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An Open Letter to Jeff Skalski



First off. Jeff will not see this, as he is busy playing star wars....

Second, just because someone is better at the game than you are, does not mean he/she is cheating.

I'm not going to say that some do not cheat, but I would bet it is half of what you suspect.

I do not care for pvp'ing anymore, although that is all I used to do. I just want to be on my own, and play my own game. This is not because of the cheats, but more so the little kids that whine and complain cause someone is better than them. Then they get 20 of their friends and gank you with stealthing archers. How can this possibly be fun?

Back in the day, pvp was a skill. It is no longer a skill. It has turned into a 100% item based game, and until UO deals with the items causing the problems, then there will always be people saying so and so is cheating.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
First off. Jeff will not see this, as he is busy playing star wars....

Second, just because someone is better at the game than you are, does not mean he/she is cheating.

I'm not going to say that some do not cheat, but I would bet it is half of what you suspect.

I do not care for pvp'ing anymore, although that is all I used to do. I just want to be on my own, and play my own game. This is not because of the cheats, but more so the little kids that whine and complain cause someone is better than them. Then they get 20 of their friends and gank you with stealthing archers. How can this possibly be fun?

Back in the day, pvp was a skill. It is no longer a skill. It has turned into a 100% item based game, and until UO deals with the items causing the problems, then there will always be people saying so and so is cheating.

Never were there accusations of cheating before Age of Shadows; never were there one-hit kills from Heavy Crossbows of Vanquishing; never were there folks who would get owned then run into a house to change armor thinking it'd make a difference; never were there articles on PowerGamers extolling certain weapons over others in PvP because clearly items didn't matter.

Oh, wait.

-Galen's player


Grand Inquisitor
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Never were there accusations of cheating before Age of Shadows; never were there one-hit kills from Heavy Crossbows of Vanquishing; never were there folks who would get owned then run into a house to change armor thinking it'd make a difference; never were there articles on PowerGamers extolling certain weapons over others in PvP because clearly items didn't matter.

Oh, wait.

-Galen's player

I'll go you one further. There is a lot more variety in the game today than there was back then, and a far greater diversity in templates and viable playstyles. Suit building and template building are both skills, and in my opinion the game takes far more skill to play well than it did in the old days because it is a much more intricate, complex and interesting game than it used to be.

Do I still miss the wonder of the old days? Of course I do, but in my opinion Ultima Online is a far better game than it used to be, in just about every way possible...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I'll go you one further. There is a lot more variety in the game today than there was back then, and a far greater diversity in templates and viable playstyles. Suit building and template building are both skills, and in my opinion the game takes far more skill to play well than it did in the old days because it is a much more intricate, complex and interesting game than it used to be.

Do I still miss the wonder of the old days? Of course I do, but in my opinion Ultima Online is a far better game than it used to be, in just about every way possible...
I agree fully. Back then it was just archer suits. Today well suit building is fun and takes a long time but its so worth the effort. I also like to help folks with their suits its actually added a whole new dimension to the game.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am sorry but the poor, sick, or mentally ill that you want me to believe are playing UO are not the companies reponsibility. That is a ridiculous notion.

If their own friends,family,co-workers,etc.. are unable to help them why the hell would it fall upon the employees of an online game to do so? Give me a break.

Bullying sucks but it happens EVERYWHERE to all types of people. IMO the game has more then enough in place to help combat it. I am pretty sure that they are as legally compliant as the next company and that is good enough for me.
I don't' think anyone is saying they should be responsible for anything other than enforcing the TOS that they themselves have outlined.

To those who say that sensitive people should just /ignore someone harassing them, you are making a logical argument to an emotional problem. (If you are married you should know your peril here). That is exactly what they should do, but once they have been insulted/hurt, someone in a fragile frame of mind can be sucked into listening to more or even participating in something that is bad for them.

Again, not saying EA is responsible for the mental health of these people, but they should enforce the TOS since not doing so has potential RL harmful effects.


