Fanta was broke at that moment, I bought his gold its not my fault that my IRL job pays much better then what your parents give you
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lol oooook, nioce reply!! you know nothing of me so dont even try to pretend you do, makes you look rather stupid and a halfwit
you bought gold for IRL MONEY, not me, hence the easy mode part, dont try and say "OH BUT FANTA WAS BROKE, HE NEEDED MY MONEY SO I JUST HAAAAD TO BUY HIS GOLD, OR ELSE HIS DAUGHTER WOULDNT EAT!!!"
Try to justify it all you want, you still bought gold so the game would be easier for you to buy the things you want, INSTEAD OF EARNING THAT GOLD So your tendancy for easymode lp dexxor viewpoint is easy for all to see....tyvm
LOL, thanks for stalking me around the boards bucko, that is the funniest thing I have seen to date on this site
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uuuh its not hard to go and see what other dumb @$#$ you post if you clicketty your namey!
Never did I say that I want UO in easy mode, I have been playing this game way before you knew it was even around so you, I believe, haven't even seen it in hard mode. That said, I cannot see how this game could cater more to the easy sect any more then it does. Even the point made about "teams" not being able to cure states that this game is all about easy....I would have thought that the idea of a team was to insure that you finish said champ/peerless but I guess that PvM is hard? This would have added a very intersting addition to the game IMO but the boards have called it and the devs are not running the show, but we knew that with the speeding/scripting and other various issues(features).
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blah blah blah