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Attn dev team: How to make pvp active (very simple)

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UO Designer
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Did it seem like a good idea at the time to make a thief the most poweful person in VvV? If so, does it still seem like a good idea?
The original idea was that the thief would play a support role that would foster teamwork amongst a PvP squad much like american football. In our case the thief is the player with the ball (the sigil) and the rest of the squad would try and protect them while trying to return the sigil, as opponents tried to kill the thief. While this cat and mouse game was fun for some, others found the thieves abilities to evade detection to be a turn off, so we altered the first order optimal strategy towards actual combat encounters forced as a result of the altars and occupation of a city.

Moving forward we hope to address some other concerns such as the value of match points awarded for straight up kills, allowing VvV pets to be res'd without having required skills in veterinary or animal lore, as well as adding new rewards and providing more impact as a result of the city battles and perhaps adding more lengthy siege/base defense style battles for those who enjoyed that aspect of factions.


Crazed Zealot
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Begging for scrolls? I'm begging for pvp. Maybe you should take comprehension classes
No. You are most definitely begging for pixel crack.
You can pvp just for the sake of pvp like many other people do and have done for years.
Poorly thought out and just plain dumb advanced scroll ideas only highlight your amazing lack of game mechanics knowledge

-Hey Arnold-

Stratics Veteran
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just give me sole controll over VvV concepts ill fix it for u / increase game population by 50%


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Says the guy that can't kill anyone.
Are you begging for pvp or begging for scrolls?
It has been pointed out and asked by other people in this thread besides me.
Are you able to pvp just for the sake of pvp or do you need more items?
Pretty black and white question imo.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are you begging for pvp or begging for scrolls?
It has been pointed out and asked by other people in this thread besides me.
Are you able to pvp just for the sake of pvp or do you need more items?
Pretty black and white question imo.
Says the guy that has never killed anyone.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are you begging for pvp or begging for scrolls?
It has been pointed out and asked by other people in this thread besides me.
Are you able to pvp just for the sake of pvp or do you need more items?
Pretty black and white question imo.

Which part of the following sentence don't you understand. I will find someone dumb that can explain it in a way you can understand.
People pvp more when there is something to pvp over.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Which part of the following sentence don't you understand. I will find someone dumb that can explain it in a way you can understand.
People pvp more when there is something to pvp over.
You are so clueless it is kind of scary.
There are already many, many things to pvp over son.
You quite obviously have issues though and constantly need new things to pvp over I guess?
I feel sorry for you as that is a serious condition that a lot of children have been diagnosed with in recent years.
If they did adopt your horrible idea though and messed with game mechanics by changing scrolls how long would that satisfy you? A week? A month maybe?
What do they add for you then?
*shakes head*


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You are so clueless it is kind of scary.
There are already many, many things to pvp over son.
You quite obviously have issues though and constantly need new things to pvp over I guess?
I feel sorry for you as that is a serious condition that a lot of children have been diagnosed with in recent years.
If they did adopt your horrible idea though and messed with game mechanics by changing scrolls how long would that satisfy you? A week? A month maybe?
What do they add for you then?
*shakes head*
You honestly think that pvp is thriving? Are you delusional? You have to be one of the dumbest people I have ever responded to. I feel sorry for Boadi.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You honestly think that pvp is thriving? Are you delusional? You have to be one of the dumbest people I have ever responded to. I feel sorry for Boadi.
You started this cesspool of a thread by begging the devs for more scrolls because you can't pvp without pixel crack. You never once tried to explain how the new scrolls would interact with current game mechanics/templates but I guess that is not important or is something that can be thought about down the road?
Everyone who came into the thread disagreed with your idea and actually tried to explain why. Kyronix himself came into the thread and explained why it was a bad idea.
Since then you have not added any input or backed up your idea. You have simply stated that everyone who disagrees with you is dumb and/or doesn't know how to pvp.
You are a total buffoon bro :)
Keep up the good work


Long Live The Players
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@Kyronix who in their right minds would knowingly let a thief into their guild? :)


Lore Master
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This whole thread is a fail, not because of the ideas its because the dev team fail to do the basics for this game.
The player base on UO is low ATL its pretty much the only sever that has a good player base, the rest of the shard just have pockets of players and it chugs along, what people did irl 5 - 10 years ago would have changed.
the Devs fail to advertise fail to promote UO, even failed to get it on steam, they have failed well, not even tried to promote any fresh players in the game for such along time.
That whole RBT Video looked like crap, they should of asked the players to make it, so many creative people in this game with the passion for it could of make it look exciting, but no we had some dev using his iphone with a guy hitting an anvil, lol please.

