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A Tamer's problem : With or Without a possible solution ??


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know there is the Tamers' Forum but since is quite a generic Tamer's problem I thought to post on UHall for a wider audience and, perhaps, in the hope that a Developer might read the Post and suggest a solution (I hardly find Devs answering to Posts on Professions' Forums...).

What is the Problem ?

Well, a Tamer is at full stables and has currently a Pet taking up 4 slots that is bonded together with the character, in game.

None of the Pets in the Stables, unfortunately, is a 1 slot pet. All of them are at least 2 slots.

Now, the problem is, how can the Tamer make room in the Stables without releasing the pet now in game with the character to avoid breaking the bonding (the pet could be re-tamed later on) ?

"If" there was a cool "Swap current pet with stables" command then the Tamer could just swap the Pet with any in the Stables but to my knowledge, unfortunately, we do not have such a command, yet.

Page a Game Master for help ?

Well, it is a possibility but I have no idea which of the pets currently in the Stables is worthy of getting rid of and I cannot make a reasonable decision without first looking at their stats.

I cannot bug a Game Master to pick pets out of the stables one at a time and give me time to check their stats to make a reasonable decision.

But I really do not want to break the bond with the current pet with all its consequences.

So what are my options ?

Am I stuck forever with a full Stables and that I have to play only with the pet I currently have without ever be able to use any other ?

I really, but REALLY wished we had a "Swap current pet with Stables" command.......

Is there a way that I can look at my stabled pets' stats while they are inside the Stables ?

This way, I could take my time to check which Pet I want to get rid of and when I am ready call a Game Master for help.

But how can it be done if it can be done ?



with 120 tame,120 lore and gm vet i have like 8 stable slots.u need more then that?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now, the problem is, how can the Tamer make room in the Stables without releasing the pet now in game with the character to avoid breaking the bonding (the pet could be re-tamed later on) ?
Purchase, Hunt or steal items with + animal taming, animal lore and/or vet

make sure your skill cap is higher than your taming (example.. you have 100 taming, and a 110 taming skill cap... get a +10 animal taming item)

So now that you have more taming, lore and/or vet... you should be able to stable the pet.

If you do not have a skill cap higher than your real skill and/or you are at 120lore, taming and vet...

you are screwed


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Stables has 14 Pets inside. No pet is a 1 slot one. Minimum is 2 pet slots.

Tamer has 1 more pet (taking up 4 pet slots) outside, bonded.

How to solve this problem without breaking the current pet bondage ?

One of the stabled pets can possibly be sacrificed but without first looking at all 14 pets stats it is hard to make a choice, in the dark.

But how can stabled pets have their stats checked while inside the stables ? If I could do it, then after I make the choice I could ask a kind Game Master for help but before doing that I need to first be able to check all 14 stabled pets' stats.

How ?

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Black Rain has the best advice providing you're not already doing that and maxed out on stable slots. I have the same problem when I take off my taming jewels. Tossing them on and stabling the animal solves the problem.

Of course if you're all ready maxed out at 120 taming and lore, and your stables are still full, you might want to see about transferring your new pet to a friend just to hold while you check your stabled pets out. I doubt a GM will be of much help in your case.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Stables has 14 Pets inside. No pet is a 1 slot one. Minimum is 2 pet slots.

Tamer has 1 more pet (taking up 4 pet slots) outside, bonded.

How to solve this problem without breaking the current pet bondage ?
You're going to have to find someone to either hold your new pet while you make room, or release it, check your pets out, and retame it once you've made room.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You're going to have to find someone to either hold your new pet while you make room, or release it, check your pets out, and retame it once you've made room.

But that will break the bonding and have consequences which I would like to avoid.

I heard that in similar cases Game Masters helped in the past.

Problem is, that without first being able to check all of the 14 stabled pets stats I can't make a choice on which pet to sacrifice and ask a Game Master for help (delete that pet or swap it with the one I currently have).

And I cannot possibly ask a Game Master to swap for me pets with the Stables 14 times..........

If only we had a command "swap current pet with stables" there would be no problem at all.....


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
With a 4 slot pet, if all your other pets require 2 slots or more, you simply have to get another stable slot to allow you to stable the 4 slot pet and take something else out.

With 5 slot greater dragons, you don't even have the option of claiming a small pet to switch it round. You need to stable it to take something else out.

The only way you can work around your current problem is as Black Rain points out, to get items and or skill points that will get you to the next stable slot skill cap (eg 100, 110 and 120) or release/transfer the 4 slot pet until you can make stable space for it.

