I know there is the Tamers' Forum but since is quite a generic Tamer's problem I thought to post on UHall for a wider audience and, perhaps, in the hope that a Developer might read the Post and suggest a solution (I hardly find Devs answering to Posts on Professions' Forums...).
What is the Problem ?
Well, a Tamer is at full stables and has currently a Pet taking up 4 slots that is bonded together with the character, in game.
None of the Pets in the Stables, unfortunately, is a 1 slot pet. All of them are at least 2 slots.
Now, the problem is, how can the Tamer make room in the Stables without releasing the pet now in game with the character to avoid breaking the bonding (the pet could be re-tamed later on) ?
"If" there was a cool "Swap current pet with stables" command then the Tamer could just swap the Pet with any in the Stables but to my knowledge, unfortunately, we do not have such a command, yet.
Page a Game Master for help ?
Well, it is a possibility but I have no idea which of the pets currently in the Stables is worthy of getting rid of and I cannot make a reasonable decision without first looking at their stats.
I cannot bug a Game Master to pick pets out of the stables one at a time and give me time to check their stats to make a reasonable decision.
But I really do not want to break the bond with the current pet with all its consequences.
So what are my options ?
Am I stuck forever with a full Stables and that I have to play only with the pet I currently have without ever be able to use any other ?
I really, but REALLY wished we had a "Swap current pet with Stables" command.......
Is there a way that I can look at my stabled pets' stats while they are inside the Stables ?
This way, I could take my time to check which Pet I want to get rid of and when I am ready call a Game Master for help.
But how can it be done if it can be done ?
What is the Problem ?
Well, a Tamer is at full stables and has currently a Pet taking up 4 slots that is bonded together with the character, in game.
None of the Pets in the Stables, unfortunately, is a 1 slot pet. All of them are at least 2 slots.
Now, the problem is, how can the Tamer make room in the Stables without releasing the pet now in game with the character to avoid breaking the bonding (the pet could be re-tamed later on) ?
"If" there was a cool "Swap current pet with stables" command then the Tamer could just swap the Pet with any in the Stables but to my knowledge, unfortunately, we do not have such a command, yet.
Page a Game Master for help ?
Well, it is a possibility but I have no idea which of the pets currently in the Stables is worthy of getting rid of and I cannot make a reasonable decision without first looking at their stats.
I cannot bug a Game Master to pick pets out of the stables one at a time and give me time to check their stats to make a reasonable decision.
But I really do not want to break the bond with the current pet with all its consequences.
So what are my options ?
Am I stuck forever with a full Stables and that I have to play only with the pet I currently have without ever be able to use any other ?
I really, but REALLY wished we had a "Swap current pet with Stables" command.......
Is there a way that I can look at my stabled pets' stats while they are inside the Stables ?
This way, I could take my time to check which Pet I want to get rid of and when I am ready call a Game Master for help.
But how can it be done if it can be done ?