Make power scrolls go to 130
Make stats scrolls that increase your stats to 290-300
Increase str/dex/int caps
Make the scrolls account/character bound (this is the most important part)
That is all that is needed to be done. Not this VvV crap that rewards theives and not pvpers. You don't need focus groups comprised of rares collectors and people who have 50 accounts scripting around the clock that haven't pvp'd in 7 years.
You're Welcome,
Make stats scrolls that increase your stats to 290-300
Increase str/dex/int caps
Make the scrolls account/character bound (this is the most important part)
That is all that is needed to be done. Not this VvV crap that rewards theives and not pvpers. You don't need focus groups comprised of rares collectors and people who have 50 accounts scripting around the clock that haven't pvp'd in 7 years.
You're Welcome,