In an ideal world, stable slots and swapping pets wouldn't be an issue, but we don't have that ideal world in UO. This is why I tend to give away coloured cu sidhe these days, because I simply don't have the stable space to hold them for long periods.



Always Present
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Stratics Legend
In an ideal world, stable slots and swapping pets wouldn't be an issue, but we don't have that ideal world in UO.

I wonder, how much of a big deal would it be to code into the game such a "Swap current pet with Stables" command.........

It could definately be a good addition to players, just not sure whether it would be a smple coding task or a major one.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I think you have a problem..... Sorry but the only way I know if you are capped at 120 all.... is to turn the pet over to someone else while you search through your stable and let something go..... and yes then you'll have to rebond your pet.... stinks... but that's why I have 5 or 6 tamers....

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
I wonder how much of a big deal it would be for tamers to manage their 14 stable slots and make sure they don't come up against this problem. No coding involved, just a moderate amount of common sense and planning.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As a developer though, looking at the game as a whole it's in the "would be nice, but not life threatening" priority level. It might be added in later on. I'm sure the devs are very aware of the stable problem (we had a huge thread on UHall petitioning for stable slots) but this is the game we have now. I think the best answer is to work with the system we have now and send feedback in via UO.com to let the devs know what you think.



Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wonder how much of a big deal it would be for tamers to manage their 14 stable slots and make sure they don't come up against this problem. No coding involved, just a moderate amount of common sense and planning.

It would be wonderfull if we lived in a perfect world, wouldn't it ?

Thing is, that sometimes unexpected things can happen.

For example, having a full stables and yet bump into a very nice pet with good stats which a Tamer cannot possibly let go.

This ends up the tamer with full stables, undecided which pet to get rid of and a 15th one which definately is a keeper.

A situation which a "Swap Pet with Stables" command could easily deal with, though.........

If such a command existed, of course.


Colorblind Collector
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It would be wonderfull if we lived in a perfect world, wouldn't it ?

Thing is, that sometimes unexpected things can happen.

For example, having a full stables and yet bump into a very nice pet with good stats which a Tamer cannot possibly let go.

This ends up the tamer with full stables, undecided which pet to get rid of and a 15th one which definately is a keeper.

A situation which a "Swap Pet with Stables" command could easily deal with, though.........

If such a command existed, of course.

I agree with Petra. Why code something in that doesn't need it if people just think sometimes. There are many things like this in game.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wonder how much of a big deal it would be for tamers to manage their 14 stable slots and make sure they don't come up against this problem. No coding involved, just a moderate amount of common sense and planning.
I often wonder that too.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wonder how much of a big deal it would be for tamers to manage their 14 stable slots and make sure they don't come up against this problem. No coding involved, just a moderate amount of common sense and planning.

It would be wonderfull if we lived in a perfect world, wouldn't it ?

Thing is, that sometimes unexpected things can happen.

For example, having a full stables and yet bump into a very nice pet with good stats which a Tamer cannot possibly let go.

This ends up the tamer with full stables, undecided which pet to get rid of and a 15th one which definately is a keeper.

A situation which a "Swap Pet with Stables" command could easily deal with, though.........

If such a command existed, of course.
An even easier way to deal with that is to think ahead instead of come here and request the devs waste time coding something that doesn't need to be.

Id rather them focus their energy on something else and you focus your energy on managing your stable.



I agree with Petra. Why code something in that doesn't need it if people just think sometimes. There are many things like this in game.
Please don't ever become an HCI engineer or GUI designer.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
why does this sound like one of those logic game puzzle thingies

or a bar puzzle.....

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh, I had assumed you trying to put this one in as a fresh tame.
I'm assuming that you have unbonded pet's in the stable then?


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh, I had assumed you trying to put this one in as a fresh tame.
I'm assuming that you have unbonded pet's in the stable then?

Not that I can remember......

Problem is, that as long as the Pets stay in the stables I cannot check anything about them.
And I cannot pull any of them out because I currently have a bonded 4 slots pet which makes it not possible to pull anything out (without releasing it first which I don't want to given the consequences it would have...).

As things are, unfortunately, I cannot check neither their stats nor their bondedness. I assume they are all bonded as they have been there a good while now......

Anyways, if "at least" it was possible to Animal Lore a pet while IN the Stables, I could pin point which pet to sacrifice and page a Game Master for help.

