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4/6 Remove Curse (Chivalry)

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Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Paithan makes a personal campaign to advantage again hir archer army... Talking about 55 lmc but chiv chars need a meddable suit for pvp otherwise the mana is really bad.... It's funny. And u can easily dismount para and hide the pet to kill a chiv char or simply kill the pet.... U have an healing parry alchy mage.... Pretty funny....

InfernO will come to get you
I have a bunch of different mage chars. All of which are nullified in a one v one to remove curse at its current speed.

What does any of your post have to do with the how remove curse is balanced vs the curses it removes? You literally have not made one argument of how it is balanced. lol.

Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Haha paithan u heal with bandages in 3 seconds, pot with 80 ep and heal with magery. Not OP... Rofl

InfernO will come to get you

Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How can another mage kill u 1vs1? Ahaha or any other toon?? U cannot.... U are super defense.... As for many chiv chars. U have parma ham on your eyes. Wake up

InfernO will come to get you


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
if remove curse with chiv is so oped, why was there an entire thread, plus a publish, to change mortal strike.

obviously, 4/6 chiv is not oped, or else that change would not have been made.

it seems to me that all these proposed changes come down to refusal of players wanting to play all but a handful of the highest dps templates possible.

i can tell you what the end result would be if we actually saw it in a publish:
remove curse capped at 2/6 casting
30 second timer, or diminishing returns on the curse spell.
It wasn't that Chiv was OP (it isn't, outside of that time Holy Fist was 50 uninterruptible dmg), it was that Mortal spam WAS, even with Chiv, Apples, and Cleansing Winds. Paith can cry about wanting it rebalanced all he wants, when the real reason is so he and his group of never-missing dexer friends (who could, perhaps, explain to the devs why they're able to do that...) can play again. Why do you think they abused the curse bug & mortal so much? It was not to get it fixed, it was because it was the only way they were able to pvp. I have seen them again recently, but the fact is, they weren't seen for a few months, in particular after the curse bug fix. With the mortal strike timer I thought for sure they'd all close their accounts.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It wasn't that Chiv was OP (it isn't, outside of that time Holy Fist was 50 uninterruptible dmg), it was that Mortal spam WAS, even with Chiv, Apples, and Cleansing Winds. Paith can cry about wanting it rebalanced all he wants, when the real reason is so he and his group of never-missing dexer friends (who could, perhaps, explain to the devs why they're able to do that...) can play again. Why do you think they abused the curse bug & mortal so much? It was not to get it fixed, it was because it was the only way they were able to pvp. I have seen them again recently, but the fact is, they weren't seen for a few months, in particular after the curse bug fix. With the mortal strike timer I thought for sure they'd all close their accounts.
We pvped a lot after the curse bug fix. lol. And continued our dominance.

Remove curse is not balanced in a one v one... at all.

And my guild does not really play in the summer because they enjoy the weather. Crazy right?

We will continue to dominate either way and people will cry hacks either way. That has nothing to do with the balance of the spell. But it makes one v ones pointless when you can spam remove curse at lightning fast speeds.

PS when you make claims like my guild never misses- you come off as just someone mad that they have died to us-you did not bring up how it is a balanced spell.

Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It wasn't that Chiv was OP (it isn't, outside of that time Holy Fist was 50 uninterruptible dmg), it was that Mortal spam WAS, even with Chiv, Apples, and Cleansing Winds. Paith can cry about wanting it rebalanced all he wants, when the real reason is so he and his group of never-missing dexer friends (who could, perhaps, explain to the devs why they're able to do that...) can play again. Why do you think they abused the curse bug & mortal so much? It was not to get it fixed, it was because it was the only way they were able to pvp. I have seen them again recently, but the fact is, they weren't seen for a few months, in particular after the curse bug fix. With the mortal strike timer I thought for sure they'd all close their accounts.

InfernO will come to get you


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We pvped a lot after the curse bug fix. lol. And continued our dominance.

Remove curse is not balanced in a one v one... at all.

And my guild does not really play in the summer because they enjoy the weather. Crazy right?

We will continue to dominate either way and people will cry hacks either way. That has nothing to do with the balance of the spell. But it makes one v ones pointless when you can spam remove curse at lightning fast speeds.

PS when you make claims like my guild never misses- you come off as just someone mad that they have died to us-you did not bring up how it is a balanced spell.
Dominance? Sure, whatever you say.