Grand Inquisitor
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Again, not saying EA is responsible for the mental health of these people, but they should enforce the TOS since not doing so has potential RL harmful effects.
Very well said, and exactly the point I was making.

Mook Chessy

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Very well said, and exactly the point I was making.
To what end...if the police pulled over every speeder, well you know the rest.

This thread sums up the problem with UO over the last few years...welcome to EA/UO


Just let them do their job, the changes so far have been great, cool stuff. Let things play out and see how he does...starting any relationship with WHAT I WANT is never good.

Jade of Sonoma

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am sorry but the poor, sick, or mentally ill that you want me to believe are playing UO are not the companies reponsibility. That is a ridiculous notion.

If their own friends,family,co-workers,etc.. are unable to help them why the hell would it fall upon the employees of an online game to do so? Give me a break. - -etc--
Obviously Goldberg does not understand mental illness, depression and poverty and that no-one can control another person's behavior unlless first diagnosed and the power of attorney over the ill person authorized legally.

During the first years of UO OnLine it was my experience to witness bullying/solicitations/cheaters/harrassment etc and the decline and deaths of three UO Players due to mental depression/mental illnesses. I need say no more on the subject. Trammel was born for this reason I hope, as it was a subject I wrote UO about all the time while those players were alive.

I agree with Llewen and Tazar's ideas but have long thought there is no hope as it is impossible controlling the human condition. We can only do our best.

I would add: BANNING TOTALLY OUTSIDE WEBSITES from SELLING UO ITEMS .. but how to control that I don't know .. the marketing of the UO digital items/UO gold/accounts for real US$$$

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Obviously Goldberg does not understand mental illness, depression and poverty and that no-one can control another person's behavior unlless first diagnosed and the power of attorney over the ill person authorized legally.

Maybe he holds the same opinion as I do on those problems. I know that if I suffered from any of those conditions I would not be playing any games, I would be too busy taking responsibility for what I was going through and seeking help. If my son or daughter [who are both of age but live at home] were suffering from them I would make sure they got the help needed to squash the struggles. Oh, and THEY would not be playing a game, even if it required pulling the internet out of my home.

You bring up a valid point in saying it is impossible to control the human condition. But I think we disagree on which condition should be worked on and improved. The condition that would need to be changed is those that need actual help, the ones with such a condition that makes taunts or trash talk become crippling, or life threatening to them. Then, there are those in game that look for any reason they can to be offended at the slightest issue just so they can :stir: and try to get someone banned for trivial reasons. I think we can all admit there are those 2 specific types around. One group truly needs help, but we should not be quick to cut the legs out from under "normal" folks and give more harrasing opportunities to the latter.

I personally don't feel UO needs to take any other steps than they already have in place to deal with violations of the TOS except to increase the speed at which GM's respond to complaints. Which imho is being adressed internally as I have witnessed and heard of several instances lately that were handled in a fast manner.

Jade of Sonoma

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know that if I suffered from any of those conditions I would not be playing any games, I would be too busy taking responsibility for what I was going through and seeking help. If my son or daughter - - etc.
With that I agree. As long as I am capable of controlling my own problems that is exactly what I will be doing.

Some people don't have the option of clearly seeing their own problems so haven't a clue what is wrong. Others see their own problems too clearly and can't handle them. Meanwhile, those players, and there are many, don't need a game harrassing and hacking and bullying them. They need to escape real life and feel like they are doing something and accomplishing something whether it be just being able to run and walk when in real life they can't, being able to make clothing and sell it, or fight a monster, become a blacksmith, PVP properly - - etc.

In real life and in the Game, I've only been able to hear the "other side of things" and watch what happens over time, to understand that more is going on than what we see or hear

Llewen and Tazar and a few others in here seem to have exceptionally clear vision. This is not to say anyone and everyone else is wrong. Each of us have different experiences and thus, different view points.

Thus the discussions. Without specifics though, and examples, it is hard to make clear what the problems are until you experience them yourself.

