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ANY INFO on the New Properties intro'd on Garg. Arty's?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Gargoyle Artifacts have a host of New magical properties & I figure by now people have to have them and perhaps have played around with them enough to know EXACTLY how they work..

Reactive paralyze?? EVERY parry? resistable ? etc

Hit Fatigue? How much does it Take?

Resonance ? How much does it convert??

ETC.... anyway if you know the specifics on one of these properties Fill us in!


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the pub 60 notes on UO.com fully explained every new aspect of SA. Those included.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the pub 60 notes on UO.com fully explained every new aspect of SA.

For any of the "Eater properties" What percentage of the dmg dealt is converted into life ?

For Resonance ... again what percentage is converted?

For Soul charge... again what percentage...

For Hit Fatigue.. If I hit someone for 35 dmg and Hit fatigue goes off how much stamina is drained ??

For Hit Mana Drain... 35 dmg.. How much Mana is drained...

YEAH OBVIOUSLY they didn't give us the specifics.. Man..... The power of the items is in the DETAILS...

The Gargoyle Artifacts have a host of New magical properties & I figure by now people have to have them and perhaps have played around with them enough to know EXACTLY how they work..
I don't really know how to be more clear. :thumbup:

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
It doesn't take much to figure out the details. Just have to spend a few minutes testing the properties.

Stupid Miner

All we know is what's on uo.com

No one has any magic source of info that others don't here. Test it and find out, then share it.