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As much as the fresh content is quite good... still on the back burner...

  • Thread starter Prince Caspian
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  • Watchers 3

Prince Caspian

- Ships could use a revamp for the first time in over a decade.
- Treasure Hunting really need a revamp.
- Tokuno is so neglected (other than ToT it's a joke)
- Dupers, macroers and cheaters still run around with impunity
- Useless skills are still on the roster (Camping, Item Identification)
- The faction system could use some more work
- There needs to be more incentives for PvP and Felucca visits to show everyone PvP isn't just bullying and PKing
- A lot of things still aren't stackable (ginger, flour sacks, etc)
- Since Hunger doesnt affect us, the Cooking Skill is utterly useless these days (aside from making egg bombs and some minor buff items). How about some love here? Even a BOD system would be nice.
- Ilsh Arties. Change them. Jeesh. Introduce a cycle, to keep it fresh. Implement a trade-in-system: four arties of any kind can be turned in for one of your choice.
- Peerlesses need some new items too.
- Paladins needs to be able to dispel Revenants. The fact they can't is so frickin stupid.
- Incompatible disciplines like Necromancy and Chivalry should not be allowable on the same character. You can't be an Autobot AND a Decepticon.
- Vendors with empty backpacks should not be visible (or at least via a toggle option in the settings).

And so on...


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Paladins can dispel revenants with Dispel Evil spell.


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I keep forgetting to use dispel evil. See what happens when things are broke for a long time?


Crazed Zealot
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Paladins can dispel revenants with Dispel Evil spell.
yep, and Item ID is useful as an imbue-er. Camping is hmmmmm useful in the same antisocial way it has always been useful. *shrugs*


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Curious... does a human's JoaT help with Item ID for Imbuing? Or do you have to be GM ItemID?


Crazed Zealot
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I dunno yet. I could have looked at that on test I suppose. Currently I have it worked to 85, but my imbuing is still below 25.


While I don't disagree with you, can you justify having two karma-opposed disciplines?
The two skills were introduced as such, good and evil. You could argue that having both at the same goes against the original intent of the design.

I'm not sure I'm opposed to seeing them on the same template, but I'd like to hear some good reasons for why they should be allowed, without their coexistence leading to them effectively being nerfed to hell.


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cooking useless where else would the pk's get thier enchanted apples, I make more off those than anything else I've done in game,tedious but 15+ mill a week every week for the last 5 months , so no leave cooking alone.


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So you don't want some extra stuff for cooks?
Don't want to be able to take those prized and wonderous fish and enhance (season) them to last longer than 5 seconds? OOoooh, seasoned prized fish... I like.


Stratics Veteran
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While I don't disagree with you, can you justify having two karma-opposed disciplines?
The two skills were introduced as such, good and evil. You could argue that having both at the same goes against the original intent of the design.

I'm not sure I'm opposed to seeing them on the same template, but I'd like to hear some good reasons for why they should be allowed, without their coexistence leading to them effectively being nerfed to hell.
but a mix of good and evil is necassary to be a true nuetral char, so why the problem , we have red paladins and samuri's and blue necros and posioners. and blue ninja's realisticly if you play how you want why does what I play grief you? by your logic all thieves shoulsd be gray and 1 evil act makes you a criminal for ever,


While I don't disagree with you, can you justify having two karma-opposed disciplines?
The two skills were introduced as such, good and evil. You could argue that having both at the same goes against the original intent of the design.

I'm not sure I'm opposed to seeing them on the same template, but I'd like to hear some good reasons for why they should be allowed, without their coexistence leading to them effectively being nerfed to hell.
but a mix of good and evil is necassary to be a true nuetral char, so why the problem , we have red paladins and samuri's and blue necros and posioners. and blue ninja's realisticly if you play how you want why does what I play grief you? by your logic all thieves shoulsd be gray and 1 evil act makes you a criminal for ever,
I... honestly have no idea how you're taking my logic, and extending it to what you're saying...
Not that following what you're saying is the easiest thing in the world...

Consider my posts a "devil's advocate" type of thing.
I'm not actually opposing the presence of both skills on one template (I though I was quite clear on that). What i'm saying is that, if the devs decide that they want to address this, they're not likely to be swayed by "but I want it like that" or "what about our freedoms to develop out characters?"

