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Bags of Sending - Facts, Feedback, & Poll


Lilac Crypt

So.. mages win gold hunting by the simple virtue that they don't need any dex.

Or any gear, or any.. anything.

My mage can carry 12k gold. My other characters.. not even close.

I'm not even going to go through the list of why my various characters can't bring a reasonable pile of gold back to the bank easily. Bags needed a BIT of a tweak.. okay. What was done makes them useless rags. Sending bags can't be used for Doom artifacts. What other item that can't be insured and doesn't outweigh the maximum output weight of the bag can be sent?

We all used them for gold. (And recently.. rubble, but I don't see that happening again.)

The time it takes to get a bag of sending, and the time it takes to get powders of translocation aren't even CLOSE to the value of using the entire charges to send 300 stones of gold to the bank. Every 500 gold requires a charge? So... the most that one could possibly send would be 15k?

That's overnerfed, imo, since my recall mage can drop off 10k a trip from overland loot.

Since it's just about impossible to get a GM to ban a recall scripter, what are the honest players supposed to do now? Surround the banks with bagballs to block the next incarnation of the script looters?



already said this in another thread, I'm not happy with the BOS changes, but have adjusted to not carrying one and recalling to the bank when I am full.

One way they could have fixed the scripters was to fix the BOS to not allow gold to be sent and still allow us players a way to send our leather and bones to the bank. One place I will miss the BOS is the walk in Ilsh to farm bones for the tailor, you can carry only so many bones before you have to send them off, now we have to leave when the pack is full or bring a dang packer all the way in with you.


If the changes were meant to slow the sending of GOLD, then why not set the bag to either not send GOLD or limit the amount of GOLD?

Xactly !!!

BUT as the most common and unpopular experience we all have to submit to:

The few (the scriptors) destroy the fun for the few.

It's much easier to limit the bag o' sendings abilities on ev'thing than program it to limit one item.

Sooo, instead of punishing the culprits it's easier to punish us all !!!

What i want from our UO Santa Claws for Christmas: STOP those bl.... scriptors instead of the rest of us have to take the punishments.

Yes you are right - it would be that simple, but i guess in half a year and losses of some tired players - they will probably change the BoS so it fits the actual needs.

Your suggestion is quite simple, your answer is logical - but don't expect our UO gods to think in simple or logical terms.

Ezekiel Zane

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Ok, I had the first real opportunity today to go out and do some serious PvM and loot as much gold as I could.

I hunted bloods in Ilshenar and Felucca Shame and Trammel Shame. I filled my pack a few times on Dragons in Destard and killed Dread Spiders for a while in Covetous and Tokonu.

Basically in order to slow down the unattended or barely attended 24/7 scripted gold farming operations, you've once again screwed everyone else that used a BOS.

From areas where you can recall or SJ into and out, it's not too big of a deal. Not for the 24/7 farmers or really for the casual few hours on Saturday or Sunday player either. From areas where you cannot recall into like Ilshenar or areas like Felucca dungeons it's a major PITA now to go and farm some gold.

Honestly I bet you've done absolutely nothing to slow down the gold farming operations. They've changed their operation to farm gold in areas that can be recalled into and out and simply take it to the bank. It's all still completely unattended and still able to run 24/7. You might have slowed them down 60 seconds tops. Maybe you've put a small dent in the amount of gold farmed per day due to having to find the prime spot and critter for their operation to continue unabated. You have not however stopped them

Once again though the casual player, the player that only gets a little time per day or a few hours per week to play has gotten the shaft. Resource gatherers, tailors and blacksmiths, lumberjacks and now even PvM characters of casual gamers have become less and less productive lately all in the guise of fixing the economy. I think you're fooling yourselves if you really think you've slowed down the players and sellers who are cheating and using scripts and running bots 24/7. You are all programmers are you not? Do you not realize the cheaters just modify their scripts and keep on trucking? All your recent changes kill the non-cheating casual player and benefit the scripter. When the casual player doesn't go out and get his own resources he buys it. Guess where he's buying it from? The scripter. He's the only one selling because he doesn't care. He runs his bot 24 hours a day and stocks his vendor every now and then. He's making a fortune now because almost everyone else has quit gathering their own.

For me specifically, I don't PvP anymore, I don't mine or lumberjack anymore, I don't do the collections anymore and I am now not able to get as much gold as I used to in the time I have to play. If it weren't for the upcoming changes to BODs and runics I'd have almost no reason left for me to continue playing UO. I suppose eventually you'll screw that up for me too.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If was to stop gold from being sent, then let gold not be sent. Let us still send our resources with them.

