Many Siegers support a change that would make training take around a month. With the skill point cap increase I suggested, it would take 3-4 weeks. Of course, that number assumes you log in every day and get your max gains a day. Most players are not power gamers. For this reason, I suggested a skill gain "reservoir" to give you some extra points if you missed a day. This would help decrease the gap between the power, normal, and casual gamers and make it possible for someone who does not play as much to still complete their character in 3-4 weeks. Of course, at this point I'm not sure that's realistic since the devs seem to think it will consume too much time for a skill gain cap and timer change alone.
So to repeat, the suggested change would be 3-4 weeks and that would assume you get on every day and get your max gains a day, which means most players will take longer (and for some significantly longer) than 3-4 weeks.
Now how on Sosaria is that an "instant," "overnight," or "god mode" training? Too many people talk this "instant" crap when no one is suggesting anything of the sort. Nor am I suggesting removal of ROT, just a major change to it. So there is nothing "god mode" about it. Much faster than now? Yes. Still reasonable and in no way "instant?" Yes.
"You are meant to have to "suffer""
This is such a bs argument. Most who make this argument (though apparently not you) do so for no other reason than they had to "suffer" through long, boring, stupid and pointless training, and so should others. It is very selfish and it is hurting Siege. Players shouldn't have to "suffer" through training. I guess you don't realize or don't care that our population and community is also "suffering," no thanks to ROT.
"Hell, my Siege character STILL doesn't have max skills and stats and I started him back in 2000."
Thanks for adding this support to the pro- ROT change argument.
Also, if you're one who thinks long, boring, pointless training somehow makes the game more enjoyable and adds to the "experience," then might I suggest you place artificial limits on your own character to make his training take longer. There is no reason for others to have to "suffer" because you believe in tedium.
Btw, some players, such as myself, have been asking for a ROT change for a longgggggggg arse time. And depending on your definition of long, manyyyy posters (Siege and non-Siegers alike) have also been asking for a ROT change for a long time. This is nothing new as you suggest it is.
"actually play your character"
Many players I assure you are not playing their character. Many if not most of those who don't leave are logging in, logging out until their next gain, and doing that until the gains are up for the day. That, by my definition anyway, is not "playing your character."
One last thing....your entire argument is void when you consider that anyone willing to spend a few extra bucks can completely bypass training by buying an account. If that's not instant I don't know what is.