These types of discussions don't belong in UHall? Oh? - - :popcorn:

Jade of Sonoma

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't' think anyone is saying they should be responsible for anything other than enforcing the TOS -- etc - -

Again, not saying EA is responsible for the mental health of these people, but they should enforce the TOS since not doing so has potential RL harmful effects.
Exactly. :thumbsup:

There are many players who are handicapped or mentally challenged in some way, who enjoy UO. Some love the fun of PVP and would have a blast on a shard where it would be a free for all. It might give them a place to vent their rage and forget their RL infirmities. So many players would simply appreciate being on a Shard where the TOS is respected and enforced. Others that I have known in the past and know today, are devastated by any negative encounters in the game because of having been seriously affected by events in real life. I can't begin to count how many friends I have known, and aquaintances who left the game because of the very issues Llewen has brought up.

-- (as he said about TOS Policing)- - I could probably go on for pages and pages and never repeat myself once with distinct reasons why nothing major will ever happen on this stuff.
I too could go on for pages and pages saying why I feel as I do but what good has it ever done? I hope somewhere it has helped someone. haha .. it's all we can do. Keep trying. :fight: Keep up the GOOD fight!


...One of the issues that has plagued our beloved game since day one, and pvp specifically, have been the related issues of cheating, harassment and bullying.
- So, we've certainly seen some action and we've heard a lot of talk about taking action over the years.. Maybe the Rules of Conduct, Harassment Policy and Terms of Service are all simply EA fast-talk and the truth is that they consider these losses to be quite tolerable when considering the bottom-line (whatever words appease, so long as we remain ESRB approved to be T for Teen; and EA in largest part created the ESRB in the first place.. to protect their bottom-line). If so, that's their decision. Only problem I have with that is it has remained to be a short-term mindset when dealing with a long-term situation, imo; which is too bad for every long-term player. Buy hey, evey year we continue is one less year that we will be; so eventually the short-term decisions will be proven right because the possibility of long-term will ever-dwindle so long as short-term decisions are made, for the short-term bottom-line, imo ;)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
no it is more someone let loose the test shard gankers lol with faction armour so they didnt need really play a shard to get equiped and has gone way down hill since then!!!!!!!!!!!


This thread again? While I'd love for the team to do something about the speeding issues that I seem to face the other cheating program that makes stuff easier to do is so ingrained in the game play that it is almost allowed by default.

Does anyone really think that it is truelly a good idea to have one person dedicated to watching the chat channels for every shard or is this for only the one that the OP plays? Or does this one person go insane trying to track everything? What about the player made channels,EM or the help? Get real.

Does anyone believe that the majority of players are free from sin? I'm sorry if you can only see through rose colored glasses but 90% of the player base does something and to target them is the end of the game, why else has nothing been done over these years? Foolish thoughts, stop teasing yourself with these ideas.

Agree 100%.

Wait! What just happened? :)
Love yah Bro!


everyone hates my opinions on things but when i read this about being bullied in UO i literally LOL'ed ! i mean seriously? if u dont like what someone is saying to u dont listen, i cant stand those people that get on there and act like a 12 year old myself, and the profanity is annoying IF U LET IT BE. u can always choose not to pay attention to what some pixel is saying to u. dont get on uo and give out ur facebook addy and ur cell and all that other crap this will prevent any rl harassment. if someone is talking about u then you more than likely done something to deserve it, if not grow a pair tell em how it is and people that know ya and play with ya will figure out whos lying. and heres the big kicker people its a game, not ur real life....if your having that much emotion "suicidal or what not" over a game STOP PLAYING IT and get help, for real....or u could just make a new char with a different name..........but i do agree on one thing pvp in uo sucks, i stopped going to fel years ago to keep myself from getting annoyed.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you're being bullied in a game, you're doing something wrong.

Mook Chessy

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Obviously Goldberg does not understand mental illness, depression and poverty and that no-one can control another person's behavior unlless first diagnosed and the power of attorney over the ill person authorized legally.