Even with the BoS nerf they also slowed the respawn times in fel dramatically. Not as much gold to be made now. I vote to put back in the way used to be minus sending of gold. Let us send our hides and logs and all that back if we want. Way it is now just makes them all but useless.


I just spent 50k on powder (it costs 1k each on a Europa vendor), and used 30 charges to send nearly 15k to the bank, because I didn't know about this change. Needless to say I voted no.

And I'm hunting in Fel Wind, which has a bank so all it would be is a small inconvenience to run to the bank. The spawn rate has been slowed down as well, but that's another issue.

The overall impact is that there will be fewer good places to hunt, so more competition for those places. And for a game that is supposed to be fun, it is becoming less fun.


I don't like the change at all. Killing monsters for the gold is one of the last honest ways in this game to earn money. With the help of the BOS I was able to slowly earn some money (around 40K to 50K per hour, if I could play an hour at the same place at all before getting bored). With present settings on the BOS you might as well take it out the game completely, because 1 full charged BOS is not enough for 1 normal load of gold. In practice you'll need to leave your spot everytime you are full. Especially at places where there are more then one monster and you just can keep up with the respawn, you are screwed when you need to leave each time you are full.
Such changes make the dishonest ways to earn money more and more attractive :-(
(BTW: I never used the BOS for resources)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Folks...the solution, albeit not perfect, is readily available to everyone.

Get a bonded packy, or two, or a bonded beetle.

Park said beast of burden, empty, at the bank.

Run away, and go to favorite spot in Illsh.

Once at spot, kill creature of choice. Pile up hide, gold, etc.

Don't worry about others stealing it. I mean...they COULD, but if they all think like you do...they won't even BE there, right?

Anyway...once you have farmed up a good bit (wife and I usually go for 60-100K in Gold and a couple thousand barbed hides, for example...45 mins to an hour, maybe...plus Paragons...Minors...Etc.)...

Then...go to a safe spot, and log out, and back in...Packies are with you...load them up, recall and take em to the bank...unload...

Go park Packies, rinse and repeat.

It works.

Trust me.

No need to fret so much.

Spend that time and energy finding a solution, and the solutions ARE there.

It isn't as easy as a BoS, but it works splendidly...go try it out...

What have you got to lose?

My income hasn't gone down one single iota...and...I also don't need powder anymore...and it costs like 10 gp to recall, using SJ...so actually, my Margin went up, on my farmed goods, I would say.


Unless you can't recall because the spell doesn't work on your shard.

And if you have to abuse a game mechanic to prevent the loss of pets to go about your business, then the change was short sighted, and needed other changes to back it up.


Well I havent' taken my hunter out for a while, so I went out today to go to some places I normally go to.

Cept. BOS are worthless now, so you need to be able to hit a bank easy or your house.

Went to illshenar, found out quickly that without a BOS I need to hunt near a gate, so I can teleport to bank, then run back to illshenar. No more running into deep illshenar to hunt. Because I would be running all day to get back to that location. Discovery? Hunting in most places there is not fun anymore.

Went to Fel. Went into some dungeons I go to alot. Realized you can't recall out of the dungeons. MMM same problem as in Illshnar. You have to gather gold, run out of dungeon jump to bank, jump back, run back through dungeon. Good if you are hunting near a dungeon entrance, bad if you are hunting deep in the dungeon where the harder foes/gold is. Discovery. Not worth it, not fun.

Went to T2a fel.. oh Stupid me, see discovery 1 and 2 above.

So final discovery. Many places without a BOS aren't worth hunting in unless you are hunting for items or fame/karma. Its just too far to hunt having to run all the way to the places constantly over and over. Its much easier to hunt in places where now you have to jump in and out. New spots.. Runebeetles, samurai empire areas. Everything Trammel of course. Screw Fel dungeons, guess they aren't for gold anymore. How about Khaldun LOL I used to love ancient liches there, cept now no more BOS, so no more Khaldun.

Guess blue beetles are the new mount of choice for people in those areas actually hunting for gold, or necros with their little pocketbooks.


Posted in another thread but I thought I'd log my views here.

Basically, I'm against the change as I believe it is shortsighted and almost laughable in regards to what they're trying to achieve.

The BoS nerf merely adds around 3-5 seconds to the process of storing gold, which takes place in the form of a recall to the bank and directly back inside the dungeon that is being farmed.