Don't get me wrong, I'm in agreement that it could use some tweaking because it's stupidly fast, but our reasons for it differ. If, even with a large amount of negative karma per @OREOGL's tests, it can remove multiple debuffs, especially when it can do so pretty much instantly: yes, I will agree with a rebalance. But I don't want it because it expressly affects my playstyle and ability to pvp.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dominance? Sure, whatever you say.

Don't get me wrong, I'm in agreement that it could use some tweaking because it's stupidly fast, but our reasons for it differ. If, even with a large amount of negative karma per @OREOGL's tests, it can remove multiple debuffs, especially when it can do so pretty much instantly: yes, I will agree with a rebalance. But I don't want it because it expressly affects my playstyle and ability to pvp.
The number of debuffs should be lowered per cast that is more of a issue PvP than PvM and don't see PvMrs having a problem with that. Speed while fast I don't see as much of a problem. Even removing half the debuffs as it does now per cast it would still be competitive.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dominance? Sure, whatever you say.

Don't get me wrong, I'm in agreement that it could use some tweaking because it's stupidly fast, but our reasons for it differ. If, even with a large amount of negative karma per @OREOGL's tests, it can remove multiple debuffs, especially when it can do so pretty much instantly: yes, I will agree with a rebalance. But I don't want it because it expressly affects my playstyle and ability to pvp.
I have never made this about my playstyle in groups. lol. That is blazing who keeps saying that. Dude has issues.

I am posting about it in a one v one outlook. And comparing it to the curses it removes.

Get on a scribe mage/necro /mystic and try to fight it. You would never be able to go offense ever because they can remove everything at ridiculous speeds and it doesn't make a dent in their mana pool. There is no way that is intended. Even at 2/6 you could get removes off inbetween spells and curses pretty easily.

Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Rofl... The chiv char is totally defensive... They have the worst offense .... U can take an archer for the opposite playstyle. Stop crying for a 13 yrs old spell. So stupid

InfernO will come to get you

Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The thing is... It's 13 years the chiv parry is defensive. The 95% of the chiv chars cannot kill anyone 1vs1.... So .... Plus if u disarm them they are meat shield and they cannot cast anything.... I don't see the problems. Everytime I fight a chiv oj he dies in a Group fight, every time. I remember Paithan's friend on Leviathan dying 2-3 times in a fight.... It's not easy to play. When u get targetted u must stop to cast and enemies will dmg u... Paithan is clearly on drugs

InfernO will come to get you


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The thing is... It's 13 years the chiv parry is defensive. The 95% of the chiv chars cannot kill anyone 1vs1.... So .... Plus if u disarm them they are meat shield and they cannot cast anything.... I don't see the problems. Everytime I fight a chiv oj he dies in a Group fight, every time. I remember Paithan's friend on Leviathan dying 2-3 times in a fight.... It's not easy to play. When u get targetted u must stop to cast and enemies will dmg u... Paithan is clearly on drugs

InfernO will come to get you
Why do you keep rambling about non sense?

You can't come up with how it is fair vs the curses it removes (period).

Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Rofl u are high as usual. U cry because u cannot kill a chiv char 1vs1. But how can someone kill u 1vs1 when u run healing parry alchy mage??? Stop making excuses

InfernO will come to get you

Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
U must have 4.... Fc to play a chiv char and 6 fcr .... U have few spells for pvp , close wounds , remove curse, holy fist, holy light And dispel evil.... FIVE spells but holy light is very bad now.... So at the end 4 spells!!!!!! And u use 120 real skill in chiv and 120 real for swords... I mean... Plus keep the karma at 25 k always. Just 5 spells and u cry. Hilarious. 13 yrs have passed paithan since chiv came out , u are way too late

InfernO will come to get you

Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's the same if I tell u now they should remove the old 15 yrs old formula (100 ana +120 eval+20)/2=120 wrestling passive because it lets parry mages with alchemy run healing with insane suits at 3 seconds bandage heals.

I don't because anyway u can always find a weakness in every toon in a group fight and well 1vs1 u will be hard to kill but this is what the producers wanted.

They wanted ppl to last longer in pvp . So stop crying and go buy some commody deeds of bandages.

