Ok, after my previous post, looking at all the different feedback, it seems that what's killing Siege is not that it's more geared toward pvp, it's that the ruleset is extremely unattractive to casual gamers, no encouragement to join the shard, and bugs that go unfixed.
So should we have a new pvp server that is like the production shards that simply applies the felucca ruleset to every land "and doesn't have trammel" And possibly change the item insurance system to give it limitations and restrictions? And perhaps introduce a pvp rewards system?
Or should we petition EA to fix and repair Siege and finally bring it up to date?
As it stands now, there is really no in between. We have many production shards with the trammwl ruleset, where all areas are off limits to pvp except felucca, and item insurance makes pvp purely item based and favour power-gaming guilds who run the doom gauntlet day in and day out, with no rewards at all for pvp.
Then we have Siege, hardcore pvp rules, one character, an extremely slow and tedious method of skill gaining that discourages most people, bugs, very little publicity and the ability to ensure only one item and an atmosphere that is essentially "anti-new blood" I remeber creating my first character on siege, it was a long and hard road with very few rewards.
So should we ask for a new pvp shard and help EA to create it, or should we offer suggestions on how to evolve Siege. PvP is an important aspect of UO, PvP were the roots of UO and is a hell of a lot better in this game then it is in the mainstream MMO's like WoW and EQ2 that focus a lot heavily on PvE over PvP ... But even in those games, pvp servers done properly are more popular then the non pvp servers. And in a game like UO were PvP is higher quality and more enoyable, we deserve to have a legitment pvp server. Not dozens of trammel servers and one advanced shard riddled with bugs with a very unfriendlly, unattractive and unfair ruleset that doesn't appeal to most players.
The problem with Siege is that the ruleset has not changed at all since it's creation but the game has evolved and changed a lot since then and Siege has fallen behind and has suffered because EA has shown very little interest and the overall UO community shuns Siege for these reasons.
The consensus of ideas I got that would help revive Siege and make it more attractive and make it more interesting to play there seemed to be this...
1.) Revise, alter or fix the ROT skill gain system. This is extremely tedious and discourages any new players or characters from playing, no one wants to play 4-5 months just building one character before they're even ready to attempt pvp combat, no one wants to be gank cannon fodder while spending an eternity just to develop a character who will not be fun or enjoyableable for the better part of this journey.
2.) The one character per account is a ridiculous rule that needs to be removed. All it does is give benefits to more wealthy or die-hard gamers who have multiple UO accounts and is completely biased to casual gamers who can only afford or only wanta one account. This is not fair at all and there is no reason you should only be allowed one character per account on Siege. People exploit this rule by having 2-3 accounts.
3.) Add a "pvp or advanced shard" flag beside Siege on the server list and also have some kind of tutorial for the shard. Allow "young" players to select this server from the beginning.
4.) Possibly allow players to bless or insure maybe 2-3 or items rather then one, because UO has become incredibly item based with a lot of rare and unique items that is a huge departure from old UO. currently we can bless one item, but it would be nice to insure maybe 2 or 3 at most. Otherwise once you have that one artifact or one good item your looking for, there is really no reason to continue treasure hunting consider you can only have one character at the moment.
5.) Offer pvp rewards or some kind of reward system for playing Siege or possibly be able to move your vet rewards from one shard to another shard so players don't feel they are trapped on one shard and that moving will mean they must leave behind all their veteran reward.
What do you all think? I am just trying to find out if we need a new pvp server or if Siege can be fixed and salvaged to become more appealing to current day UO. Siege really started to lose it's appeal after Age of Shadows because the ruleset wasn't as compatible with the rest of the game and this has only continued to get worse. Now no one sees much point or reason or has much desire to move or play there. But this doesn't have to be the case.
EA has ignored Siege and the idea of a new pvp server for a very long time and I think it's high time we deserve attention to be paid to one or the other idea. It's long overdue.
Thank you.
So should we have a new pvp server that is like the production shards that simply applies the felucca ruleset to every land "and doesn't have trammel" And possibly change the item insurance system to give it limitations and restrictions? And perhaps introduce a pvp rewards system?
Or should we petition EA to fix and repair Siege and finally bring it up to date?
As it stands now, there is really no in between. We have many production shards with the trammwl ruleset, where all areas are off limits to pvp except felucca, and item insurance makes pvp purely item based and favour power-gaming guilds who run the doom gauntlet day in and day out, with no rewards at all for pvp.
Then we have Siege, hardcore pvp rules, one character, an extremely slow and tedious method of skill gaining that discourages most people, bugs, very little publicity and the ability to ensure only one item and an atmosphere that is essentially "anti-new blood" I remeber creating my first character on siege, it was a long and hard road with very few rewards.
So should we ask for a new pvp shard and help EA to create it, or should we offer suggestions on how to evolve Siege. PvP is an important aspect of UO, PvP were the roots of UO and is a hell of a lot better in this game then it is in the mainstream MMO's like WoW and EQ2 that focus a lot heavily on PvE over PvP ... But even in those games, pvp servers done properly are more popular then the non pvp servers. And in a game like UO were PvP is higher quality and more enoyable, we deserve to have a legitment pvp server. Not dozens of trammel servers and one advanced shard riddled with bugs with a very unfriendlly, unattractive and unfair ruleset that doesn't appeal to most players.
The problem with Siege is that the ruleset has not changed at all since it's creation but the game has evolved and changed a lot since then and Siege has fallen behind and has suffered because EA has shown very little interest and the overall UO community shuns Siege for these reasons.
The consensus of ideas I got that would help revive Siege and make it more attractive and make it more interesting to play there seemed to be this...
1.) Revise, alter or fix the ROT skill gain system. This is extremely tedious and discourages any new players or characters from playing, no one wants to play 4-5 months just building one character before they're even ready to attempt pvp combat, no one wants to be gank cannon fodder while spending an eternity just to develop a character who will not be fun or enjoyableable for the better part of this journey.
2.) The one character per account is a ridiculous rule that needs to be removed. All it does is give benefits to more wealthy or die-hard gamers who have multiple UO accounts and is completely biased to casual gamers who can only afford or only wanta one account. This is not fair at all and there is no reason you should only be allowed one character per account on Siege. People exploit this rule by having 2-3 accounts.
3.) Add a "pvp or advanced shard" flag beside Siege on the server list and also have some kind of tutorial for the shard. Allow "young" players to select this server from the beginning.
4.) Possibly allow players to bless or insure maybe 2-3 or items rather then one, because UO has become incredibly item based with a lot of rare and unique items that is a huge departure from old UO. currently we can bless one item, but it would be nice to insure maybe 2 or 3 at most. Otherwise once you have that one artifact or one good item your looking for, there is really no reason to continue treasure hunting consider you can only have one character at the moment.
5.) Offer pvp rewards or some kind of reward system for playing Siege or possibly be able to move your vet rewards from one shard to another shard so players don't feel they are trapped on one shard and that moving will mean they must leave behind all their veteran reward.
What do you all think? I am just trying to find out if we need a new pvp server or if Siege can be fixed and salvaged to become more appealing to current day UO. Siege really started to lose it's appeal after Age of Shadows because the ruleset wasn't as compatible with the rest of the game and this has only continued to get worse. Now no one sees much point or reason or has much desire to move or play there. But this doesn't have to be the case.
EA has ignored Siege and the idea of a new pvp server for a very long time and I think it's high time we deserve attention to be paid to one or the other idea. It's long overdue.
Thank you.