My account may not be 12 years old, in terms of active subscription....Now, in order for an UO account to grant 12 years Veteran status it means that the account needs to have been active for 12 years......
Twelve years is a whole lot of time, IMHO, and mark a REALLY loyal affiliation with a product.
But rest assured, I am a LOYAL UO player. I have played other games, yes, and likely will continue to do so.
But from top to bottom, balls-to-the-walls, there is not, nor likely ever shall be another MMO like UO, for reasons far to numerous to bother with here. This is THE paramount of truly immersive, virtual worlds. My eyes may wonder, but my heart is always with UO.
As for what rewards the account age brings? Couldn't give a damn less. Items are items. I'm likely one of the worse UO players you will ever encounter.. For that matter, one of the worse game players you'll ever encounter, but I don't give a damn. The heart and soul of UO is what matters most to me, even if I am not always "active". The Virtues, in and of themselves.. A moral compass.. The stories, the friendships, the heartbreaks?
No, there is no other for me, even if I don't always play.