InfernO will come to get you


Stratics Veteran
It's the same if I tell u now they should remove the old 15 yrs old formula (100 ana +120 eval+20)/2=120 wrestling passive because it lets parry mages with alchemy run healing with insane suits at 3 seconds bandage heals

InfernO will come to get you
Are you comparing needing 3 skills 100+ and 147 dex to how overpowered chiv is that doesn't need another skill only needs karma? That is honestly one of the worst comparisons I've ever seen. There is no reason for Chiv to have 4/6 if that is the case might as well bring it back for mages.

It's quite clear Kiss of Death is trying to derail a thread and has zero to offer to it. Instead of coming up with a solution or a legit reason for why this is ok he's decided to go off the rails color me shocked.

Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Guys another healing parry mage comes to write!!!!! Ahhh always playing with Paithan . 3 skills? What kind of drugs u both do? Anatomy and healing. Where are the three skills? U get anatomy and healing plus u can use all the skill increase u want on jewels!!!! Unlike the chiv char u cannot have swords or chiv or bushido on jewels.... And tactics is useless... So u are just left with resist and parry... U have super hard chars to kill and u 2 cry about a typical old style defensive toon. V funny

InfernO will come to get you

Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Complaining about a 13 yrs old spell it's like me complaining about a similar old formula. I can say having healing and parry and alchemy on a mage should not be allowed anymore ... But I am not... Should I start a war on this? Will u both quit UO?

Bandages should be connected to tactics and anatomy together... How can a mage apply bandages? It has no sense

InfernO will come to get you


Stratics Veteran
Why is this ok for Kiss of death to keep making personal attacks because he has nothing to offer to a thread?


Stratics Veteran
Guys another healing parry mage comes to write!!!!! Ahhh always playing with Paithan . 3 skills? What kind of drugs u both do? Anatomy and healing. Where are the three skills? U get anatomy and healing plus u can use all the skill increase u want on jewels!!!! Unlike the chiv char u cannot have swords or chiv or bushido on jewels.... And tactics is useless... So u are just left with resist and parry... U have super hard chars to kill and u 2 cry about a typical old style defensive toon. V funny

InfernO will come to get you
In your logic healing mage should be fine because it's been around before publish 16 has 4/6 Chiv? Once again if you have nothing to add don't derail a thread.

We're not trying to get rid of a template I'm just curious why Chiv can't be 2/6 it's still very useful at 2/6


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
In your logic healing mage should be fine because it's been around before publish 16 has 4/6 Chiv? Once again if you have nothing to add don't derail a thread.

We're not trying to get rid of a template I'm just curious why Chiv can't be 2/6 it's still very useful at 2/6
I'm not sure the thread is about making chivalry 2/6.

Rather than adjusting remove curse.
Sure you could adjust it down to 2/6,
But it wouldn't resolve the issue.

They'd still cast it in .5-1 second and still remove everything under the sun.

It just needs scaled.

All the other spells are a wash really. If someone want to spend that many points and gold to be mostly defensive, I have no problems with that. But that's just me.


Stratics Veteran
I'm not sure the thread is about making chivalry 2/6.

Rather than adjusting remove curse.
Sure you could adjust it down to 2/6,
But it wouldn't resolve the issue.

They'd still cast it in .5-1 second and still remove everything under the sun.

It just needs scaled.

All the other spells are a wash really. If someone want to spend that many points and gold to be mostly defensive, I have no problems with that. But that's just me.
I think making it 2/6 is the best solution I'm not even that against chiv now should it have offense and defense while being much faster casting and not need any other skill or mods like sdi I don't believe it should I was just laughing at kiss of deaths awful comparison.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think making it 2/6 is the best solution I'm not even that against chiv now should it have offense and defense while being much faster casting and not need any other skill or mods like sdi I don't believe it should I was just laughing at kiss of deaths awful comparison.
2/6 changes nothing