All this change has done really, as far as I see it, is drive people away from the Illshenar facet and back into Trammel-based dungeons for their farming, or occasionally the overland Felucca spawns.

It is now pretty much impossible to "farm" in Felucca or Illshenar-based dungeons for the simple fact of it being an annoyance to have to run back to these locations as opposed to recalling. What this ultimately means is that the diversity of locations available to viably hunt at maximum efficiency has been reduced, meaning you're seeing a lot more dungeons simply not being used in favor of ones that you can recall to and from. For example, instead of killing Blood Elementals in the Blood dungeon in Illshenar or the Shame dungeon in Felucca, I'd be looking to get into the Shame spot in Trammel or find an alternative in a Trammel dungeon that I could recall in and out of.

That said, I'm sure there are people that have just accepted the nerf and are running backwards and forwards to their current locations, but I can assure you these people who are doing this certainly aren't the people who this nerf was targeted at. Who is being put at a disadvantage here; hardcore script farmers or the legitimate player?

You then have the issue of characters that simply cannot recall and are now absolutely forced to travel back from wherever they came to store the loot; this could ring particularly true on Siege ruleset shards as only gates allow you to travel from A to B and mages are typically the only ones skillful enough to cast it.

The nerf has gone too far, frankly.


I agree completely with you JC. The changes were needed, LRC needs to be addressed soon. Resources should be sent with BoS either. Farming ANYTHING is bad for the economy. BoS should be to send the rare item you just looted, etc.


You might as well just remove the BoS from the game as to do something like this to it. It makes it completely unusable. I never really used it that often, but I had a lot of powder saved up and would use it as a cheaper alternative to insuring the (very) occassional decent loot until I could get to the bank. Not anymore.
One more convenience, one more bit of fun drained from the game.

Smakkatron Jones

Yes there are still many good solutions to earning lots of gold in this game, if that is all one is trying to do. But the numerous things that bother me about this change have absolutely nothing to do with the amount, or quantitiy of gold either I, or anyone else can earn per hour.

This is the first I post on this matter, as I wanted to test the changes thoroughly before commenting about the BoS change. I have been reading, and following this topic since the change, and have read many good posts from both sides of the issue.

This is a large scale change for this game. And I will begin by saying that I greatly appreciate, and respect the Dev's for their admirable, and lofty goal of trying to fix the game economy. But unfourtunately I have some serious issues with the way this has been handled via the BoS nerf.

I guess the first big issue I have is that I do not know what a 'fixed' UO game economy really is. In fact, nobody has stated what this new UtOpion fairy tale fixed economy is supposed to look like in the end after it is 'fixed'. I mean are you all planning to turn our game economy into some new socialist like system? If so, I have not read the manifesto for it. So could you Devs please hurry up and print that information for me?

The second huge issue that bothers me alot is the STOP ACTION factor that now exists in this game for so many of us regular players (stop-action = doing anything other than just farming gold). I never realized how much the BoS helped with keeping the flow of the gameplay going for myself, and others untill the BoS change came along and I now find myself having to bank every 5 mins. It's NOT the 10 seconds it takes to make a fast bank run that is the problem. The problem is that now players must stop while in the middle of playing the game in order to keep earned gold. Gold earned honestly by hunting or gathering. Every time there is a stop-action when playing it <u>severely</u> reduces the fun of playing, weather it be myself having to bank, or a team mate. Any time the action stops, there is a good chance that something will make that 10 second bank run turn into a 2 minute bank run. Or a 5 minute bank run. Or a 20 minute bank run that ends up breaking up your party, etc.... Seriously, 2-5 large kills per bank run/stop-action?!?! That is rougly 6 stops per hour!! HAVING TO STOP PLAYING THIS FREQUENTLY IS WORSE THAN WATCHING COMMERCIALS ON T.V.!! Please spare us! Sure we can all go out and raid Tram dungeons, or do whatever repetative, easy task it is we do if we just want gold. But gold farming is boring. Some adjustment to the BoS are needed.

There are several good posts here on ways to limit the amount of gold coming into the economy. Personally I think some sort of cool down time on the bags, and/or a cummulative powder cost depending on how often the bag is used, or adding a lot more charges on the bags would be a reasonale compromise for both limiting the influx of gold into the economy, and not causing so many game stops. Perhaps a flat limit on the number of times a player could use a BoS per hour might work too. The BoS change did not reduce the amount of gold I can make at all. It only made it more boring to do so by limiting the areas, times, and types of things players can do to earn gold.

