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Alchemist Abomination - Too soon to discuss?


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wiki Moderator
He said it at the last meet and greet

[Frank Castle]: I have a question about Soulless Seduction. On the forums you said the quest would be available for the duration of the event

[Frank Castle]: Do you have any hard dates on when you plan to turn that off?

[21/04/26][20:34:58] [Kyronix ]: Probably sometime in the Fall when we move to our next event cycle

[21/04/26][20:35:02] [Kyronix ]: But not hard dates right now

[21/04/26][20:35:07] [Kyronix ]: So all I can say is play away

[21/04/26][20:35:32] [Frank Castle]: Ok, so at least not going away when The Alchemist's Abomination comes out

[21/04/26][20:35:42] [Frank Castle]: Wasn't sure just how fast I needed to grind that quest!

[21/04/26][20:35:43] [Kyronix ]: No, definitely not

[21/04/26][20:35:48] [Kyronix ]: When I mentioned event cycle

[21/04/26][20:35:56] [Kyronix ]: I meant everything through to Treasures of Wildfire

[21/04/26][20:36:04] [Kyronix ]: The events we teased out in teh Newsletter a few months back

[21/04/26][20:36:18] [Frank Castle]: Ok, thank you for clarifying


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
tell me the bracelet is not one per account thing, like the 1st aid belt?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
It is one per account according to someone in gen chat. I assume per shard, but there's no way to test that yet.
5-18-210009.jpg 5-18-210010.jpg 5-18-210011.jpg 5-18-210013.jpg 5-18-210014.jpg 5-18-210015.jpg 5-18-210016.jpg 5-18-210017.jpg 5-18-210018.jpg 5-18-210019.jpg
Pick up the book of lore at the tower, for the scroll drops in your pack. There the lore on the monster we fought. I will try to be a part of the next one (later) to see if you can get the bracelet more then once.


Maximus Neximus

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Stratics Legend
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Pick up the book of lore at the tower, for the scroll drops in your pack. There the lore on the monster we fought. I will try to be a part of the next one (later) to see if you can get the bracelet more then once.
I've killed 3 now. It's just one per account.

TB Cookie [W]

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like the Book of Lore concept - gets you doing it a few times, you get to have a momento of the event.


Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Supporter
It is one per account according to someone in gen chat. I assume per shard, but there's no way to test that yet.
Agree. This is the same mechanic as the other champs spawns from events like the Black Gate and the one with the Scout in Ilshenar. I think it will be one per account per shard.

Got my bracelet on Origin. Same as before... just need loot rights on the boss to get the main drop.

Pinky Pixie

Stratics Veteran
have a wildfire ostard statuette?

Dynamic Events Rewards
These will become available via various Dynamic Events throughout the year.

  • Wildfire Ostard Statuette
    • Must be Grandmaster Animal Taming to claim pet from statuette
    • A majestic greenish/yellow Ostard
    • 3 -> 5 Slot Pet
    • Poisoning Ability
    • Functions Similarly to a Bane Dragon
    • Eats standard Ostard Foods
    • Pack Instinct


James [W^H]

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
have a wildfire ostard statuette?

Dynamic Events Rewards
These will become available via various Dynamic Events throughout the year.

  • Wildfire Ostard Statuette
    • Must be Grandmaster Animal Taming to claim pet from statuette
    • A majestic greenish/yellow Ostard
    • 3 -> 5 Slot Pet
    • Poisoning Ability
    • Functions Similarly to a Bane Dragon
    • Eats standard Ostard Foods
    • Pack Instinct
The Wildfire Ostard will be in the next event after this current event.