DJ Diddles

Stratics Veteran
It wasn't that Chiv was OP (it isn't, outside of that time Holy Fist was 50 uninterruptible dmg), it was that Mortal spam WAS, even with Chiv, Apples, and Cleansing Winds. Paith can cry about wanting it rebalanced all he wants, when the real reason is so he and his group of never-missing dexer friends (who could, perhaps, explain to the devs why they're able to do that...) can play again. Why do you think they abused the curse bug & mortal so much? It was not to get it fixed, it was because it was the only way they were able to pvp. I have seen them again recently, but the fact is, they weren't seen for a few months, in particular after the curse bug fix. With the mortal strike timer I thought for sure they'd all close their accounts.
You are being unnecessarily dense. Let's be clear: virtually everyone competitive in PvP (on Atlantic, LS was not a competitive shard) was using the curse bug. I don't hold that against anyone. If it's in the game, use it. If the logic of this entire thread is that Paithan and our guild "cannot fight without the target being perma-cursed," how would we be the ones hurt most by the curse bug being fixed? Curse bug prevented archers from doing "50 damage moving shots" (which are impossible without omen). No, there is no "never-missing" hack or trick. Hit chance and hit lower defense are your friend.

Our guild started becoming inactive at the very end of April. The patch that affected the curse bug went worldwide on March 2nd. The patch that affected mortal didn't go on TC1 until July 12th, and didn't go live until August 10th. Almost all of our guild has returned in the last three days.

So please re-examine your narrative. We played for months after the curse bug fix, didn't play in the final months of the mortal heyday, and have returned in the immediate future after mortal was nerfed.
Last edited:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This thread is amusing.

"It's OP!" <> "No It's not OP!" stop embarrassing yourselves.

Remove Curse: is not a form of healing, it doesn't stop poison. Remove Curse does nothing, except remove potentially devastating effects the curses combined with other things can cause.
If you don't have the mana pool/regen to support it or even fight it, that's your problem. Choose another template or tweak the one you're using so that Chivalry is less of an issue for you...

One of the best parts about this thread is that the one part that's not working as "intended" isn't going to change anything for one vs one fighting whether it's fixed or not.

That would be: Chivalry not failing unless there are many (5+) debuffs applied before it is used (even at negative karma). the failure chance = RNG anyway. added RNG = less reliable, less reliable = not good.

You guys are bringing up all this because of one template with chivalry, when you yourselves are only using one template (parry-mage) to fight it.

If you're a Parry-Mage, having trouble with ANY dexer template. There's a lot of room for improvement. in the players hands, not in the form of developer adjustments.
If you're not having trouble with it- why nerf it? (ego will get in the way of this one for sure... lol I love it.)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This thread is amusing.

"It's OP!" <> "No It's not OP!" stop embarrassing yourselves.

Remove Curse: is not a form of healing, it doesn't stop poison. Remove Curse does nothing, except remove potentially devastating effects the curses combined with other things can cause.
If you don't have the mana pool/regen to support it or even fight it, that's your problem. Choose another template or tweak the one you're using so that Chivalry is less of an issue for you...

One of the best parts about this thread is that the one part that's not working as "intended" isn't going to change anything for one vs one fighting whether it's fixed or not.

That would be: Chivalry not failing unless there are many (5+) debuffs applied before it is used (even at negative karma). the failure chance = RNG anyway. added RNG = less reliable, less reliable = not good.

You guys are bringing up all this because of one template with chivalry, when you yourselves are only using one template (parry-mage) to fight it.

If you're a Parry-Mage, having trouble with ANY dexer template. There's a lot of room for improvement. in the players hands, not in the form of developer adjustments.
If you're not having trouble with it- why nerf it? (ego will get in the way of this one for sure... lol I love it.)
This thread is not about a parry mage no matter how many times you or blazing wants to say it is.

It is about remove curses speed/powervs the speed and power of the curses that it removes and balancing the spell. I am not sure how come you can't wrap your head around that.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think he's been making his point pretty clear it seems your inability to grasp pvp is the issue here.
I grasp it well enough to survive it every time ;) But let us say your fantasy is correct and I don't have a clue about PvP. Changes to unbalance PVP in your crews favor would also affect PvM, therefore your little Its all about PvP is Null and Void. And no he has not made a valid point yet. Just a lot of noise.


Stratics Veteran
I grasp it well enough to survive it every time ;) But let us say your fantasy is correct and I don't have a clue about PvP. Changes to unbalance PVP in your crews favor would also affect PvM, therefore your little Its all about PvP is Null and Void. And no he has not made a valid point yet. Just a lot of noise.
I pvm quite a bit and could easily continue to do it at a high level without remove curse being the way it is. Seems this is very personal for you I'm not even that against Chiv I'd be worried that players like you wouldn't pvp anymore without it and that isn't good for anyone.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I grasp it well enough to survive it every time ;) But let us say your fantasy is correct and I don't have a clue about PvP. Changes to unbalance PVP in your crews favor would also affect PvM, therefore your little Its all about PvP is Null and Void. And no he has not made a valid point yet. Just a lot of noise.
It would UNbalance PvP to have a spell that removes curses require a cast time that is equal to that of said curses it removes? All while it removes multiple curses at once?

