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Bags of Sending - Facts, Feedback, & Poll



I love the new changes, Its about time you make us work for something. The part of the community back with pack horses, and actualy having to go to the banks!

If everyone complaining about having to much leather, ore, gold to carry. Then make the spawn less. Dont like the 1k gold monsters drop? Welp, make it so they drop 100gp!



I love the new changes, Its about time you make us work for something. The part of the community back with pack horses, and actualy having to go to the banks!

If everyone complaining about having to much leather, ore, gold to carry. Then make the spawn less. Dont like the 1k gold monsters drop? Welp, make it so they drop 100gp!

[/ QUOTE ]

but it's not supposed to be hard work. it's supposed to be a fun game!


Gotta be one of the most asinine changes ever. The problem with the economy is not he amount of money in it , but the inflation caused greedy people , vendors who think everything is a rare and what not, those Luna idiots and what not. Most players are poor and cannot afford all the power and stat scrolls they need now. let's forget about "rare" weapons and armor. Nefing everyone just to hit the top 1% has got to be the stupidest thing ever.



can i just make it clear that you still get 100 powder for 200 zoogi. the 4-5 powder thing refers to the quantity you get given along with the bag.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes you can, many thanks!
I have added the following into the OP of this thread. *cheers*

<font color="red">Note:</font> The "Solen powder quest now rewards 4-5 powder." refers to the Powder of Translocation that you are able to get when you do the The Ambitious Red Solen Queen Quest to get a Bag of Sending, not the quest specifically for getting the Powder. You still get the normal 100 Powder from The Solen Matriarch Quest.




I love the new changes, Its about time you make us work for something. The part of the community back with pack horses, and actualy having to go to the banks!

If everyone complaining about having to much leather, ore, gold to carry. Then make the spawn less. Dont like the 1k gold monsters drop? Welp, make it so they drop 100gp!

[/ QUOTE ]

but it's not supposed to be hard work. it's supposed to be a fun game!

[/ QUOTE ]

If your talking about the crafting, then maybe you should look to see if you actually enjoy playing a crafter. I for one loved crafting and enjoyed the amount of time it took for me to gather leather, and ore so I can make what I wanted. Having it take time to make something was FUN! Now, it seems like everyone is spoiled and they dont wanna spend time walking around gather items, bank, then return to gather once again.

If its not fun gathering items, then maybe being a merchant isn't for you.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like the change. Somehow, "back in the day when we walked 2 miles in the snow" we managed to figure it out.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I like the change. Somehow, "back in the day when we walked 2 miles in the snow" we managed to figure it out.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree.

For every challenge, there are three or four solutions, usually.


I don't want to work for something, I do that the rest of the day.
I want to play for fun. I don't know why players are suddenly nostalgic of when some aspect of the game were boring and accept to have them back. Oh I know. Because there never was such an era when there were great amounts of gold coins dropping on weak mobs without BoS.

"We were doing it back then so why couldn't we now?"
Because game changed. Mobs HP are low, loot is high. And we wouldn't bother if like in any modern game the local currency wouldn't take any inventory slot nor weight.
The reason we have too much money is that there aren't efficient gold sinks and the faucet is still wide open. Bots will adapt as players did. Useless change making the game more boring... yeah just what brings new players it's perfect.

Personally I know a game where the currency isn't worth alot. Any decent gear climbs to millions. However the economy works fine, despite the omnipresence of bots. And you know what, money doesn't have a weight and can't drop on death. Is the game easy? No. The first thing you're wondering when you see the prices is : how could I have that much money at this level? And the answer is : be smart, learn the game, read guides... if you level without thinking of it, you won't be able to get decent stuff.
But devs don't annoy players by preventing them to gather money while xping on the same spot.


I like the change. Somehow, "back in the day when we walked 2 miles in the snow" we managed to figure it out.

i like how people says its soo much harder to get gold "back in the day" well guess what if you guys dont remeber "back in the day" you can mark a rune ANYWHERE even in dungeons and just recall to farming spot and to bank, so how is it easier now even with a bos?