The Fallout

they're not likely to be swayed by "but I want it like that" or "what about our freedoms to develop out characters?"
By this logic we can say, what if the devs decide, "no more hhybrid classes" bards are bards, tamers are tamers, warriors are warriors, paladins are paladins..... it would no longer be UO.

Kratos Aurion

-Incompatible disciplines like Necromancy and Chivalry should not be allowable on the same character. You can't be an Autobot AND a Decepticon.
And so on...
I beg to differ. There was a period in the Transformers Armada cartoon where Star Scream was having extreme internal conflict between wanting to be leader of the Decepticons but with Megatron being his superior in power, he couldn't. So he ended up joining the Autobots but still showed unquestionable loyalty towards Megatron and the Decepticons inwhich he later rejoined (like 4episodes later) in the series.

So yes I think there is a possibility in which you can be an Autobot and a Deceptiocon at the same time under extreme pyschological conditions. :thumbup:


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
By this logic we can say, what if the devs decide, "no more hhybrid classes" bards are bards, tamers are tamers, warriors are warriors, paladins are paladins..... it would no longer be UO.
Exactly. By that logic there shouldn't be tamers with combat skills, or mages with weapon skills, or anything that allows variation.


By this logic we can say, what if the devs decide, "no more hhybrid classes" bards are bards, tamers are tamers, warriors are warriors, paladins are paladins..... it would no longer be UO.
Exactly. By that logic there shouldn't be tamers with combat skills, or mages with weapon skills, or anything that allows variation.
But, combat skills don't directly oppose the nature or intent of taming skills.
You're all doing a terrible job of following my logic here... Seriously...


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
But where would the restrictions end?

And there are evil paladins :/


I'd really like them to rethink ships, possibly an upgrade to the client to make a 'single-tile' item that can contain other tiles (ie us and our crap). It's usually the redraw and synching that makes boats incredibly annoying.

I think treasure hunting is ok, but it just needs regular content added in like everything else. The Ricardo events should have had a few new treasure maps added in, for instance, to dig up his treasures.

I don't think they know what to do with Tokuno here, it seems more of a Japanese thing. Perhaps they should get the Japanese folks into designing interesting cross-over things that can be implemented on the others shards as part of the Tokuno story. Make it a separate line, with it's own events and just let them go to town, give us good events out of it.

Dupers, whoopers, whatever -- meh, don't care.

Useless skills -- they are only useless to you. Some folks love them. However, I would agree that all skills should have additions or mods to them periodically to make them desireable. Camping should give cooks defense resists for instance ;)

Factions/Felucca just needs a complete rework. Without them impacting the game, they are useless arms. The events that happen in factions and felucca should impact everyone, even if its a small amount.

Stackables -- *shrug*

Hunger - I think eating should increase SR, MR and HR depending on the food. An extra +1 or +2, with special foods giving more. Since you can get full, it's somewhat restricted; and if people abuse it (ie satiaty potion) then make it so if you use the potion more than once in an hour your character throws up for five minutes.

Arties -- don't care, but all content should cycle a bit.

"incompatible skills" -- don't care. If you want to be a necro paladin with ninja bushido blah blah, who cares? Honestly, if you care about it at all you are probably whining about something they can do you don't like. Grow up.

Empty backpacks -- I'd love empty vendors to fold up into little suitcases to show they have no saleable wares. But my biggest want on vendors is a quicklist and search function. Especially with jewelry, I really hate having to mouse look at everything.

However, in any case, I WANT them to put new content out regularly whether they fix things or not. It keeps the game fresh for us and new players, gives me new places to visit when I'm in the mood, and gives them enough cash to push more development dollars into their budget to fix things later.


Lore Master
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But, combat skills don't directly oppose the nature or intent of taming skills.
You're all doing a terrible job of following my logic here... Seriously...
Ok here's some logic. Necromancy causes constant Karma loss. Paladin spells rely on positive karma. Necromancy makes chivalry weaker, while chivalry gives a minor all around buff (much weaker than if you HAD positive karma). Now to those with necromancy and positive karma, you're just a sampire and this does not apply to you.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
- There needs to be more incentives for PvP and Felucca visits to show everyone PvP isn't just bullying and PKing
who cares about pvp and felucca? i don't want incentives (power scrolls) that means i HAVE to pvp or shell out big money. i don't want to pvp and neither does 95% of the population. just get rid of felucca and do us all a favor, instead of wasting perfectly good new areas and items on them.

everyone who pvps IS just bullying and ganking. i know someone will chime in with 'no, i pvp honorably', but that's not true. there's a reason no one is in fel, it's not because there aren't enough incentives. it's because no one wants to pvp. why spend time and resources on something no one wants?

go to siege if you really want to pvp, leave the rest of us that pay for your way of life out of it.