During the first years of UO OnLine it was my experience to witness bullying/solicitations/cheaters/harrassment etc and the decline and deaths of three UO Players due to mental depression/mental illnesses. I need say no more on the subject. Trammel was born for this reason I hope, as it was a subject I wrote UO about all the time while those players were alive.

I agree with Llewen and Tazar's ideas but have long thought there is no hope as it is impossible controlling the human condition. We can only do our best.

I would add: BANNING TOTALLY OUTSIDE WEBSITES from SELLING UO ITEMS .. but how to control that I don't know .. the marketing of the UO digital items/UO gold/accounts for real US$$$

That must have been a fun vent...

Your theory on Tram is way off. Please go to Tram Shame and you will see how wrong you are...it attracts the worst kind of griefing because there is no recourse at least in fel you can silence the idiots by killing them.

UO is a game, an alternate world, it should never cross over into RL, save casual conversations like how was your Christmas or did your FF team win, but suicide?
way over the line.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
That must have been a fun vent...

Your theory on Tram is way off. Please go to Tram Shame and you will see how wrong you are...it attracts the worst kind of griefing because there is no recourse at least in fel you can silence the idiots by killing them.

UO is a game, an alternate world, it should never cross over into RL, save casual conversations like how was your Christmas or did your FF team win, but suicide?
way over the line.
No you can't. Unless you are in the Big Zerg Guild and using every hack and cheat in the book there is NO WAY you are going to do one thing in Fel but lay down and die. PERIOD Least wise NOT on my shard... unless you happen to do things when they aren't on.

Picus at the office

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How on earth one can say that in Fel you cannot simply kill someone is beyond my understanding.

Ok I can believe that you are a horrible pvp player but come on. At the very least make a stealth archer and hunt people if you want to exact revenge but saying that it is impossible only says that you have given up. There isn't a person on my main shard that plays in fel who has not died to me and I'm sure that they all have managed to kill me at least once.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
How on earth one can say that in Fel you cannot simply kill someone is beyond my understanding.

Ok I can believe that you are a horrible pvp player but come on. At the very least make a stealth archer and hunt people if you want to exact revenge but saying that it is impossible only says that you have given up. There isn't a person on my main shard that plays in fel who has not died to me and I'm sure that they all have managed to kill me at least once.
Obviously you haven't played on my shard. Pretty much 95% of the folk you ever see in Fel (If you see any at all)... run all sorts of cheats and hacks allowing them to cast while running, run through any obstacles, move at warp 10, and they run some other hack I'm told that bogs down the server for you so you lag up and/or crash(This is very apparent as the instant they appear on screen you are frozen and can't move for a full min or more). Most all the ones I have run into use all sorts of scripts and cheats. And if that isn't enough they also run in packs of 5 to 10. And if you ever listen in Gen Chat they even brag sometimes about their cheats. They have no fear what-so-ever of being caught or banned. They freely admit things all the time.

And having had friends who've been in their guild(s) they discuss the hacks and cheats rampantly in their vent.

Now that doesn't mean I don't go to Fel. Because quite often I do... I just don't advertise where I am and I don't PvP anymore. They have taken all the fun out of it.

Besides I'm not much into flavor of the month PvP. And trust me I've HAD a stealth archer.... had one for years... but I got sick and tired of being revealed despite having 120 stealth and GM hiding, by every human with JOAT tracking and detect. I'd be tracked and revealed all the time... Heck I was being shot at by other archers WHILE hidden! How does that happen? Finally I said to H*** with it. And haven't cared one bit about PvP since.