My general feeling is that 15K of gold (about the most anyoe can hold on their person before becoming overloaded) for one powder charge is too liberal but 300 per charge is too conservative. Maybe something on the order of 1 charge per 5 stones (or 4 - that's 1/2 in binary terms).



the change is stuped. i agree with minificelle all the way
. why put something in the game for as long as we have had bags of sending and then change it. scripters were in the game before the bags and they will be there after the change so why change it. oh i know so we the honest players will suffer and have to change. who cares anyway.

2D will live forever

Many monsters in the game have 1000 gold drop loot (not counting anything else) and they die in seconds. So, you kill (yeah fun) 15, 20 at most and you are ready for a recall (beurk crap). Its just tedious and boring. And a pain with a char without easy recall abilities.

Old bag:
I used to go in many places in the game, killing here, killing there, at my own pace, exploring, staying in some places for hours, in other for minutes, looting gold, skinning, going town when i was in the mood to go town...
Well, that was fun and freedom (you know the thing most people agree to be the "big plus" of UO).

New bag:
Most of my old places are now plain dull and boring as i cant stand to recall every 5 minutes...i resay it: I CANT STAND TO RECALL EVERY 5 MINUTES.
So, i restrict myself to the easy bank acces places...Unfortunatly, such places with "worth going monsters" are not that much.
I dont even skin anymore as that only means "go bank sooner".
I could play with packies and/or beetles but i didnt made a tamer to play with a timber wolf as pet...
That being said, i still make gold as fast as before, and perhaps even faster (no more skinning, no more exploring).

I have adapted, yes, but at such a cost that i start to ask myself whats the point...my freedom is gone.

As my interest in the game is mostly PVM with little to no interest in RP and PVP, i am now left with the choice to either recall every 5 minutes (no way), play in like 3% of the world (getting boring fast), kill without looting (no point) or just searching another game (sad because UO managed to attract me because of freedom just to destoy this freedom 3 monthes later).

About the inflation and economy, i dont really see a problem...
If an item cost 10 millions and i make 1 million a day or if the item cost 1000 and i make 100 a day, this item still cost me 10 days. Inflation is only bad when income doesnt grow as fast as prices.
Then, most, if not all MMOs, enter this "broken and inflated economy" after they reach maturity.
Gold has only one use in a game: buy stuff. As soon as you have all you need, gold has like zero value for you, so its start accumulating.
After a while, you have less and less stuff you need to buy and so much gold that prices dont matter a lot, so inflate.
But after a while, items too start to lose their value because most players have managed to get them so only news players are potential buyers and then prices stabilise high but not out of proportion.

So now, this new bag hinders the new player (need many gold to buy many stuff) way way more than the vet (has already millions gold, knows exactly what to kill/where to go if he ever need more and has like zero need).

About the scripters...
Oki perhaps they are stopped for now but for how long ? They are perhaps scripters and cheaters, but dont think they are stupid...
Finding new spots and writting new scripts wont take long for the ones that are worth their name of scripters. Then the average Joe that know nothing about scripts but google will have them too some days later.
And a bot can recall every 10 secondes 24/day if needed without even being annoyed a single bit.

So this change will stop scripters some days at most and thats it.

So for me, this new bag is just ruining what i enjoy in the game, does nothing for economy, hinders the new player more than the vet and wont do anything to any good scripter. What a good change...

My opinion.


Yea that makes no sense if you have to recall in and out all the time you lose your spot either way probably and its a pain in the butt


I'd like to see another poll, only one question:

Before the BoS change appeared were you sitting at home thinking "My god when are those Devs finally gonna make BoSs unusable?"? Yes No


While I'm sure there way that present more difficulty than others, for me I simply recall to the bank and back to wherever I was hunting critters... If this method was to slow the money to my bank, I would say it has failed at least for me, and make the change rather pointless unless it was simply to annoy me...

Al Thorin



Let the scripters die. I hope the Devs won't listen to their crying.

You DO realize that the affect to scriptors via the BoS change will be negligible once they update their scripts to utilize new strategies... right?

[/ QUOTE ]
You do realize that new, or different strategies are far more unreliable than BOS right?

The BOS allowed them to setup anywhere, with the most reliable scripts.

This leaves them with either limited areas for relieable scripts (very easy to hunt, monitor, etc), or run much more advanced scripts which tend to be prone to more problems, AND are more prone to player intervention.