They rely on players with nostalgia or word of mouth from current players to keep it going along, when was the last time we have any communication from the dev team? no weekly updates no monthly updates.

I dunno, basic logic from the dev team is nothing more then careless and laziness imo.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You started this cesspool of a thread by begging the devs for more scrolls because you can't pvp without pixel crack. You never once tried to explain how the new scrolls would interact with current game mechanics/templates but I guess that is not important or is something that can be thought about down the road?
Everyone who came into the thread disagreed with your idea and actually tried to explain why. Kyronix himself came into the thread and explained why it was a bad idea.
Since then you have not added any input or backed up your idea. You have simply stated that everyone who disagrees with you is dumb and/or doesn't know how to pvp.
You are a total buffoon bro :)
Keep up the good work
You did not answer the question. I'm trying to come up with ideas. You on the other hand are delusional and think pvp is thriving in this game. That is insane, I don't understand how anyone can think that. You probably don't realize this because you didn't pvp back then, but pvp was at it's highest when people needed power scrolls. Whether people were trying to get scrolls for their characters, for gold or raiding spawns for the pvp because they knew people would be doing spawns. Look at all of the old screen shots that people post of the 20 vs 20 fights, guess where 90% of the fights were. At spawns or harrowers. Am I still wrong? Just because you like to sit on a blue at the gate doesn't mean everyone should like doing the same.
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Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
there are to many dead shards to farm p.s. and other gear on which only exist due to people being so attached to there homes..

the devs may have something to do with uo slowly dieing .. idk .. but i do know the lack of players on shards to a new player or returning vet.. is a huge turn off due to the previously stated dead shards.. full of a handful of people not letting there homes go and not supporting a shard merger.

it would be nice imo for a new or returning player to log in and see people and a new list of shards with a nice population.

returning player would get a gump .. heres your list of old toons.. pick a new shard to spawn him on..

new player would see people.. in this mmorpg .. and maybe stay longer because of that.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
I know that there are a lot of "leading lambs to slaughter" feelings in this thread but the fact is that Publish 16 (you know Champ Spawns/Power Scrolls) created a lot of PvP and created PvPers out of folks who otherwise wouldn't have ventured to Felucca. When UO:R (you know, Trammel's inception) hit in 2000 I moved there to place a bigger house and well I just stuck around. I didn't venture much back into Felucca until after Publish 16 when the desire to procure my own power scrolls hit me. I ended up joining a spawning guild and learned how to PvP (at least group PvP). I know there are several stories like mine of folks who joined up with groups and became group PvPers due to the "then" desirable rewards available.

I have no positive or negative feelings toward Varrius but I can appreciate his point. We need desirable rewards to promote PvP, we need something to fight over. Even people who used to PvP for scrolls (and haven't quit the game) don't see the point anymore. We like having a defined goal with viable reward. We like watching a few large guilds grow out of the ashes and fight each other for dominance only to eventually be taken out by a more skilled smaller group. I don't know how to combat farming on dead shards, I don't have an answer for that that anyone likes. I will also say I was surprised as all get out that the Exodus encounter (for the +5 scroll of valiant commendation replica) wasn't Felucca based. Its things like that Felucca needs to stay viable and create a new generation of pvpers.

I am never going to visit Yew gate and engage in PvP. There is just no point, I don't give a damn who is king of the kill (that little mound of dirt the gate sits on). But give me a viable reward worth fighting for and a group to fight with and now we are talking.