Other methods are needed to find the 'fabled faucet of economy fixing', or the 'legendary gold sink of perfect gold drainage' to "fix" this economy. And without a clear picture of exactly what the 'fixed economy' really is, any attempt to alter it will need more insight into it. Nerfing BoS din't work. Nice try, and for a noble cause. But still a failure.


The effectiveness of the BoS nerf is clear: Several gold vendors have reduced their prices for gold to BELOW pre-nerf levels... ($ 1.95 per million, $190 per 100 million)

So much for that "solution".... Didn't fix anything, just pissed off many players using it for legitimate uses!...


After nearly 2 months of polling, I think the consensus is clear: Only ~27% of people like this change.

That said, what if anything is going to be done with this poll result? Will we at least get some sort of acknowledgment that our voice has been heard?

I think it's time for the Devs to eat some humble pie here! I believe the intended impact of this change has had little to no success; instead, all it has managed to do is inconvenience and irritate the average, honest player.


If it would be changed like taking 1 charge for 50 stone maybe it would be okey...

But right now you just did one more item worthless and useless in UO. One thing more we dont need.

I am not sure if you really could stop inflation since poeple gate now to bank.




Sure they can changes them to use recall alot more but you can't recall everywhere and you can't recall if overloaded.

[/ QUOTE ]

if character = overloaded drop x ammount of gold 1 tile. easy script to do.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can't believe I'm agreeing with JC.

I've only been logging in again within the last month or so. Was away playing EVE online for a few months, but when I came back, there were all kinds of nerfs and changes. Mark your calenders, because this is a nerf I can live with, and one that I love.

Hell, I was even in favor of a gold wipe, which I'm sure would really really not be popular LOL, but for the good of the economy, something like this needed done. Since the Doom changes, and the BOS changes, (and coming from an old vet since 1997 whoes seen the economy go from new, to WTF!, and now to this), its a great change. Almost everything has halved in price since I quit logging in and playing back in August or so.

The resource changes gave me a big WTF though. I don't agree with those at all. That's for another thread I guess if I ever find it.

I'm actually surprised that there are not more positives for this poll. But it just goes to show that nerfs piss people off, including me. But this one was a good one.

Think of all the farming and scripting that went on with this crap. Fire dungeon (I think) comes to mind. There is (was?) a INSTANT, and I mean instant spawn of Dread Spiders that people would camp and script and send piles and piles of gold all day and night. Lame.

Not lame no more.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

But right now you just did one more item worthless and useless in UO. One thing more we dont need.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've thrown away every single bag of sending I had. I had one for every high end hunter char I had...plus an extra for each. So about 16 of em at any given time. For years. All gone now. Am glad.

Think of this.

Ornies were what....60 mllion at one time?

I saw one for 10 the other day, and the first day I logged in after signing off EVE for good, sometime around XMAS, I saw one for 8 mill. That was a big WTF there. A good WTF.

I've not read the thread beyond a few posts, don't need too. I know the hall :p.....but if its not been mentioned before, what do you think us old timey vets did for gold back in the day with no BOS?

There are other ways

imported_Warpig Inc

It is no surprise how this thread worked its way to how scripters upset the game. Yearrrssssssssssssss ago the issue and the far flung effect scripters would have on the game was never heard by ears hard pressed with wallets. Not one honest friend I made in game or person I brought to the game plays anymore. Sad thing is their houses are still there and they have logged on long enough to see nothing improved.

The events when they happen are great. It's the long stretches between that we bring out the mules and gathers. But who wants to stand shoulder to shoulder with a few scripters at the fletcher quest. And yes the the GMs are useless in ones own words. After three straight days of reporting two scripters 24/7 mining on two of my accounts. Nieghbors. A GM came forward and gave me the shrug. Now you take all those junk accounts scripting for main accounts that are filling those wallets it is the end. Such a high percent of the money coming in from junk accounts competes with those on honest accounts. Its no hard task for a player to reconize a scripter by their play.

A fix ya I have one the penny pinchers can't dispute. Take the demon bone turn in quest and the expliot there. GMs hid and busted plp for explioting that game mechanic. Word got out and players stopped and warned others of the GM danger nipping that in the butt without a fix to the expliot. Never did it, so know not how its done or if it can be still done. Let me know. THE FIX. Trade in two devs for five retirees or students in need of a job. Give them some of those GM peek in packs and house watch powers to POLICE the GAME. They can set hurdles to expose the scripting. No "Hi are you there?" BS. Bouncing about shards to search them out. Record their action and ban the account. The word of mouth Pucker Factor will get out. Can even go as far as observing the junk account and catching the main account making the profit.