Al Thorin


Yeah, that's farming. And yeah, it's boring as all get out, so no, the guild I'm in doesn't do that. We tend to start at the top of a dungeon and work to the bottom, then fight back out...course, that's pointless now.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wouldn't that method have far more point to it NOW?
Seeing as what you collect going in is, simply put, harder to get out. (IE you have to -walk- it out)

Just thinking out loud..
Average dungeon gold drop per mob going from the entry to bottom level.. guestimate of ~300 (since players tend to milk the lower levels)
A built char can carry ~450
Minus equipment.. say ~100
Minus dexer/tamer supplies ~100
Leaving ~ 250 stones for loot.

Gold alone 50:1 weight ratio.

250 x 50 = 12,500 gold.

12,500 / 300 41 mobs.

Lets pick.. 5 people.
200 Mobs to cap out in gold, give or take depending on noteworthy loot (which you could BOS!), and people geared/supplied weight.

I'll have to test it once, but I think I would be hard pressed to 41 monsters to simply get to the bottom level and back.
Of course, I wouldn't be working with 250 free weight, I'd be working with ~400.




Let the scripters die. I hope the Devs won't listen to their crying.

You DO realize that the affect to scriptors via the BoS change will be negligible once they update their scripts to utilize new strategies... right?

[/ QUOTE ]

You're wrong.

The scripters fought in fel dungeons and peerless entrances where few people would see them and monsters died faster than trammel.

There are no "new strategies", you think they're going to run in and out of fel dungeons every time they need to bank gold? They'd be seen and killed, they could be blocked. They were doing this on a massive scale, EA said that the faucet allowing gold to enter the economy through bag of sending was cranked up as far as it could go ... this involved THOUSANDS of accounts. It is feasible to hide 1000s of accounts in rarely seen places in felucca and illish on 25 xshardable servers and have minimal interaction with real players. It is NOT feasible to have 1000s of accounts recalling to banks or houses every 4 minutes to unload a bag of gold. It would be far riskier to them.

The simple fact that gold sellers have changed from $1.50 per mil to $2.25 per mil within a week of the change only goes to prove that they have not figured out how to replace the gold they lost through bag of sending exploitation.




Yeah, that's farming. And yeah, it's boring as all get out, so no, the guild I'm in doesn't do that. We tend to start at the top of a dungeon and work to the bottom, then fight back out...course, that's pointless now.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wouldn't that method have far more point to it NOW?

[/ QUOTE ]

No, it's pretty much dead in the water if you expect to actually get rewarded for each kill.

We have practically 0 mages...mostly archers, warriors and some bards, and even the bards tend to be archer/bard hybrids. We carry a lot of stuff. I'm not sure about everyone else but between armor, spare bows, arrows, potions, petals, etc. I'm lucky to be able to carry 10,000 gold before I can't move.

Ilshenar dungeons are full of paragons that can take a minute or two to kill off. Those also have lots of gold, and while killing them off the rest of the spawn is still coming at you. I'm not sure about everyone else but by the time I've gone down to the bottom and come back out I tend to use around 5 charges average...the old way. The current way I have to either stop looting...which removes much of the point...or turn back by around the middle of the second level.

And then you have to decide if the entire group leaves and tries it again or if they try to hold a spot and wait for the guy running to the bank. If they do that they are likely going to fill up and need to bank before long too...it just tends to ruin the guild hunting experience.

I'm fine with them cutting the amount of incoming gold...but not like this. Just cut how much spawns.


If the real reason behind this was to cut the faucet of gold then this was a poor way to do it. It's been proven quite quickly that gold farming is barely impacted at all.

If you want to slow the flow of gold...make less.

The loot tables have needed a revision since AOS. Most of the stuff that spawns as loot is pointless. The only thing generally worthwhile on the average critter is gold, regs, leather, or scales.

There needs to be minimum properties for armor, weapons and jewelry and it would be nice if there was some kind of sanity check on the properties, too. There is no reason at all to spawn a ring that has physical resist 1% and nothing else or elf only armor with nightsight, etc.

Make the items sane, put in minimum properties (there's no point in less than 3 property jewelry, for example...especially not from a paragon balron) and intensities that are a great deal better than they are now (on the low to medium ends...not saying raise caps)...and you can lower the amount of gold and number of items spawned.

