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battle chicken max stats


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
tonight I was at the KFC chicken fights on Sonoma and I saw a battle chicken with 189 hits 195 dex thats over the posted max. How the heck did they get it that high?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
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I think you'd need to ask the owner because I can't explain the high dex. I remember some tamers were managing to raise HPs a while back, but I haven't heard of dex being raised.

The other possibility is that we were wrong about the max dex cap. But that's a fair few points off our listed maximum so I'm not sure. They're not brand new pets, so I'm rather curious about this chicken.

Any of the more experienced chicken breeders able to shed some light here?



The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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tasty treat?


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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the red box is after the treat.
there is only one way to get your DEX over 125 on a critter and thats with a bless or tasty treat.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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actually a tasty treat still dosnt get ya as high as your showing.


Stratics Veteran
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no tasty treats this guy has several bird that high and higher. How did they raise strength?


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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well the simple fix for this is to just kick him and his birds out of the fights.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
If he has several birds the same, it's likely he knows why. So I'd ask. If he won't give an explanation, speak to whoever is running the competition.

If I was running a competition with chickens, anyone turning up with unusual stats like that would need to convince me they were legit pets and share their tricks with others. Otherwise that player is going to be at an advantage and annoy all the other competitors. Or they're using an exploit to make super chickens. Which is hilarious but still dodgy :D


Sonoma Girl

Stratics Veteran
OK the player you refering to is not doing anything ILLEGAL or Cheating. It would be a good idea to get a hold of the person who has theses Chickens and ask how they are doing it. Instead of posting on here WHY don't you ask the TWO people running the fights whats going on. If you have Questions ask! I will get a hold of the player myself to see if they will tell there secret.

FreeBird of Mercenary Inn

Stratics Veteran
Wow dont even really know what to say here...
I can and will tell you ALL my chickens are natural ! , they do not have any bless or tasty treats on them!
I have at least 4 maybe 5 Battle Chickens with those kind of stats.

If ANY of you wold like - I will Park my birds at the KFC arena , join the KFC Guild , and you can snoop my bag to see what I am carrying.
I will not move or cast a spaell for 90mins , and if you snoop me youll see i have no treats.

100m gold says my birds stats dont change EVER! I will sit there for longer if ANY of you wiish !!!

So you quick to make accusations or wanna ban me from fight because I am a better tamer-bird trainer?
How bout you look into first - ask questions - then make accusation?
So my offer stands if ANY of you wanna take me up on it'


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Ok, nobody is being accused of anything....

If someone sees a tame pet with stats above the cap, they will be curious how that happened. There have been tricks employed in the past to raise strength before a pet was tamed etc, and people do sometimes come up with new tricks some of which aren't so legal. It's not about making accusations - this is just the sort of stuff that happens in UO. So if there's a new mystery, one of the answers we always allow for is exploits lol.

So what we have here are some curious tamers wondering if
a) the max stats quoted for chickens are wrong - if your chickens spawned that high.
b) did you do something to raise their stats, and if so, what?


FreeBird of Mercenary Inn

Stratics Veteran
Ok, nobody is being accused of anything....

If someone sees a tame pet with stats above the cap, they will be curious how that happened. There have been tricks employed in the past to raise strength before a pet was tamed etc, and people do sometimes come up with new tricks some of which aren't so legal. It's not about making accusations - this is just the sort of stuff that happens in UO. So if there's a new mystery, one of the answers we always allow for is exploits lol.

So what we have here are some curious tamers wondering if
a) the max stats quoted for chickens are wrong - if your chickens spawned that high.
b) did you do something to raise their stats, and if so, what?

Well I am not going to reveal my training tactics, thats kinda like one coach asking to see anothers playbook before a game isnt it?:confused:
The Admins of KFC Chicken Fights have been made aware of, and know my training schedule for my birds and have deemed nothing to be "illeagle " according to the KFC Rule book.

What I will tell you is this - maybe you should ask yerself what is the source of the eggs that I am geting my birds from ??? ;)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We're going round in circles like headless chickens....

This isn't the secret service, we're talking about chicken training lol. There's not much point saying "oh I'm not doing anything dishonest!" then dodging any questions about what you are doing ;) That actually makes you look worse hehehe. That's like saying to the police "oh I'm not carrying anything dodgy in this bag officer, but I'm not letting you see!"

As for the source of your eggs, well I'd be hoping they came from a mummy chicken, or the RSPCA are going to want a word... ;)


FreeBird of Mercenary Inn

Stratics Veteran
Its a combination of what lays the eggs I hatch , how and where I tame them , then train them....
Now isnt the point to build a bigger and better chicken? So why would I release trade secrets...
Define "dodgy" , what in your mind could I possibly be doing that "fits" that term?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Trade secrets? You're training pixel chickens in a computer game... Honestly, the further this thread develops the stranger things get heh. The first time someone has really avoided answering questions here and it's about chickens... um... lol.