Got an issue with the fire and hire factor..........Issue the GMs already in place with a backbone.

As an honest player ya the BoS thing erked me to no end even knowing the reasoning. But what makes the game fun is the finding a way to be effective under the new guidelines.

Three pats on the back for the Polar Eath - Salvage Bag - Butcher's War Cleaver


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL wow reged in '03 and one post....

lurk much?

hehehe...I'm just sayin

lurky lurky

nothin wrong with it :p

but you get lurker of the century award :p


All the bag of sending nerf did was hurt the common player it did nothing to stop or even slow scripters down.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The BoS change SUCKS!!
taking a full 30 charged BoS to send 15k of gold is ridiculous!!!
I feel all this changed did is kill more areas of the game &amp; play styles.
It hasn't stop the scripters, it just takes them a little longer.
It has killed areas that I &amp; others use to play in, especially ones you can not recall in &amp; out of.

sure hope they re-think this BoS thing
maybe make it so you use 1 charge per item, &amp; like 5 charges per 20k of gold or resources that you send back.

I would really rather just have BoS as they werebefore!!!!

wonder what they'll do to us next??


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
btw Lord DrakeLord

sorry to say but scripter don't only script gold they script resources too!!!

so it had to be nerfed for both gold &amp; resources. not just gold.

I hate the nerf!!
but I will deal with it as I deal with all the changes, I will adjust &amp; change once again how I play. &amp; I hate chage really I do!!!!

imported_Warpig Inc

Ya to few accounts left and nothing being done in the way of the game. Figured I'd kick this dead horse a bit before the last of my funds going to this game is applied to Texas Holden or the Power Ball.


bags were fine way they were u just needed to get gms to work harder to catch the scripting player that used them to get mass supply !!


Does anybody use Bags of Sending for anything now or are they one more useless item in the game now?


Pet summoning balls and bracelets of binding still use the same amount of powder. I know that there are some people who would like to see pet summoning nerfed so maybe that is next. Not too many use the bracelets of binding I don't think.


64% of the player polled think that this was a bad change... yet EA doesn't change it back. Is it because they're afraid to admit they made a mistake? Don't they realize that the players know what's better for the game then they do? After all we put in far far more hours playing then they do. I really don't understand.


Lets say I am not absolutley thrilled with the change but I still think it was a necessary and good (hard also) decision.

The only thing I dont like about it is I can now forget all my special hunting places I used to have in ilshenar. For example I had a few where it took a while to "prepare it" (luring other monsters somewhere else) Its now impossible to hunt in places like that when you must recall/runback to place after every few killed monsters.
On the other hand one must adapt - ok that way I cant make 100k gold an hour + leather etc anymore.This is the time where you NEED another player to only transport stuff - eg the whole thing is halved - 2 players make 50k each an hour now.
Sidenote: Get that damn stacking issue fixed please when giving people gold etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!

For other ressources:
Mining: I never used bos for that - I use firebeetle and recall when full
Lumber: Havent lumbered for about a year now hehe but recalling is the way.

In some places one can "park" a blue beetle etc in a safe spot and use him as a transporter.
Greetings Belmarduk


What is really bad though is that the profession of "powder of translocation - aquirers" is dead now. Many people made a living with it.
It was a PERFECT thing: Not scriptable and not too monotone because - damnit what is "abwechslungsreich called in english" - ok not too monotone work
We need MORE - MANY more of these kind of questchains where honest people can make a bit of gold and it cant be scripted.
Heartwood quests are lame sorry - These old quests where good.We need more of them !


Haven't read all previous 7 pages of posts.. but I can say for myself, prior to the bos nerf I never farmed... just played around in all areas of the game. I am now forced to "farm" gold. My fav spots will remain anonymous, but suffice it to say.. I work the spawn now and create stack after stack after stack of gold. Then spend my last 30 minutes to load and haul it to bank.

I much prefer to experience some variety during my time in UO. This bos nerf has increased my time spent "farming". With mind numbing consequences. My game play is much less fun, my challenges are MUCH less fun, and I just wonder how long I will have an interest in UO?

It's a fact of life, when you tinker in one area, you affect others... can you live with those changes is the ultimate question.