Aside from that, though...how about adding a small shot at a random game tile as loot from any creature in the game. The higher the fame, the slightly higher the chance, or maybe a different set of tiles that relate to the creature being killed. Any tile that exists in the game could be spawned as loot.

Those changes give everyone a little something. Gold influx is reduced, because less is spawning...resource gatherers can get the bags of sending back...PVMers and PVPers get shots at decent items for a change, making it easier for new people to get up to a survivable level without having to make enough gold to buy runic crafted stuff or artifacts...and collectors and decorators get access to stuff that was either server birth rare or never available at all.


Nothing else is the same, though.

Back before bags of sending we didn't have Ilshenar, where you can't mark/recall. It was a lot harder to kill things...I remember an entire guild running from a single gazer, stringing it along trying to kill it...or three archers retreating down a hall in the Terathan Keep all firing at an Avenger and taking five minutes to kill it.

And no BOD system for the crafters...who I really feel sorry for.

The problem with this change is...you are right. It won't be too hard to get around and still make gold hand over fist. So what's the point?



If everyone complaining about having to much leather, ore, gold to carry. Then make the spawn less. Dont like the 1k gold monsters drop? Welp, make it so they drop 100gp!

[/ QUOTE ]

That change I could have lived with.

The problem with the bag of sending change is that it further discourages group hunts because you have to split up so often to make a bank run...and it pretty much removes the point to the Ilshenar dungeons.



If its not fun gathering items, then maybe being a merchant isn't for you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Definitely ain't no fun for me. Even with the bags I never thought about making a crafter...way too tedious.



The developers are now addressing the problem by making Bag of Sending useless for gold transportation.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually...what they did was make the bag useless for pretty much everything. Non-stackables generally don't weigh much and can be insured, so generally speaking people wouldn't waste a charge on them. That won't change.

What they didn't do was slow down the amount of gold being farmed. To do that, less gold needs to spawn as loot...either by harder monsters or adjusted loot tables.

This "fix" is a pointless irritant, and it disturbs me that they snuck it in the way they did without any apparent thought to the consequences.



So for me, this new bag is just ruining what i enjoy in the game, does nothing for economy, hinders the new player more than the vet and wont do anything to any good scripter. What a good change...

My opinion.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yup. We're in the same boat.

Hmm...boats...at least with a boat it's an easy recall location...



I cannot for the life of me figure out what the bag is good for now.

[/ QUOTE ]


The change effectively removed the bag of sending from the game.


I said 'no' for one big reason: resource gathering for my crafter!

I don't harvest/farm gold, and often look at vendor prices in amazement (esp. when it regards otherwise useless stuff like Magincia rubble), and 8 mil for a Charger of the Fallen is over my budget... (Even over my total gold worth in my entire account!...)

Having said this, I now can no longer go out with my crafter and gather a good amount of resources without having to spend ridiculous amounts of gold to send the stuff to my bank *or* recall to my house (my crafter is not a mage and doesn't have a 100% lrc suit either, so she uses scrolls inscribed by my mage...)
At this time (but God knows for how long) it has become cheaper to just go buy my resources instead...

They should have just made gold a non-baggable item (This item can not be sent!) instead!

Molly Foxglove

Im very much against. This makes the game less fun for us average players.
It will hurt and discourage the young ones. Even as it was, they saw the prices in the shops and were sure they never would be able to catch up. Every day they found out about powerscrolls, stat scrolls, armour pieces with nice properties and LRC etc. Only positive things we could tell was that money is easy to make with that figher they had created. Please, the ones that will be hit by the less gold in loot are the new players, thoose we need so badly for this game to survive.
I have an ant vendor , that was one of my best but I can live without it. I use to buy fungi from new players 200 gp each. Wind Maze is a good place to train , loot money and fungi. They learn to trade and interact selling their fungi and once a whole guild sold to me and bought an 18x18 guildhuse. Roleplayers that had lots of fun doing this.
Now the whole world of the solens will be obandoned and some of us enjoyed it down there.

I dont think lots of ppl enjoy the endless killing so much if there is no reward. Its nice to loot and get money and some item to bring home. The junk loot is just annoying thou.
I dont think miners would mine if they got no ore, to me its the same thing.

