, but a very versatile build if played right.

My Bok Mage build:
View attachment 127319

Skills in left column are real, right column are what I am getting from items. Using the Bushido mastery. Probably going to take Magery up higher at some point and bring tactics down.
Thanks Merlin.
I actually have a Bok Mage for PvP, but yeah it would be interesting to see it in action for PvM. It's suit is very expensive though. It's very hard to get spellcaster and Warrior mods on the same suit. There is usually some compromise on either sides.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Thanks Merlin.
I actually have a Bok Mage for PvP, but yeah it would be interesting to see it in action for PvM. It's suit is very expensive though. It's very hard to get spellcaster and Warrior mods on the same suit. There is usually some compromise on either sides.
My general theory on any hybrid builds is that in order to be successful you typically have to focus on one skill-line to be your strength at the expense of the other. In this particular build, chances are you will play as more of a Mage than a Swordsman and would need to expand your weapons beyond primarily focusing on Bokutos if you were to re-roll the character to focus on PVM. In that same vein, the suit and jewels you would use on a Bok Mage for PVM versus PVP would likely be different. So you would have to take that into consideration as a cost of converting from one play style to another.

If you only wanted to experiment with using this build for PVM before making a commitment, it shouldn't be too difficult to make a few adjustments and atleast be viable. There are enough cheap legendaries out there to swap out a couple pieces so that you're not beating on your PVP-specific gear that tend to be much more costly. It wouldn't be the most high end gear, but there are definitely options. I enjoyed training and skilling up my Bok Mage in Tram Dungeons quite a bit due to its versatility of the build, so it's definitely something that is playable.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you all for this info, I was hoping to use a 1 hand weapon on my swordsman with a luck suit, just for the 190 added luck. But sounds like I need to remove Bushido.

Those skull longswords are so damn cool, I already have a set of those. Back to the 2 hand sword weapons. :(


Slightly Crazed
Thank you all for this info, I was hoping to use a 1 hand weapon on my swordsman with a luck suit, just for the 190 added luck. But sounds like I need to remove Bushido.

Those skull longswords are so damn cool, I already have a set of those. Back to the 2 hand sword weapons. :(
Bushido will still work for luck gained from honor your foes. And WW on a whip damage will be increased. So if you can survive without actual parrying blows, drop parry then.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Bushido will still work for luck gained from honor your foes. And WW on a whip damage will be increased. So if you can survive without actual parrying blows, drop parry then.
Unfortunately the Luck Suit is low on DCI. It has just 20. I tried the suit on my swordsman. He really missed the extra HP he had before the suit. Also I was fighting in the Rune Beetle area. I can't use the beetle Tally because the Luck one gives me 10 HCI DCI. He has 1830 luck. I use slayer weapons. When I see a para beetle I eat a Koi Pie for 8 DCI.

So, if I find the right spot I could probably use him in the event.


Slightly Crazed
Unfortunately the Luck Suit is low on DCI. It has just 20. I tried the suit on my swordsman. He really missed the extra HP he had before the suit. Also I was fighting in the Rune Beetle area. I can't use the beetle Tally because the Luck one gives me 10 HCI DCI. He has 1830 luck. I use slayer weapons. When I see a para beetle I eat a Koi Pie for 8 DCI.

So, if I find the right spot I could probably use him in the event.
But beetle tally will improve your damage overall. Does that little of luck matters so much ?
Switch from luck shield to Grugor one when fighting para beetle. It will give you extra HP you miss so much.

Will having a bard on nearby ship running mastery help a little ?


Stratics Veteran
He is using Maul's (7) with HLM,HLL,HSL, slayer for double strike and barbed whip's (2) for whirlwind and grugor's shield in combination of a range of slayer tali.
He is quiet tanky


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
He is using Maul's (7) with HLM,HLL,HSL, slayer for double strike and barbed whip's (2) for whirlwind and grugor's shield in combination of a range of slayer tali.
He is quiet tanky
I'm so stupid. I posted the old stats of my macer.

Here are his current stats
View attachment 148359
How much swing speed are you running? 202 Stam seems high and maybe you could re-route a few stat points to Mana, but depends on your SSI and how fast you're hitting.

There is a hammer from the current ToT event - the Divine Sanctifier - it's a nice item. Great stats, very powerful. Get your hands on one if ya can!


Stratics Veteran
I have 35 SSI and for swing speed 1.25 180 stam would be enough.
But i can chain double strike almost constantly with the 87 HML on my mauls.

The hammer is on my list. But the list is long :rolleyes2:. If i get all on my list his armor get's some changes. But my Disco-Tamer comes first:p