LORD Yalp of Zento, CTDM



On the other hand one must adapt - ok that way I cant make 100k gold an hour + leather etc anymore.This is the time where you NEED another player to only transport stuff - eg the whole thing is halved - 2 players make 50k each an hour now.
Sidenote: Get that damn stacking issue fixed please when giving people gold etc !!!!!!!!!!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]
That made me smile. Funniest "solution" for now.
- Hello my friend, let's hunt together!
- Yeah, what are we killing today?
- In fact I'm killing, you're the mule.
- Huh? ...

I'm sure that my young nephew would be proud to help me at a task he feels he's up to do while I'm fighting stuff that he's too shy to try to attack. Except my nephew doesn't play UO and I don't impress as much other real players.


"That made me smile. Funniest "solution" for now.
- Hello my friend, let's hunt together!
- Yeah, what are we killing today?
- In fact I'm killing, you're the mule.
- Huh? ...

I'm sure that my young nephew would be proud to help me at a task he feels he's up to do while I'm fighting stuff that he's too shy to try to attack. Except my nephew doesn't play UO and I don't impress as much other real players. "

This is easier done with 2 or more accounts. (You need two accounts if you want to log out in the wild and switch characters without the timer delay.) If you hide and log out your mule at the drop off location and then log in - acquire your goods - leave items at drop off location - hide - log out - log in with mule - repeat until full. If someone else is lucky and quick they might find a stash in between logs and scarf it up. I have wondered why two players alternate logging in and logging out multiple times and only one leaves and returns before I found out about this method. It had not occurred to me because I only have one account. It is completely legal. Not worth the price of a second account to me. I suppose trial accounts would work well for this too. Personally, I think trial accounts should be restricted to New Haven and Test Center.

Safe journeys!


I have the same stance as a few others; the bag should limit the sending of gold, and not the sending of items by weight.

Also, can we have the bags do the math for us? If the pile of gold is larger than I have charges in my BoS to cover, I have to make a new pile. I'd rather just target my pile with my BoS and have the bag send as much gold from it as it's charges allow.


Just my 2 cents on the change to Bags of Sending - I junked them as they are basically useless to me now.


I've been playing UO for a little over six years now and remember a time when there were no BoS's. We would have to lug everything back to the bank and then return to what we were doing. Bringing in the BoS was a double edged sword. I loved it for mining, lumbering, and gathering leathers, it just meant I could stay in Fel as long as i wanted to and keeping gathering resources. Using it with my fighter to send gold back was never a big deal since i needed to go to town to restock on band aids and repair items and such. But it also gave the farmers and new and easier way to make money ,which I do agree caused a ungodly problem with inflation. But there were farmers befor there were BoS and this might slow them down, only time will tell, but it wont rid UO of them. I'm not 100% happy with it, but I managed befor we had them and I know I'll survive with out them.


I also remember those times too when fel was the only facet without BoS.


Back when 1,000 gold coins was a fortune?
Yes, sure, but what caused inflation is not the ease to bring back gold coins but the increased generation of it without serious gold sink.
Nerfing BoS and letting large amounts of gold coins drop from mobs was a big mistake. The gold coins with a weight maybe was already a mistake. The limitation of piles of 60k gold coins, checks of 1 million, bank of 125 items etc, is clearly not preventing gold coins to cumulate and hide the real problem.

The BoS nerf was clearly not for economy, because you can get as much gold coins as before, if you accept a more mindless grind and less spots. It means less fun, and devs may **** behind their monitors about how they stopped one kind of bots, they made the game less fun. So it's a failure as long as they don't find a solution. Hiding the head in a hole won't save them.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

To me it's UO Giveth To Help , UO TAKETH AWAY To screw ya Yet again.

[/ QUOTE ]

I can't agree with this more. I have not used a bag of sending since they changed how it worked. I suppose they felt it was the "right" thing to do. I just cannot understand why we all were punished because of a few "gold scripters."

Funny thing is... it did not stop the scripting. People are still doing it and just recalling to the bank. If you need proof - just go to a bank in a ghost town... you will see what I am talking about.

Not only that... but the scripted cannot be stopped. I watched a house fall in Luna - waited and cleared out barrels for over an hour to have a chance at getting this prime location just to lose it to a (young) player. Two houses were placed side by side by a (young) player with the same name.

Again I feel that this bag of sending idea was bad for the majority... I agree to just do away with it all together.

Flame On.

Ezekiel Zane

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is there any point to this thread remaining stickied? It's pretty much a done deal isn't it?