Sent a bunch of stuff over to QA so I'm just waiting to patch the initial holes that I know they are going to tear into my stuff.
So first a recap of what I was planning.
All Abilities: No longer interrupted by any bard skills.
The non-directed/non-focused/aoe/passive abilities, which is pretty much anything except despair. Though this may go for tribulation as well (pending some testing)
Would not be interrupted by the bard casting spells.
(I guess nobody on test ran a stoneform preservance bard. That was fun)
Slight lowering of the damage from despair/Tribulation in PvP, and raising of the damage in PvM. (Possibly factoring in Resist Spells of target)
(Possibly also awarding bonus damage for bard also having provoke/peacemaking , so that high damage still very possible for Bards investing alot of skill points.)
AOE Party Effects:
Allowing bard to run multiple spellsongs at the same time.
(May be interesting to stack Despair and tribulation but for now not being considered)
All Abilities:
Lower mana cost for casting and upkeep if the bard has multiple bard skills.
And the status update as is currently testing.
Lower Upkeep cost from support skills: Done
(Peace and Provo Abilities all received small lower mana cost adjustment.)
Spell song stacking: Bards using peace or provo mastery can run both spell songs concurrently if they can manage the upkeep cost.
Spell song effects: The base effects to all spellsongs will receive slight bonuses from having other bard skills at GM or higher.
Limited number of rounds. Some effects can be resisted by players with high magic resist.
Tribulation damage should now be more effective.
Slayer support for Despair and Tribulation
Also added small tweak elsewhere. (Secret!)
-*Edit* Forgot one of the most important things. Spell songs won't be interrupted by casting spells.