The Fallout

But, combat skills don't directly oppose the nature or intent of taming skills.
You're all doing a terrible job of following my logic here... Seriously...
You must have a very limited imagination if you cannot think of a role play situation where a vampire might attain paladin abilities. Or a paladin becomes a vampire through an attack.


You must have a very limited imagination if you cannot think of a role play situation where a vampire might attain paladin abilities. Or a paladin becomes a vampire through an attack.
Nothing limited about my imagination.
I'm not the one that took 3 posts to come up with a reason ;)


- Ilsh Arties. Change them. Jeesh. Introduce a cycle, to keep it fresh. Implement a trade-in-system: four arties of any kind can be turned in for one of your choice.
Unravel them! ^^
It'll give them a use while waiting for better.


Seasoned Veteran
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- Incompatible disciplines like Necromancy and Chivalry should not be allowable on the same character. You can't be an Autobot AND a Decepticon.
When it comes to many necromancy spells, many require Spirit Speak which takes precious template space and there is the loss of karma when using necromancy spells that impact the pally. Bottom line is, (other than the sampire), it takes more finger movement skill and good strategic planning to make an effective Necomancy-Chivalry mix where every single little buff and potion often counts. Those who go through the trouble of figuring these things out and play them should be allowed to benifit from it.

However, I see your point with the good v. evil, but like many already stated, even in many fantasy worlds and stories it's not always one way or the other.

Plus, we don't need to start being like other MMO's with their rigid class system, last thing we need is a socialist-communist Britannia.

- Treasure Hunting really need a revamp.
It's been a while since i've been treasure hunting, but what I feel that could make treasure hunting more fun is include a RARE chance of finding items (other than cold blood) that are unique and specifically from ONLY doing treasure hunting rather than a share of being obtainable from paragon/Leviathan/treasure chest items. This way, if i'm diggin up a treasure, it would also be exciting with the anticipation that I might find something in the chest that's not obtainable by any other method other than treasure hunting, even if it's some old dead fruit or something. Then some of these items could also be made more rare than others, that way the market doesn't qucikly flood with all-treasure map items.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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I know that the Sampire has already come up, but I'd like to put my 2 gp in.

Since I added Chivalry, albeit in a minimal way, to my template, I've seen a *VAST* improvement to my Sampire. It has made me enjoy a true combat type playstyle for the first time in ages.. Many many ppl have come back to this template lately and I can say that I spend the majority of my time IN GAME on this mixed good/evil skill character...

I agree with the others changes you've listed, BUT I also must say that sometimes we need to be content with what the game is versus demanding it change to our *needs*. The DEVS just put alot (years) of work into this incredible expansion that everyone that I play with is enjoying immensely. I believe that it is quite impossible to expect them to create this Stygian content and work and polish it continuely AND make the above stated changes in any kind of realistic timeframe.


While I don't disagree with you, can you justify having two karma-opposed disciplines?
The two skills were introduced as such, good and evil. You could argue that having both at the same goes against the original intent of the design.

I'm not sure I'm opposed to seeing them on the same template, but I'd like to hear some good reasons for why they should be allowed, without their coexistence leading to them effectively being nerfed to hell.
Let's see...

Dark Paladins (can't remember where they're from)

Chaotic Good (old D&D days)

UO is a sandbox (no explanation needed)

Just because (because it's UO and you can do whatever you want to which is why it's still here 12 yrs later)

Yep. Works for me. :thumbup:


who cares about pvp and felucca?
I'd say literally all of the people that aren't narrowminded. Selfish much?

i don't want incentives (power scrolls) that means i HAVE to pvp or shell out big money. i don't want to pvp and neither does 95% of the population.
That would be 75%, not 95. Please get your facts straight and don't pull numbers out of your ass that mean nothing because they're incorrect. It might make your argument a little stronger that way, but then again, maybe not.