My guildmate sells golden skulls. He used to spend the time needed in the guardian room with his cu. You cant run a vendor if you cant get lots of thoose heavy demon bones out of that room. You cant use pet and beetle, and not recall out. The huge price for the skulls now isnt only due to the artiedrops in Doom for sure.

So many ppls playing will become less fun and thats not what we need. We hear so much negative and pessimistic things all the time it is depressing. What shall I tell the new ppl to cheer them up next time they are about to give up all hope to catch up with the rest of us? (Im in a guild that helps new and returning ppl to start up)

Someone took the example of the luck sculpture with time limit. Maybe if you had some limit how many times a day you could use a bag? I bet that is doable and should be good enough for normal users.


This change will do absolutly NOTHING to slow the gold hording and inflation...

The powders will become sooo valueble, they will be scripting to get more...

Think of it this way, 500k just dropped from a Champ we were fighting drops dead... Now I need to sent it all to the bank... Before this change, all I needed was two bags full of charges... Now after the change, I need five bags full of charges...

So what? I scripted all the powders, so they were free to me... and all the ecxess, instead of selling them at 35k/25, I will sell them for 125k/25....

I say again, this change will do nothing to curb the gold flow... It would have made much better sence to remove gold as a drop all together... After all I did goto the spawn for the chance at an item... and fighting the spawns netted me some gold too...

and I only died a couple of time, sooo the cost to me in insurance is neglagable...





I love the new changes, Its about time you make us work for something. The part of the community back with pack horses, and actualy having to go to the banks!

If everyone complaining about having to much leather, ore, gold to carry. Then make the spawn less. Dont like the 1k gold monsters drop? Welp, make it so they drop 100gp!

[/ QUOTE ]

but it's not supposed to be hard work. it's supposed to be a fun game!

[/ QUOTE ]

If your talking about the crafting, then maybe you should look to see if you actually enjoy playing a crafter. I for one loved crafting and enjoyed the amount of time it took for me to gather leather, and ore so I can make what I wanted. Having it take time to make something was FUN! Now, it seems like everyone is spoiled and they dont wanna spend time walking around gather items, bank, then return to gather once again.

If its not fun gathering items, then maybe being a merchant isn't for you.

[/ QUOTE ]

it's supposed to be fun for everything. i love crafting. have alchemy, tailor, bowcraft/fletching, carpentry, tinkering and am bringing along a miner/smith and fisher/cook. but it seriously makes inroads in my time. which is limited because of rl commitments (chiefly, 5kids, 3goats, 3cats, 1 dog and 2 ducks, and rl crafting too.) this game is supposed to be fun. if you find it fun not to use bos, then that's how you play. if i have more fun using bos, then that's how i should be able to play. i shouldn't be having to play someone elses way cos the devs made an ill thought out change to hit the scripters and ended up belting all the other players instead. especially since ea should just be enforcing their own rules anyway. not penalising those of us who play without scripting.


Bag of sending should be removed.. but this is a good step.

Ironically, a lot of players were asking for gold to automatically go into their bank. LoL.


Not only that they can just set there script to drop of what ever it is they want to the bank and or house it will only take a few seconds.


This is really a bad change, and it can clearly be seen by both polls that the playerbase is against it.


Read most of the responses,

I am against:
Why have this around for so long, then nerf it, obviously affecting newer players more than established ones monetarily, but angering the established players by leaving it so long? and again, as the resource issue, no discussion, just forced.
New players=Frustrated they can't get the money to get up to par with established ones...QUIT
Established Players=Frustrated at things getting nerfed that have been for so long with no complaints and then nerf them....QUIT

I have played since 99, and my last straw was the resource change, you were able to recall to a spot for 10 years, only changing the spawn once accidently as I understand it, that still irks me to this day that this was changed.

As already pointed out numerous times, the problem had become not enough sinks. LRC was a big one in that who buys regs anymore? New people don't even know the term. People have been asking for sinks for a long time.

Also, I seem to recall MANY people asking for loot to be buffed, specifically I recall Treasure Chests. then Dev's announcing buffs to loot all over and then off the wall out of no where nerf BoS due to too much gold coming in? And not addressing scripting directly, (I mean as posted, if this was aimed at that, fine, but EA's ******** stance on not saying ANYTHING about scripting, what they are doing ragardless of your intentions to not alert the sciprtors...pfft).