That and their excessively rude, vulgar behavior has driven off dozens of decent players from the shard.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sad thing is, EA will never, ever do anything about the dupers/scripters/cheaters in UO. They make too much money off of them, if they perma banned them all, UO would no longer be profitable, and EA would be forced to shut it down. That's how rampant duping/scripting/cheating has become, due to EA's lack of response to it for the past decade. Every EA owned MMORPG has been this way, from UO, DaoC, Warhammer Online, and soon enough, SW: ToR. EA just doesn't give a **** so long as the $$$ is rolling into their pockets. They're a conglomerate empire, $$$ is King to them, their customers are mere peasants that they collect taxes from.
Jeff doesn't have any power over it either, he's just the most recent in a long line of "Producers" for UO (Ala, a new mouth piece), who'll be replaced soon enough anyways. I can't even begin to tell you how many times i've read a "Producer's Letter" from a new producer, and thought "Well, another one bites the dust".


Franchise Producer
Stratics Veteran
I'm not too sure how much attention we are gonna end up getting from Jeff, in the long run. He isn't the Producer, that replaces Cal. He is the producer of all things Ultima. I take that to mean the standalone games, the ones they are talking about re-releasing, the FB version of Ultima that are coming, etc etc
We are a drop in the bucket I would think. All things Ultima by meaning would include oversight over the ones the Chinese are working on, the whole shebang.
You guys and UO are definitely not a drop in the bucket in my world. Rather a key piece in bringing Ultima back into the spotlight, but more on that another time. 15 years we get to celebrate this year. It's going to be fun. ;)

Sorry for the late reply guys, just got back to work this week and getting around to reading through the threads since the holidays. (Smurcoch you called me out right, I did play alot of TOR over the holiday to finally see how it all came together.)

Anyways, Llewen and others, I appreciate the comments on this topic. This is something Messana and I discussed since I joined the team and as we come up with improved solutions to address this issue you hear more from us. The Banished Lands does have a nice ring to it... ;)

Happy New Year Everyone,



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You guys and UO are definitely not a drop in the bucket in my world. Rather a key piece in bringing Ultima back into the spotlight, but more on that another time. 15 years we get to celebrate this year. It's going to be fun. ;)

Sorry for the late reply guys, just got back to work this week and getting around to reading through the threads since the holidays. (Smurcoch you called me out right, I did play alot of TOR over the holiday to finally see how it all came together.)

Anyways, Llewen and others, I appreciate the comments on this topic. This is something Messana and I discussed since I joined the team and as we come up with improved solutions to address this issue you hear more from us. The Banished Lands does have a nice ring to it... ;)

Happy New Year Everyone,

As usual no substance whatsoever. When are we going to get concrete details of our future?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You guys and UO are definitely not a drop in the bucket in my world. Rather a key piece in bringing Ultima back into the spotlight, but more on that another time. 15 years we get to celebrate this year. It's going to be fun. ;)

Sorry for the late reply guys, just got back to work this week and getting around to reading through the threads since the holidays. (Smurcoch you called me out right, I did play alot of TOR over the holiday to finally see how it all came together.)

Anyways, Llewen and others, I appreciate the comments on this topic. This is something Messana and I discussed since I joined the team and as we come up with improved solutions to address this issue you hear more from us. The Banished Lands does have a nice ring to it... ;)

Happy New Year Everyone,

Thanks for saying something Jeff. We are a tough bunch but actually hearing you like one of these ideas well... I hope you have a happy and successful new year. Thanks for letting us know more is coming.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Honestly - I've often thought that players should never be banned from UO. Instead - give the standard warnings, infractions, etc... and when it reaches time for a perma-ban, do a forced shard transfer to a shard called "The Banished Lands" (or some-such) with only the clothes on your back/backpack/bank/stable. No GM Support - No Rules (Kill and be killed everywhere) - let them have at it the way they want to play - but keep the income for the growth of the game. Once banned - access to all other shards goes away.

Just my .02
This has to be the darn bestest idea'r ever :)


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I'm not too sure how much attention we are gonna end up getting from Jeff, in the long run. He isn't the Producer, that replaces Cal. He is the producer of all things Ultima. I take that to mean the standalone games, the ones they are talking about re-releasing, the FB version of Ultima that are coming, etc etc
We are a drop in the bucket I would think. All things Ultima by meaning would include oversight over the ones the Chinese are working on, the whole shebang.
You guys and UO are definitely not a drop in the bucket in my world. Rather a key piece in bringing Ultima back into the spotlight, but more on that another time. 15 years we get to celebrate this year. It's going to be fun. ;)

Sorry for the late reply guys, just got back to work this week and getting around to reading through the threads since the holidays. (Smurcoch you called me out right, I did play alot of TOR over the holiday to finally see how it all came together.)

