As she sat in the forrest, broken, not of body, but of purpose, crying not for what has happened but what she lost, the Trees began to Sigh, a Cool Breeze began to sooth her, a Sleep fall's upon her.
She dreamed she was sitting under a Tree and there was a feeling of calm, about her.
A person approached and sat beside her and began to speak.
Good or ill, say the sages mean nothing. Agree with the Sages who have taught our people for as far as the memory of man may reach. Agree, but consider also a thing of which the sages do not speak. This thing is 'beauty', which is a word … but look behind the word and consider the ways of Dreaming. And what is the way of Dreaming? This thing is not known to any man. So ask, rather, what are Dreams.
Dreams are form and what is the highest attribute any form may possess? It is beauty. The Dreamer is then an Artist. The problem, therefore, is not one of good or evil, but one of esthetics. To struggle against those who are mighty amongst dreamers and are mighty for ill, or ugliness, is not to struggle for that which the sages have taught us to be meaningless, but rather it is to struggle for the symmetrical dreaming of a dream, in terms of the rhythm and the point, the balance and the antithesis which will make it a thing of beauty. Of this the sages say nothing. This truth is so simple they have over looked it. For this reason, I am bound by the esthetics of the situation to call it to your attention. To struggle against the dreamers that dream ugliness, be they men or gods, can not but be the will of the Nameless. This struggle will also bear suffering, but this suffering is productive of a higher end in the light of the eternal values of which the sages so often speak.
Therefore, I say unto you, the esthetics of what you have witnessed this evening were of a higher order. You may ask me, then, “How am I to know that which is beautiful and that which is ugly, and be moved to act thereby?” This question, I say, you must answer for yourself. To do this, first forget what I have spoken, for I have said nothing. Dwell now upon the Dream.
She dreamed she was sitting under a Tree and there was a feeling of calm, about her.
A person approached and sat beside her and began to speak.
Good or ill, say the sages mean nothing. Agree with the Sages who have taught our people for as far as the memory of man may reach. Agree, but consider also a thing of which the sages do not speak. This thing is 'beauty', which is a word … but look behind the word and consider the ways of Dreaming. And what is the way of Dreaming? This thing is not known to any man. So ask, rather, what are Dreams.
Dreams are form and what is the highest attribute any form may possess? It is beauty. The Dreamer is then an Artist. The problem, therefore, is not one of good or evil, but one of esthetics. To struggle against those who are mighty amongst dreamers and are mighty for ill, or ugliness, is not to struggle for that which the sages have taught us to be meaningless, but rather it is to struggle for the symmetrical dreaming of a dream, in terms of the rhythm and the point, the balance and the antithesis which will make it a thing of beauty. Of this the sages say nothing. This truth is so simple they have over looked it. For this reason, I am bound by the esthetics of the situation to call it to your attention. To struggle against the dreamers that dream ugliness, be they men or gods, can not but be the will of the Nameless. This struggle will also bear suffering, but this suffering is productive of a higher end in the light of the eternal values of which the sages so often speak.
Therefore, I say unto you, the esthetics of what you have witnessed this evening were of a higher order. You may ask me, then, “How am I to know that which is beautiful and that which is ugly, and be moved to act thereby?” This question, I say, you must answer for yourself. To do this, first forget what I have spoken, for I have said nothing. Dwell now upon the Dream.