Anyway, I still check the boards in the hope that things start looking up so I can come back, but I swear my theory about EA trying to nerf the game into getting everyone to quit instead of just pulling the plug, (to avoid the lawsuits and whatnot I am convinced would ensue...call me crazy) is really starting to make sense to me....

Hope you all have fun with this mess...Cheers!


They should either remove it or put it back, instead of making it pointless



i like how people says its soo much harder to get gold "back in the day" well guess what if you guys dont remeber "back in the day" you can mark a rune ANYWHERE even in dungeons and just recall to farming spot and to bank, so how is it easier now even with a bos?

[/ QUOTE ]

Really? So having had the ability to mark runes in dungeons equates to more gold in the bank? Not so. I had good characters, decent items and spent an average of 6-8 hours playing (I had a job in college where I was able to play UO pretty much uinterrupted) and it still took me a long time to make my first million. This back when only a handful of people had nightmares, let alone GM taming, when owning a house -- even a small one was a huge deal, and a lot of risk for fewer reward (compared to now).



Ironically, a lot of players were asking for gold to automatically go into their bank. LoL.

[/ QUOTE ]
In Felucca the gold DOES go to your bank automatically.....



Someone took the example of the luck sculpture with time limit. Maybe if you had some limit how many times a day you could use a bag? I bet that is doable and should be good enough for normal users.

[/ QUOTE ]

Would have been a much better fix than what they did...I doubt it would have slowed down script farmers any more than this, but at least it wouldn't have hurt the average player so bad.



Wow. I am really surprized at how the poll is ending up.

Doesn't surprise me, both times the polls have turned out the same... 2 to 1 against (currently just under that ratio).

Though having watched both polls, I have found it interesting that in both cases, the 2:1 ratio was not reached until later in the poll (where it is HARDER to reach or maintain).

As for the (lack of) acceptance, the BIGGEST factor has to do with two things:

1. Legitimate players used them for more than just gold... especially crafter/resource gatherers and have been SEVERELY limited due to the change.

2. Not everyone is convinced that this will do ANYTHING to slow scriptors down. Remove them from specific spots? Sure. Cause a change in the scripts run or the money generation technique? Certainly. Slow down the influx of gold into the game by scriptors? Not in the least.

The results really don't surprise me, it's a change that harms more than it helps.


You are surprised about the results ? Me too...
But in the other sense...

Most people ive asked ingame are rather unhappy (some have cancelled account) and the ones that understand the "why" are not really enthousiast.

How adding a new tedious thing to do (recall every 5 minutes) help the game, let me know ?
And tedious is not the same as challenging despise some here seems to think, its just tedious and not fun.

And to stop scripting, while not make those "oh so used by everyone 3rd party programs" illegal. Those for sure play a huge part in the ability to script...

Anyway, will probably cancel account too...Boring part just outweights the fun part now. Really sad for such a great game....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This helps scripters, just like the LJ and mining nerfs.

Scriptors may get a little less per hour, but to compensate will just charge more for gold.

Plus they will most probably sell more gold now, because just like the LJ and mining nerfs, many casual players wont want to farm gold anymore and will just buy it from scriptors/gold resellers.

One good thing about it though, is that BOS sellers, who supported gold farming activities, wont get many sales now.

Molly Foxglove

It never crossed my mind that I was a bad guy running an ant vendor.
It was something I did for our guild shop as we want to sell a wide range of wares, crafted and looted. It was a nice break from crafting , and as I already told, new players got their income from selling fungi to me.
Maybe scripters or gold farming players bought from my vendor , but the bags used to sell one by one. (I stock every day and just 4 bags and 150 powder.. I dont like to be cleaned out by other shops) The powder sometimes was gone all of them in the evening. Guess im naive but I always thought I was doing a good job to provide bags and powder as not everyone have the time or a good char for bag hunting.

I will let my vendor stay till I see if they really are serious about this change. Can hardly believe it.
This removes somthing I liked to do for years and years and it was the best way I knew to help new players to earn money for a first house or some scrolls etc.. I wont quit ower it.. there are other things to sell on that vendor..
How about plants? Is it harmless to grow plants? Better ask bc I dont seem to understand whats going on theese days.