Anyways, Llewen and others, I appreciate the comments on this topic. This is something Messana and I discussed since I joined the team and as we come up with improved solutions to address this issue you hear more from us. The Banished Lands does have a nice ring to it... ;)

Happy New Year Everyone,


I hope you keep reading. There have been a number of good suggestions over the Holidays. Hopefully they will inspire someone.

Also... Please don't be a stranger in here. Some of us don't tweet. We roar.

Or like the drow we hide in the shadows waiting for the chaos... Watching and waiting for the opportunity to strike from the shadows.

Sadly even here on stratics we are but a tiny few compared to the numbers who never visit a forum. Please bring back something official and MYUO as well. It's sorely missed.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can ignore people in game and do often.

But if the person i ignore is casting a spell, i can no longer see the spell and that is giving them an advantage. small issue that should be addressed in line with thousands of others.


If you really want to play on a shard with total anarchy, and the possibility of exercising the very worst of human online behaviour without repercussions, just go pick pretty much any player-run shard and you won't even have to pay for it.

This idea is ages old and surfaces every now and again in different formats. Every time it somehow morphs the arguments from "..a repercussion for cheating" into ".. a reward for cheating".


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If people didn't cheat, then how would anyone ever beat me?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If people didn't cheat, then how would anyone ever beat me?
For someone who isn't even that good you sure have a crazy ego.

My favorite part about this is the euro's always call americans self centered and egotistical.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Banished Lands will quickly become the hottest shard in uo. Imagine the number of accounts that will be made JUST to get sent here. IMO It will do what Siege didn't do. It will truly be an elite shard, but they should be allowed to cheat over there any way they want. They can have cheating contests, and griefing contests. Some really really good programmer, (who's a genius in real life and for some reason still plays uo) will probably hit a button one day and destroy the entire thing. That will get him a spot on that griefing thing we read about every few years.

The people in it will of course come into chat to taunt people not in the Banished Lands. You're such a -----! You can't even get sent to the Banished Lands.

There is no way in the world to stop bullying. If you removed every single bully in the world a new group of bullies would immediately spring up from the people that remained. Its a huge part of human nature that usually springs from a poor self-image, or some other emotional problem. I resist bullies in real life and in game life, but I honestly feel bad for them.

I come from a place where every single insult led immediately to real life blood. We called it the 1970s. Its been hard for me to learn to deal with a problem in an online game that would immediately have led to violence in real life, but theres just nothing we can do about rude people here. I've had to grow up and learn not to take myself and these situations so seriously.

You guys have a Blessed Day!


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Honestly - I've often thought that players should never be banned from UO. Instead - give the standard warnings, infractions, etc... and when it reaches time for a perma-ban, do a forced shard transfer to a shard called "The Banished Lands" (or some-such) with only the clothes on your back/backpack/bank/stable. No GM Support - No Rules (Kill and be killed everywhere) - let them have at it the way they want to play - but keep the income for the growth of the game. Once banned - access to all other shards goes away.

Just my .02
This has to be the darn bestest idea'r ever :)
Can I second my own post? I sure hope I can. I truly like this idea :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No description of how strong you are should take anything away from those who are more fragile. That is who this thread is about. We should all show compassion. A US soldier in afghanistan succumbed to this type of thing so i'm not sure you or anyone else is immune to it given the right circumstances, no matter what you say. Yes, I know afghanistan is real and uo is not. But other than being a game, uo is a form of communication. And as such it can be used to affect others psychologically.

And please keep in mind that nobody is asking EA to solve world bullying. Just asking them to enforce their own TOS.