This is a forum where we tend to answer questions openly and share what we know with each other. I don't do trade secrets, I'm interested in helping our community learn how to train and handle their pets. If someone has a question, we try to answer it. The aim is to share knowledge with everyone who wants to learn, not lock it away from those who aren't in some elite group. We're a community here :)

As for what is dodgy? Well anything that you shouldn't be doing would be considered "dodgy." But discussing exploits etc isn't allowed on these forums, so that guessing game isn't going to happen.



The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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as someone who has tamed and trained every animal in game the only thing that has me a little curious is how all the stats on your birds are so high yet the int/mana is rock bottom.

that is very lop sided.

every pet ive ever had goes up to max 125 if its below that.
so those number seem very askew to me.

i just think its disappointing that something like this happens and it basically kills an event in game.
cause i know i wont be coming out any more with birds like that there.
there is no way your gonna beat a bird that has 50HP and 100 dex more then any other bird spawned normally in game.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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oh never mind, they arnt even trained thats why they are so low in int.
jesus on the cross, the dex and hp are that high and they arnt even trained..... well that clears up my Saturday evenings i guess, haha


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
LOL, I'll be darned if some chicken tamer gets the better of us : P

Pre-tame dex boost sounds like a fel job to me...

We'll figure it out though. I'm not being out-done by a chicken fancier tyvm hehehehe.

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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well I was just asking I am hatched about 15 battle chickens and trained them to their max stats and have never seen these that high. I have asked the tamer before and was told some BS about running around the chicken clockwise 3 times. Like I am that kid of idiot. I was hoping someone had a heads up on training stats, in hopes that it translates to other tames.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are a limited number of ways to raise dex, we'll have an answer soon even if all of them need to be tested. Unfortunately I'm behind my RL work schedule this month so I'm itching to login and I can't.

But the lure of some extra dex on a chicken or other pets and someone dangling the carrot on the tamers forum.... That will speed things up considerably :D

I'm not 100% convinced this method will turn out to be legal, but if it is, it's getting shared.


Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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The sparse hints would seem to suggest he hatches in an enclosed space and carefully fights them (melee) BEFORE he tames them.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I have a few eggs and have some "ancient" marked runes to save fel spots I am going to try the fighting in fel trick. It might be a thing with the coops I now segregated the higher dex str battle chickens to a coop and but the lower ones together to see if that matters.

FreeBird of Mercenary Inn

Stratics Veteran
Well I have a few eggs and have some "ancient" marked runes to save fel spots I am going to try the fighting in fel trick. It might be a thing with the coops I now segregated the higher dex str battle chickens to a coop and but the lower ones together to see if that matters.

Are your egg laying chickens regular chicken lizards or battle chickens? o_O


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well I was just asking I am hatched about 15 battle chickens and trained them to their max stats and have never seen these that high. I have asked the tamer before and was told some BS about running around the chicken clockwise 3 times. Like I am that kid of idiot. I was hoping someone had a heads up on training stats, in hopes that it translates to other tames.

I just saw this, I am the one that said to run around the chicken clockwise three times and hatch it in fel. Everyone was training pets and I was the one with the dog, I wasn't even training chickens nor do I take part in fighting chickens. I was just being sarcastic and funny, I was bored. I was busy drinking up lots of kegs, I don't get into all the stats of fighting chickens. It wasn't meant for you to think you were that kind of idiot...Im just usually a smart a...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ok hatched i fel started at 145 hps beat the heck out of it it did gain but not in hps. I even took hera's advice and ran around the egg before hatching (LMFAO I tought it was funny to begin with no offense). Did on in a city and out of a city. I even hunted damn wild chickens and lost fame/karma and found 2 eggs one went battle chicken that one i did out of city. no hp gains.

FreeBird of Mercenary Inn

Stratics Veteran
Ok guys... ;)

I was only "messin" with ya all cuz I knew the KFC fight I attened and won was thee last of the season and would not start back up again untill sumtime in January.
I had dropped "hints" here and there, both in game and out, as to how to work your Battle Chickens, hoping someone would catch on...

I have been "playing" with my taming and training tactics off and on for about 6 weeks now, and I have ONE more idea/ thing to "test"...

Once I do that will spell it all out to you, so when KFC starts up again we will all be on equal playing ground, uhhum , except who of us can build the biggerest bestest battle chicken ! :whip:
This will allow you all time to work my practices to get the best BC you can , train it , and bond it for the up coming new season of KFC!
Plz dont take my past evasion(s) as offensive or personal, I was just curious to see who , if anyone, could duplicate my methods...

As I mentioned I have ONE more idea that may take the BCs to an even higher lvl, but here is a sneak peak at my best , so far BC...
Rooks Bishop Base.png Rooks Bishop Blessed.png
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
have you tried these strategies with other pets?
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FreeBird of Mercenary Inn

Stratics Veteran
Ok guys here it is :cool:

Step ONE: Most important thing I have seen thus far, the egss you hatch come from a BATTLE CHICKEN
Also the eggs MUST have been watered EVERY day while in the incubator!

Step TWO: Place a boat in the water outside of New Haven by town with the UnDead in it.

