the change is stuped. i agree with minificelle all the way
. why put something in the game for as long as we have had bags of sending and then change it. scripters were in the game before the bags and they will be there after the change so why change it. oh i know so we the honest players will suffer and have to change. who cares anyway.
2D will live forever
Many monsters in the game have 1000 gold drop loot (not counting anything else) and they die in seconds. So, you kill (yeah fun) 15, 20 at most and you are ready for a recall (beurk crap). Its just tedious and boring. And a pain with a char without easy recall abilities.
Old bag:
I used to go in many places in the game, killing here, killing there, at my own pace, exploring, staying in some places for hours, in other for minutes, looting gold, skinning, going town when i was in the mood to go town...
Well, that was fun and freedom (you know the thing most people agree to be the "big plus" of UO).
New bag:
Most of my old places are now plain dull and boring as i cant stand to recall every 5 minutes...i resay it: I CANT STAND TO RECALL EVERY 5 MINUTES.
So, i restrict myself to the easy bank acces places...Unfortunatly, such places with "worth going monsters" are not that much.
I dont even skin anymore as that only means "go bank sooner".
I could play with packies and/or beetles but i didnt made a tamer to play with a timber wolf as pet...
That being said, i still make gold as fast as before, and perhaps even faster (no more skinning, no more exploring).
I have adapted, yes, but at such a cost that i start to ask myself whats the freedom is gone.
As my interest in the game is mostly PVM with little to no interest in RP and PVP, i am now left with the choice to either recall every 5 minutes (no way), play in like 3% of the world (getting boring fast), kill without looting (no point) or just searching another game (sad because UO managed to attract me because of freedom just to destoy this freedom 3 monthes later).
About the inflation and economy, i dont really see a problem...
If an item cost 10 millions and i make 1 million a day or if the item cost 1000 and i make 100 a day, this item still cost me 10 days. Inflation is only bad when income doesnt grow as fast as prices.
Then, most, if not all MMOs, enter this "broken and inflated economy" after they reach maturity.
Gold has only one use in a game: buy stuff. As soon as you have all you need, gold has like zero value for you, so its start accumulating.
After a while, you have less and less stuff you need to buy and so much gold that prices dont matter a lot, so inflate.
But after a while, items too start to lose their value because most players have managed to get them so only news players are potential buyers and then prices stabilise high but not out of proportion.
So now, this new bag hinders the new player (need many gold to buy many stuff) way way more than the vet (has already millions gold, knows exactly what to kill/where to go if he ever need more and has like zero need).
About the scripters...
Oki perhaps they are stopped for now but for how long ? They are perhaps scripters and cheaters, but dont think they are stupid...
Finding new spots and writting new scripts wont take long for the ones that are worth their name of scripters. Then the average Joe that know nothing about scripts but google will have them too some days later.
And a bot can recall every 10 secondes 24/day if needed without even being annoyed a single bit.
So this change will stop scripters some days at most and thats it.
So for me, this new bag is just ruining what i enjoy in the game, does nothing for economy, hinders the new player more than the vet and wont do anything to any good scripter. What a good change...
My opinion.