Plants and especially red leaves are used by scripters. They script afk 24/7 book writing and thus need great amounts of red leaves.
In the next patch, red leaves will seal books for only a couple of hours. Take that scripters!

PS: UO was never meant to seal so many books, that's insane. And think about that : how did we do when there wasn't any red leaf? We were doing fine, we weren't crying. So this is bestest change ever!


I hope this change is not set in concrete. My idea would be able to use the bag 5 times every twelve hours.


I see it as a bandaid fix to scripting PERIOD! I don't care what they want to try to feed you guys. UO gold farming is decreased, I hardly ever used bos anyhow so =/

Hey, a bandaid is beter than an open wound, right?



I see it as a bandaid fix to scripting PERIOD! I don't care what they want to try to feed you guys. UO gold farming is decreased, I hardly ever used bos anyhow so =/

Hey, a bandaid is beter than an open wound, right?

[/ QUOTE ]
Not if there's salt on the bandaid.


I don't like it.

In my guild, there are a lot of players who are crafters or spend their time helping other players, adventuring, role playing.

They don't buy gold.
They don't stand at the bank hawking items or trading.
They don't organize money farming operations.
They don't research and plot in order to get all the great arties.

They are the old-fashioned players, and they like to make friends, have fun, and adventure. AND these are the ones hurting the most.

Because they don't buy gold or seek out arties, they aren't as "rich" as most. They depend on the occasional swoop or miasma hunt to fill up their coffers in order to have dying money or to buy necessities. Bags of sending were vital to them. Now they can't really do that. What are they supposed to do in order to get a good pile of gold in the bank?

Now many of these people who formerly swore off buying gold, thought it was the ultimate UO sin, are doing guess what? They are buying it.

And guess what the scripters are probably doing? Figuring a way around the bag of sendings...so it doesn't "really" effect them. So the ones getting the most hurt, in my opinion, are the ones who just like to play. And, at least in my guild, these are the ones who have been faithful and paid for this game for many years. It's a slap in the face to them.

How about instead of a weight limit...maybe a limit to the total amount of gold that can be sent per char per day?

Anyway, that's my two cents.




I see it as a bandaid fix to scripting PERIOD! I don't care what they want to try to feed you guys. UO gold farming is decreased, I hardly ever used bos anyhow so =/

Hey, a bandaid is beter than an open wound, right?

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Not if there's salt on the bandaid.

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In Homer voice: "Mmmm...salty band aid...gralmph" (that's his chewing sound).



It is not terribly wise to punish the honest players because EA cannot, or chooses not to, go after the cheaters.

Continue this lines of thought, and eventually UO will be left with only cheaters!!

C'mon folks....... please?


I was just slightly irked over the BOS, but it really pisses me off that none of the EA staff have come in to discuss it. Yup, Customer Service is right out the window.



It never crossed my mind that I was a bad guy running an ant vendor.
It was something I did for our guild shop as we want to sell a wide range of wares, crafted and looted. It was a nice break from crafting , and as I already told, new players got their income from selling fungi to me.
Maybe scripters or gold farming players bought from my vendor , but the bags used to sell one by one. (I stock every day and just 4 bags and 150 powder.. I dont like to be cleaned out by other shops) The powder sometimes was gone all of them in the evening. Guess im naive but I always thought I was doing a good job to provide bags and powder as not everyone have the time or a good char for bag hunting.

i run solen vendors too. and buy fungi from new players. i, like you, figured i was doing them a favour and saving me from spending my whole life in the solen hive/wind. the days after the change came in, i could not stock my vendors fast enough. even powder, at my old price, before i worked out the new one to make it worthwhile for people to actually buy. now, the bag sales seem to have trailed off while the powder remains steady.

my opinion remains the same. ea need to back off the honest players and start beating on the scripters, instead of making half assed efforts like this that achieve little but to alienate those who don't script.

I will let my vendor stay till I see if they really are serious about this change. Can hardly believe it.
This removes somthing I liked to do for years and years and it was the best way I knew to help new players to earn money for a first house or some scrolls etc.. I wont quit ower it.. there are other things to sell on that vendor..
How about plants? Is it harmless to grow plants? Better ask bc I dont seem to understand whats going on theese days.

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