I don't know about ABC archers in particular, but ALL of my humans have spellweaving at JOAT level (i.e. done the quest).
Even without a focus, you can cast successfully over half the time on some of the lower levels (and an elf at 0 can even cast Arcane circle and gift of renewal 12.5% of the time).
Gift of Renewal is one of the best things for JOAT casting. Get other people to stand on that new circle at Britain bank, that have 0 real Spellweaving, and cast Arcane circle, to make it even better.
Gift or renewal, with no focus, will give back 5 HP every 2 seconds for about a half-minute. With a level 2 or 3 focus, it's a minute or more, and 7-8 HP. Actually get a level 6 focus from 4 others on the Britain circle, and it's incredible.
I use Gift of renewal on characters when at serado (the Tokuno Champ), to keep me alive, as he deadly poisons you when you or a pet hits him, and the spell at 0 focus is usually enough (unless he hits you in melee) to keep you alive while concentrating your healing efforts on curing poison, and not having to have a balanced weapon or disarm to drink a potion.