Unfortunately, we neither have a command "Swap current pet with Stables" NOR do we have the ability to Animal Lore pets while they are in the Stables (at least that I could find out.....).

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looks like your choices are to either page a GM and hope they can/will help, or release the pet and make room and rebond with it.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looks like your choices are to either page a GM and hope they can/will help, or release the pet and make room and rebond with it.

Actually there are 2 more options possible.

- I just wait hoping that eventually the Developers will indeed make a "Swap current Pet with Stables" command and in the meantime only use the pet I have and forget about all those in the Stables as if they did not exist ;


- Just no longer play my Tamer and wait until something happens (new code unlocking this situation like that swap command, more stables to tamers, anything which may allow me to solve this problem).

By the way, does releasing a bonded pet result in some stats loss beside breaking the bondage with the pet ?

That is, when retaming the pet one besides having to wait for the bond to trigger again will also have to retrain the pet for the lost stats ?

I wished the 11th Anniversary item, the Post that allows having a Stable at Home, along with it provided also an extra stable slot. It would have solved my problem........

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
- I just wait hoping that eventually the Developers will indeed make a "Swap current Pet with Stables" command and in the meantime only use the pet I have and forget about all those in the Stables as if they did not exist ;
Don't hold you breath.

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wonder how much of a big deal it would be for tamers to manage their 14 stable slots and make sure they don't come up against this problem. No coding involved, just a moderate amount of common sense and planning.
However, it would be Non-Damaging to any Game play to have a swap current pet command..

Not everyone manages to play everyday nor keeps track of their game with spread sheets and intense (*)



Out of curiousity, how did you get into this situation?

I usually bond a pet it by leaving it in the stable for a week, but it sounds like you had a full stable before bonding this pet.

It's a 4 slot pet and you say you have no single slot pets in your full stables.

I can't think of a way to get a bonded 4 slot pet out of the stable and then fill the stable with multi-slot pets.

Therefore, you must have filled your stables with multi-slot pets prior to getting this pet.

Just curious about how you made it through the bonding timer with the pet out of the stable.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It only takes a week for a pet to bond.
Just go to your house and release the pet you are on behind closed doors.
Go to stable and find what one you can give up and go out into the wild and release it.
Go retame your pet at home (most likely it won't be aggressive since you were the owner, I have done this with CU dogs often.)
Feed and stable for a week.
Or am I missing something?

Edit: or as others mentioned, have someone hold the pet you are riding while you do your stable work.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Out of curiousity, how did you get into this situation?

I usually bond a pet it by leaving it in the stable for a week, but it sounds like you had a full stable before bonding this pet.

It's a 4 slot pet and you say you have no single slot pets in your full stables.

I can't think of a way to get a bonded 4 slot pet out of the stable and then fill the stable with multi-slot pets.

Therefore, you must have filled your stables with multi-slot pets prior to getting this pet.

Just curious about how you made it through the bonding timer with the pet out of the stable.
:scholar: Pinder makes a good point. How did this happen? Doesn't seem possible.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
The reason the released Cu won't attack it's former master is because Cu's are not naturally aggressive. At all. Attempting to retame the creature may make it attack you, but that's ok because it's melee only and can't touch a player on horseback (assuming they aren't too badly lagged).

If you go to the stables and simply say "claim", if there is a one-slot in there that you somehow missed, it'll be pulled out.

You could borrow some skill jewels in order to gain more stable slots. (I can't imagine you've got a "totally" full stable, as there's only so many two-slots a person can reasonably use).

Out of interest, if you log your character off, does your pet get auto-stabled? What happens if you log of in eg the Citadel?

If memory serves, popps is the guy who's been away for "years", so presumably the pet he has with him hasn't been in much danger during that time.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Actually there are 2 more options possible.

- I just wait hoping that eventually the Developers will indeed make a "Swap current Pet with Stables" command and in the meantime only use the pet I have and forget about all those in the Stables as if they did not exist ;


- Just no longer play my Tamer and wait until something happens (new code unlocking this situation like that swap command, more stables to tamers, anything which may allow me to solve this problem).

By the way, does releasing a bonded pet result in some stats loss beside breaking the bondage with the pet ?

That is, when retaming the pet one besides having to wait for the bond to trigger again will also have to retrain the pet for the lost stats ?

