IMHO the whole rank system on armor is what needs fixing.
Let everyone wear all faction arties and either make em drop in tram or allow faction fights in all facets. At the moment pretty much everyone who gets some points can wear all arties. If the rank system was fixed when point system gets fixed, we'd be in very unbalanced situation. For some reason almost everyone in factions is rank 10 atm.
Rank Score
1 Below 20%
2 20% - 39%
3 40% - 49%
4 50% - 59%
5 60% - 69%
6 70% - 79%
7 80% - 89%
8 90% - 94%
9 95% - 99%
10 99.1% - 100%
If I understand that correctly (I really don't know if I do), only 0,9 % of players in factions should be rank 10. 4 % rank 9 etc.
This would really bring us to situation where the best PvP:rs (Or most likely then ones getting most points by multiaccounting) get the best arties. Leaving the newcomers and casual PvP:rs weakened.
I don't want to see that happening, would hurt the PvP community and encourage exploiting.