And for the record, no, I don't PvP. I personally think UO's PvP sucks, but everyone that plays has the right to decide whether they like it or not, with no one else having any say in the matter, including you, regardless of how much you may think you own UO and can dictate what other players do.

just get rid of felucca and do us all a favor, instead of wasting perfectly good new areas and items on them.
Get rid of Fel and the 25% of players that ONLY play in Fel, and you can watch as your "favor" ends UO for good. Have fun on that freeshard. Maybe you'll get lucky and find one that you don't end up having your comp hacked into.

everyone who pvps IS just bullying and ganking.
Just when I thought the BS couldn't get any deeper. Anyone have a ladder handy? It's gonna get thick in here....

i know someone will chime in with 'no, i pvp honorably', but that's not true. there's a reason no one is in fel, it's not because there aren't enough incentives. it's because no one wants to pvp. why spend time and resources on something no one wants?
If no one wanted it, we wouldn't have 25% of the playerbase involved in it.

go to siege if you really want to pvp, leave the rest of us that pay for your way of life out of it.
You're paying for every PvP'rs accounts yourself? Bully for you. I bet they're all happy about it.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord

Prince Caspian

LOL, PunchCounterPunch is still an autobot. :p

Last time I took up the Paladins-Shouldn't-Have-Necromancy charge, someone made the point that I'm using the age-old-Dungeons-and-Dragons archetype, and that this is UO and what defines a Paladin may be radically different. True.

However, both Chivalry and Necromancy, as far as UO seems to define them, fall upon the traditional definitions. ie, they are powered by higher beings not of the plane of mortals. In fact, that they both draw from radically different ends of the spectrum. Good and Evil.

The Ultima saga has always avoided any kind of diefic reference. There is no "God" per se, only the virtues. Likewise, there is no "devil" (unless you count The Guardian, but even his power falls short of such a position). I guess this is the crux of the argument: IS there someone you **** off by utilizing the other team? If not, I suppose it could be an interchangable switch, like using the tool right for the job... but instead of using a phillips point or a flathead screwdriver, you are using the powers of healing and nobility or the powers of evil and corruption.

As another analogy, Star Wars uses a similar system. There is no God per se, there is just The Force, which apparently has two interfaces: Light and Dark. But even then, you never see a Jedi-Sith who flip flops. Usually (like in the case of Vader and Dooku), when they flip sides, they seem to forsake the philosphies and powers of the old side.

As for the anti-PvP folks, I understand your position. Believe me, I do. I am pro-PvP and anti-PK, which is a dichotomy most folks around here find as a contradiction in terms. PKs have ganked me as much as you, believe me. I was mercilessly bullied and looted by PKs when I first started UO.

I got fairly good (but not great) at PvP back in the Dread Lord Days. But I still hated it, because it was forced on me. I didn't learn to fight because it was fun, I learned because my advancement in the game depended on it. Although I DID have tremendous fun in the anti-PK guilds. There was no feeling better in the game than to smash some PK jerk who was trying to victimize another newbie, and give the newbie all his items.

However, PvP has been changed so much that death really has no more sting at all. You lose nothing. Jeez, I remember a time when you LITERALLY could lose everything in one night if you got ganked (ie if you had your house key. There was no banning, no secure containers. If anyone got in your house, they could take it all. And no lock changes either). But now, there is nothing to lose. And a human opponent is much trickier and challenging. It's an aspect of the game that you can't get over in Trammel, and it can be rather fun. Especially with a group.


Stratics Veteran
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Last time I took up the Paladins-Shouldn't-Have-Necromancy charge, someone made the point that I'm using the age-old-Dungeons-and-Dragons archetype, and that this is UO and what defines a Paladin may be radically different. True.

The Ultima saga has always avoided any kind of diefic reference. There is no "God" per se, only the virtues. Likewise, there is no "devil" (unless you count The Guardian, but even his power falls short of such a position). I guess this is the crux of the argument: IS there someone you **** off by utilizing the other team? If not, I suppose it could be an interchangable switch, like using the tool right for the job... but instead of using a phillips point or a flathead screwdriver, you are using the powers of healing and nobility or the powers of evil and corruption.

As another analogy, Star Wars uses a similar system. There is no God per se, there is just The Force, which apparently has two interfaces: Light and Dark. But even then, you never see a Jedi-Sith who flip flops. Usually (like in the case of Vader and Dooku), when they flip sides, they seem to forsake the philosphies and powers of the old side.
This is wonderfully written. I never could find the right words as to why my undead paladin is my fav char. But this pretty much sums it up.