I wished the 11th Anniversary item, the Post that allows having a Stable at Home, along with it provided also an extra stable slot. It would have solved my problem........
Popps, just take the 4-slot pet to your house and release it. Then go back to the stable and find a pet you no longer need and release or give it away. Go home and retame the 4-slot pet and put it back in the stable. It should re-tame with no problems at all, if you have adequate skill. Be sure to feed the pet before you give it any commands (and afterwards too) because it probably won't be very happy. It will not lose any stats or skills and you won't have to do any retraining. Stat/skill loss only happens when the animal is tamed the first time. You'll have to go through the week to re-bond it, but I guess the pain of doing that will make you remember to make sure you have adequate room first the next time you feel the need to acquire a new pet.

Note that if the pet you will have to release is a cu sidhe and your tamer is human, your tamer won't be able to retame it. Go do the human to elf quest first if you find yourself in that situation. Or, you can get someone with an elf tamer to tame the cu sidhe for you again, but it will be more difficult for them than normal because the cu was already tamed at least once.

And if you can't remember how to calculate how many stable slots a tamer gets, there's a handy-dandy calculator on the Pacific Rangers Council site: http://www.strangeworld.com/uo/prc/prc.php.


How was the 4 slot pet in your stables in the first place if they were already over full by 1 pet?
Or are you saying you had a full stables and went and tamed a greater dragon then kept it out for a week while it bonded?

Something don't add up.

& if its the second of those two things why is it a problem to do that again? If you relase it, drop something from stables and retame it which you have 100% success first try of doing.


Colorblind Collector
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
People, people its not that he can't do these things...it's that he has already said he won't.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Then he can sit there with his four-slot and his full stables.

If it was me, I'd just transfer the four-slot to another player, and have them pass it back to me once I'd sorted stuff out.


on that token, not everyone can play at prime time and be able to find players to transfer it to. I think the issue is, he just doesn't want to unbond his pet. Could be RP reasons (emotional attachment), or whatever the OP's sinister sounding "consequences" are. His own perogative. Yes, he DOES have recourse, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's the best solution.

Why shouldn't there be a switch pet command? One action as opposed to two, and it avoids human error situations. Any real arguements besides saying it was his own fault?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The key word here is transfer. Get help from a couple of friends guild members are some one you trust to hold the critters for you while get one from the stable and what not,


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Popps, just take the 4-slot pet to your house and release it. Then go back to the stable and find a pet you no longer need and release or give it away. Go home and retame the 4-slot pet and put it back in the stable. It should re-tame with no problems at all, if you have adequate skill. Be sure to feed the pet before you give it any commands (and afterwards too) because it probably won't be very happy. It will not lose any stats or skills and you won't have to do any retraining. Stat/skill loss only happens when the animal is tamed the first time. You'll have to go through the week to re-bond it, but I guess the pain of doing that will make you remember to make sure you have adequate room first the next time you feel the need to acquire a new pet.

Note that if the pet you will have to release is a cu sidhe and your tamer is human, your tamer won't be able to retame it. Go do the human to elf quest first if you find yourself in that situation. Or, you can get someone with an elf tamer to tame the cu sidhe for you again, but it will be more difficult for them than normal because the cu was already tamed at least once.

And if you can't remember how to calculate how many stable slots a tamer gets, there's a handy-dandy calculator on the Pacific Rangers Council site: http://www.strangeworld.com/uo/prc/prc.php.
In addition to this, if you tamed the pet in the first place, then you are guaranteed to be able to re-tame it.

If you want to stable it, then accepting that it will be there for a week is no big deal, surely?

When my bank box is full, and I want to swap something in my pack with something in the bank, I have to take something out before I put something in.

If both backpack and bank are full, I have to put something down first. It's exactly the same logic.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Out of curiousity, how did you get into this situation?

It is one of those things that just happens, not foreseen or planned, it just occurs.

I had stables full, then by accident I run into the pet I got, tamed it and decided to hunt with it for a while. Casually playing eventually the pet bonded and now I like the pet and would not want to risk losing it.

Yes, I could release the pet at home, check the stables for which of the 14 to sacrifice and then re-tame it.

Problem is, since in the past there have been reports of bugs getting released pets to go "poof", since I do not want to loose this pet, I am quite freaked out to risk this.

What happens if I get bad luck and while I check my stables the pet goes "poof" ?

Other alternative, is asking someone to hold it while I check stables.

Well, all is well and all is wonderfull, but what if, bad luck again, whomever holds the pet for me decides not to give it back ?

Yeah sure, friends do not do this but I was away for a few years and the people I used to play with are not around. Sure, a bunch of people can offer help but how do I know ??