Step THREE: Either BE a bard or GET a bard to hlp you! ;)

Step FOUR: Have bard stay on boat, you go gather up SpellBinders from the undead town and kite them back to the boat, then have the bard attack each one to have them cast on bard. (6 to 9 Spellbiders works well)

Step FIVE: Get ON the boat WITH Battle Chicken Egg on your character.
Hatch the Battle Chicken!
Have Bard provoke the SpellBinders ONTO the Battle Chicken.

Step SIX : Watch the Resisting Spells skill on the Battle Chicken , when it gets into the 90 - 100 (yer call) kill off the spell binders.
Tame the Battle Chicken!

Step SEVEN: Fast as you can , feed that lil sucker, and all follow me command it!
Gate to the Jhelom Bull Pen, and have that lil son of a ... chicken :rolleyes: kill anything and every thing you can w/o it getting deaded!
After about ten mins or so pull that newly made killin machine in on a short leash , and lore it!
Whalaa! Ubber Bird...

Now , I have done and tested MANY different things and the methods work just like the old taming, you NEVER know what yer gonna get till you have it.
So if you dont get the Ubber bird you were looking for right off, keep trying!

As for training the BC after you have it ...
I emply two methods: Either have 2 BCs of same starting skills fight each other and heal them as they fight.
OR Hier a NPC Fighter with NO weapon, and have it fight the bird, healing both as they go. (best to find a NPC fighter with a high durability shield!)
The premis here is either both the BCs and or BC & NPC are at the same skill lvls, as they fight each other they BOTH gain in combat skills, thus forcing thee other to gain...
These will ONLY work in Tram if you are IN a Guild, otherwise you MUST go to Fel to do it!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok, guys... I don't recommend doing anything where a boat is used to manipulate or restrict the movement of any spawn around you, until we can verify that this is legal to do. I don't want anyone getting in trouble but I know you're all sensible enough to wait while we check :)

I will tell Santa if you're bad kids *grins*



Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Ok, guys... I don't recommend doing anything where a boat is used to manipulate or restrict the movement of any spawn around you, until we can verify that this is legal to do. I don't want anyone getting in trouble but I know you're all sensible enough to wait while we check :)

I will tell Santa if you're bad kids *grins*

Why wouldn't it be legal. Players have been doing it in New Haven since it's creation to work resist. They either use a boat, go on the porch on the house on Great Lakes, or go into the little shed with the blown out wall. Same effect.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why wouldn't it be legal. Players have been doing it in New Haven since it's creation to work resist. They either use a boat, go on the porch on the house on Great Lakes, or go into the little shed with the blown out wall. Same effect.
Just because people have done it and got away with it doesn't make it 'legal'... there's a distinct rule about not using blocking terrain to avoid taking damage in combat, and this is very much in the grey area regarding that. I'll not comment for or against people who try it out, but it does seem to be at least one the edge of what is meant to be allowed.

As someone who tries to run a chicken league it is a problem for me, since none of the existing players have used this method and so have no birds anywhere near the sorts of stats FreeBird had reached. I'd not bar anyone entering without being certain they had bent any of the game rules, but it's a potential problem should someone arrive with such a 'boosted' fighter :(

CFC Rachel

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We found this out a couple years ago on GL. we just didnt let any of those critters fight. i can almot see workin up a low hitpoint critter (one that is well below max), but to take it over max is just wrong. So, how many and which shards still have chicken fights?

FreeBird of Mercenary Inn

Stratics Veteran
I wonder...
Had I shown up at the KFC Fights with a Battle Chicken like this:
Would anyone even care?
Would anyone want one?

Uh Yeahhh....png

PLZ note the STAM!
Also that I am spamming "All Follow Me" , the poor lil guy CAN'T WALK !!!
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FreeBird of Mercenary Inn

Stratics Veteran
We found this out a couple years ago on GL. we just didnt let any of those critters fight. i can almot see workin up a low hitpoint critter (one that is well below max), but to take it over max is just wrong. So, how many and which shards still have chicken fights?

Hmmm you got my mind to spinnin...
Mainly the
(one that is well below max)
Did you do what I think you did and THEN train it? :(

But then :
but to take it over max is just wrong
nah.. I am over thinking it I am sure - on the other hand you seem mighty "eager"(?) to come to Sonoma for the KFC fights....

The "game" is afoot me thinks thou doust protest too much... er uh huh whaa?

CFC Rachel

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
na, they way we did it was the critters were paired with like critters in stats. since the regular battle chicks have such a huge range of str anyways, they were put into classes: feather weight, frier weight and the boiler weights. one like yours would have been put into one of the Royal Rumble, a free for all fight at the end, where anyone who has a pet can enter. one for magical abd other non-magical. it takes the problem out of it all !! no need to waste time building a super chicky, if he will be paired with a like critter...no advantage. we found this problem a couple years ago and reported it as a bug even should them how to reproduce it. although it would be nice to use it on a pet that had the right color or resist but stunk in stats. just dont use the blocking terrain to do it. i do enjoy the chicken fights and want to come watch, so i must make a char there...new project. do you all do betting on fights?