Well the guide i was going to do for a tour oce has been borked. quite a few of the ones i had were near haven and now they are all gone. the burning ship, stonge henge, treasure room all gone vanished *sigh* new haven really ruined alot of things
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I agree with this comment... I really enjoyed exploring the island near Olde Haven - it was called Occlo, wasn't it? - especially as, when I was a new player, I didn't work out how to escape from Haven for weeks and weeks. *sigh* Now even that old moongate I used to use is gone. And the secret room, with the door that looked like part of the wall... did anybody else use to sit in there, make gates to Luna, hide, and watch people get lost? ^_^
At the moment, I am between things IRL - school's over! Woohoo! - and don't really have much to do. Other players have been on much longer than I have, but I know the world quite well. If you would like me to lessen your workload, I would be happy to contribute some parts to a guide on Oceania, which I suppose would just be a guide to Sosaria in general, as the shard doesn't have many special features... I've been tossing up for a while over doing a real in-depth atlas of all the dungeons, just for fun, that goes deeper than the Stratics one (and is filled with wild speculation!
So, I'd like to contribute to this if you've got a space that needs filling. Have you any jobs or articles I could do? *hopeful*