Seasoned Veteran
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Harrower lastnight in Destard (on Atl) had 5 players trying to raid 12. This was after an hour of announcing it. I would agree that PvP is dead, even on Atlantic. However, increasing caps that can only be obtained through Fel/PvP gameplay is not the solution as Kyronix politely said and others not so affably. While many of the ideas seem intriguing, the only way this game will EVER draw in more players for PvP is by instituting some form of anti-cheatware and/or having GMs police the game enforcing UO's TOS. The same TOS they currently ignore which has caused hundreds to thousands of players to leave the game over the last decade. UO's reputation as being a waste of time for honest players is warranted and well known. To draw in players this reputation must 1st be dispelled.

Be honest Varrius, when we PvPed in the same guild for well over a year how many folks used scripts, stump hacks, static fields, client mods, speeders, razor, etc,...? I'd guess 85% and our GM did NOT endorse or condone this activity. You cant tell someone how to play their game in their own home. Cheat to compete is the prevalent ideology in UO and the powers that be don't give a rats @ss. Subscription monies trump TOS. Their shortsightedness and greed will kill off their cash cow as evident by the lack of participation in PvP and steadly declining playerbase.

When you quit the guild we were in Varrius where did u go? To another guild that endorsed the cheat to compete ideology so you could be more competitive in UO PvP. I'm not trying to be judgmental. Everyone has the right to enjoy the game for which they pay. However, the lack of enforcing TOS leads to "if you cant beat them, join them" mentality and since there are relatively no repercussions.... why not?

After announcing for at least an hour in Chat about the Harry, you'd think a single GM could of peeked in at some point? If they had they would of seen the harrower in a corner, blocked off with boxes while the entire guild bombed on it in ZERO danger from him. A GM would of seen the ramp from 3rd to 2nd level illegally blocked off with boxes. I'm just saying that many players do not and will not PvP in this kind of atmosphere where blatant "illegal" activity occurs and nothing is ever done. (I say "illegal" because is it really illegal if no action is taken?)

Thus endth the rant, I'm off to play Battlefield 4 on DICE only servers for my PvP fix because they ALL run PunkBuster :) I don't waste my time in PvP on this game anymore like many players. When I get tired of that, I'll log into my Fel home and promptly recall to SA or Blackthorns Castle to PvM farm bosses so I can sell all you PvPers your Slithers and Epaulettes :)
So Cheating ruins pvp but the rampant scripting that goes into pvm is a huge turn-on for you and others? I personally don't bother with pvm and gathering resources simply because scripters have made it meaningless.

Secondly, yes, speeders, razor, and art mods exist. However, you act like these are game-breaking features to pvp. They're not. When this game was younger, I and many others ran Razor simply because we were kids, didn't have credit cards, and thought it was complete BS that UO would charge for UOA (a service that is essential to pvping and yet for some reason isn't included in the stock game).

I don't think "cheats" are the reason pvp and UO are dead. I think it has to do with the dev team being consistently out of touch with the playerbase and gaming community. This game costs over $50 just to get started with SA, High Seas, and UOA (not even factoring in the months of subscriptions you need to dedicate just to get semi-decent), the devs don't interact with all aspects of the community, they release shoddy content, and yes, also tolerate "cheats" (in both tram and fel).

In it's current form, this game is a sinking ship and is just squeezing money out of the few addicts left.

I think the game should just start over. Keep the old shards so those that care can still have their lore and their houses but make a new F2p shard and police the hell out of it (much like every successful free server does).


Stratics Veteran
You did not answer the question. I'm trying to come up with ideas. You on the other hand are delusional and think pvp is thriving in this game. That is insane, I don't understand how anyone can think that. You probably don't realize this because you didn't pvp back then, but pvp was at it's highest when people needed power scrolls. Whether people were trying to get scrolls for their characters, for gold or raiding spawns for the pvp because they knew people would be doing spawns. Look at all of the old screen shots that people post of the 20 vs 20 fights, guess where 90% of the fights were. At spawns or harrowers. Am I still wrong? Just because you like to sit on a blue at the gate doesn't mean everyone should like doing the same.
Hmm, you are treating pvp as if it is the only/best style of gameplay in UO with an idea that changes all playstyles.
And if you think your idea of changes brings in the masses then you are very optimistic .....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm, you are treating pvp as if it is the only/best style of gameplay in UO with an idea that changes all playstyles.
And if you think your idea of changes brings in the masses then you are very optimistic .....
I can only comment on the parts of UO that I know about.
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