Definately, a "Swap current pet with Stables" would be a much safer and better option.

Again, I wonder how much coding trouble would it be.........


this is not a big deal, since it only takes a week to bond a pet. just xfer the pet to a friend, check out your stables and eliminate something. if you can't enjoy your tamer with "only" 14 pets or take a week to re-bond a pet (to recover from a mistake you made), then UO might not be the game for you.

we don't need to take up programmers time over this, imo.


*swaps stealth & hiding onto archer and waits for pet to be released for swap*


Arch Magus

What happens if I get bad luck and while I check my stables the pet goes "poof" ?
It's quite simple really. The time-space-continuum of the entire universe collapses at that very moment it goes "poof", and all life known to man ceases to exist. :D


I do have one question. The OP in this thread says he has 14 pets in the stables, in order to have that one would need to have 120 Animal Lore / 120 Taming /120 Vet. Or at least have used the scrolls for those skills and be using Jewls. However...isnt there already a GIANT thread going with this same OP? One where he started by asking what the fastest way to make money was? And if I remember right, didnt he claim to have been out of the game for a few years...and didnt he claim to not even know that there was a way to get skills past 100...I think Popps is back just to mess with everybodys day again.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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Problem is, since in the past there have been reports of bugs getting released pets to go "poof", since I do not want to loose this pet, I am quite freaked out to risk this.
This applies to summoned pets (for example, the Imprisoned Dog). Other pets will hang around for about 24 hours, perhaps longer.

Other alternative, is asking someone to hold it while I check stables.

Well, all is well and all is wonderfull, but what if, bad luck again, whomever holds the pet for me decides not to give it back ?
If you don't know anyone well enough to trust them as a "friend", then find a guild master. These players typically have resources far in excess of your pet (they wouldn't want to keep it), and will also usually give it back to you (even if it is valuable) on the basis that they have a reputation to maintain.

Of course, it's up to you to find a reputable guild. But this typically isn't hard. Long running, well-established guilds aimed at new players, for example, are typically ran by players who have no interest whatsoever in ripping people off - their own stables are often already filled to bursting point anyway.

Though I'm also beginning to wonder. Is this whole situation an "in theory" example, or are you actually in it?


Always Present
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and didnt he claim to not even know that there was a way to get skills past 100...

Uhu ?????

Where did I say that ?

The other thread you mention was about asking what is nowadays the most efficient way to "catch up with" the fastest, in order to get back on track and be competitive in PvP (which needs high end gear, armor, scrolls and so forth...).

Since the game had a few patches in between 2 years ago and now, not necessarily what was the best and most efficient (fastest) way back then to make gold to buy high end things to be PvP competitive back then, is the same now.

Hence, the reason for that thread............

This thread, instead, is about a tamer's problem, an entire different issue.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Though I'm also beginning to wonder. Is this whole situation an "in theory" example, or are you actually in it?

I am actually in it.

If I knew that a Game Master could spend a while bearing with me until I solve the problem I could page one and the GM could witness it.

Unfortunately, I am afraid Game Masters are busy in more important things than matters as trivial as mine, though, felt by me as a dilemma........


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
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You've actually trolled your own pointless thread to 44 replies?

Let this thread die. :thumbsup:


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
You've actually trolled your own pointless thread to 44 replies?

Excuse me ?
Since when ANSWERING to people's questions is considered trolling ??????

If I start a thread, and people posts questions or asks for clarifications and I reply to them now that is trolling ??

I am astonished...................


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Congrats on purchasing a 3x 120 tamer account. You didnt earn any of the skills or the pets, so suck it up, release the one you're holding, check out the ones in the stable, and then retame if necessary and stop wasting everyones time here, which is what you were known for doing before you returned to UO. Sorry for the brashness, but it's needed in this case..


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Popps, I realise you don't want to risk losing your pet, however you're not going to get out of this situation unless you trust another player or you use your house to hold the pet. And those of us who've been playing this game for many years wouldn't suggest releasing or transferring a pet if we thought you'd lose the pet as a result.

I've released pets countless times in a public house I have in Fel, and not once have I encountered a problem with any pets disappearing. Now if you released a pet as a ghost, then it'd go poof. But as a normal live pet? Never had that happen to me yet, or heard of it happening to someone else. I'd be amazed if your pet vanished in those circumstances so I'd just do it, swap out your pet and get back to hunting with your pets.
