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Are there many 12 years loyal Ultima Online Customers around ?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now, in order for an UO account to grant 12 years Veteran status it means that the account needs to have been active for 12 years......

Twelve years is a whole lot of time, IMHO, and mark a REALLY loyal affiliation with a product.
My account may not be 12 years old, in terms of active subscription....

But rest assured, I am a LOYAL UO player. I have played other games, yes, and likely will continue to do so.

But from top to bottom, balls-to-the-walls, there is not, nor likely ever shall be another MMO like UO, for reasons far to numerous to bother with here. This is THE paramount of truly immersive, virtual worlds. My eyes may wonder, but my heart is always with UO.

As for what rewards the account age brings? Couldn't give a damn less. Items are items. I'm likely one of the worse UO players you will ever encounter.. For that matter, one of the worse game players you'll ever encounter, but I don't give a damn. The heart and soul of UO is what matters most to me, even if I am not always "active". The Virtues, in and of themselves.. A moral compass.. The stories, the friendships, the heartbreaks?

No, there is no other for me, even if I don't always play.


Always Present
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I think a "philosopher's Stone" would be a cool 12 years Veteran Reward.

What would such a stone do ?

Upgrade either a metal or a wood one tier up. Like Iron can be turned into Dull Copper or Normal wood into Oak and so on.


Slightly Crazed
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I started during beta testing...still here :)


Lore Master
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11/97 not a single month down, still log in a couple times a week if im lucky.


I think dev has done well lately regarding items and content, so reference new vet rewards, its one of those things where I have a lot of confidence in our team. What I'm not confident in, and never have been, is twofold, timeliness and to a lesser but significant extent the ability to "swap out" items. Other than the first edition of rewards, our team (which of course changes over time) has never had the stuff ready when the oldest accounts hit their anniversary. I noted Regine, a dev member, holds her selections - and postulate that this should never be the case as the items are more recognition than influence. As for swapping out, the dresses are still a sore point with my better half. Other than that, about the only "addition" I'd like to see is a "meeting hall" where account age restricts which rooms you can enter.


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Yep I have been around 12 yrs shortly after Sept. an ex-boyfriend got me addicted to the game... he's gone and I still have the game and my original acct. has never gone inactive. The first guild I was in was Molten Lava with Queen Shannara... I miss the gang, I seem to be the only one left in game sadly on Sonoma from that guild and the off shoot of ML which was Isle of Avalon...


Colorblind Collector
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The Polar Bear is for the 9th year and the Cu is 10th year.

I'll also be one of the 12th year veterans when the anniversary rolls around. If we count the whole Utima series, then I'll have to admit the true depth of my addiction and go back to 1980. :p
Me too :)
I still remember flying around in a hot air balloon in this game called Ultima on my Apple IIe


It is so cool that you all have the UO desire.
I started in 1998 with my account
i remember playing like ultima 1-9 and ultima underworld
so I grew up with it
no not 12years of ultima online JUST YET
but from 1982 up until now its been all Ultima for me

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Does watching your friend play in 1997 until you got your computer is December of 97 count? lol

Yup im still here!!!!!


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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i all ways love these "who's been here since the beginning"

i've been here since the beginning.
i probably clock in a good 40-100 hours a week in game.
depending on whats going on in RL.

i can remember years ago before my kids came along where i would take a week of vacation time and spend days on end playing UO from server up till server down.

im still amazed that i love to play UO.
im still amazed that i can log in and think of 10 things that i wanna do and usually only end up getting 1 or 2 done so then i cant wait to get back on next day to try to get the rest of the stuff done.

I still think that the rewards for long service on UO should be stuff that represents the old days.
like tents.
stuff that we all had to use back in the days.

man, i still laugh when i think about all the tents there use to be in game.

Extra Value Meal

I would have liked to stay around, but I didn't like the path the game was progressing on.

Eight years was enough for me, but I remember most of them quite fondly.