I think you need to check on what balanced pvp is.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This thread is not about a parry mage no matter how many times you or blazing wants to say it is.

It is about remove curses speed/powervs the speed and power of the curses that it removes and balancing the spell. I am not sure how come you can't wrap your head around that.
I didn't say it was all about parry mages. I'm simply pointing out the template you play vs the template you're arguing to get nerfed... It shouldn't have any bearing on this discussion, but it does, unfortunately.

The simple fact is that there are many ways to beat 4/6 chivalry with a variety of other templates.

The Balance is in the speed of Remove Curse + mana cost vs the effect of the Curse(s) + their mana cost.

You're basically arguing that since you can't keep the target cursed you're unable to kill them, how do other templates (with/without a form of debuff) kill 4/6 chiv-users? -fix your template.
Last edited:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Covenant: Parry mage healing alchy don't forget. 3 seconds bandage heals....how u supposed to die with their chars?

InfernO will come to get you
a gank, or simply being bad.
What makes it possible? Parry being 35% Passive block-chance, hand free with wrestling Or anatomy (anatomy if healing is in template).

He's not having problems surviving though, he's having problems killing with it... 30% SDI and 80% EP isn't enough I guess...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No, there is no "never-missing" hack or trick. Hit chance and hit lower defense are your friend.
Not sure how you can POSSIBLY say otherwise, when, as a Parry Mage with max DCI/80 dex/120 parry/wrestle, I (and others) get hit far more often than we should. By several people. On a consistent basis. So do NOT tell me it's simply RNG.

And LOL at Atl being more competitive than LS, when the vast majority of the population on Atl sucks, and for the ones that are supposed to be "good", it's debatable.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It would UNbalance PvP to have a spell that removes curses require a cast time that is equal to that of said curses it removes? All while it removes multiple curses at once?

I think you need to check on what balanced pvp is.
I see reading is not in your resume in addition to comprehension ;) Go back and read again where I said the number of curses removed does need to be lowered. Now when you start talking about balanced PvP then I might take you a little more seriously, thus far all you have talked about is wanting to nerf one defensive spell to give your template a edge, nothing more and nothing less no matter how much lipstick you put on your pig it is still a pig.

DJ Diddles

Stratics Veteran
Not sure how you can POSSIBLY say otherwise, when, as a Parry Mage with max DCI/80 dex/120 parry/wrestle, I (and others) get hit far more often than we should. By several people. On a consistent basis. So do NOT tell me it's simply RNG.

And LOL at Atl being more competitive than LS, when the vast majority of the population on Atl sucks, and for the ones that are supposed to be "good", it's debatable.
If you legitimately believe (let alone attempt to explain) that there is some exploitable mechanic that allows certain people to hit more frequently than others, you're simply deluded. It is RNG. Welcome to computer gaming.

In regards to shard competitiveness, that isn't even a debate at this point. Your shard has been dead for months. You sit inside a house on Atlantic with a large zerg, just like you did on LS. Mooselisted and Sibble were supposed to be the best players on LS, and I think Leet and I gave Mooselisted PTSD from a really tragic decision he made in a 2v2. Not sure about Sibble, I think he's playing other games which is probably best for his health given his epic rages.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I see reading is not in your resume in addition to comprehension ;) Go back and read again where I said the number of curses removed does need to be lowered. Now when you start talking about balanced PvP then I might take you a little more seriously, thus far all you have talked about is wanting to nerf one defensive spell to give your template a edge, nothing more and nothing less no matter how much lipstick you put on your pig it is still a pig.
Weird that other pvpers agree with me.

Put it like this- a semi-competent person with chivalry will never die to an top tier mage of any sort one v one due to how quick remove curse is. If you would like to test it- I will play a 4/6 chiv char on test. You can play any mage. I will sit and laugh. This goes for anyone that is saying chiv is balanced.

It simply isn't.

Side note: None of you clearly have any clue of the different templates and shards I play. lol.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you legitimately believe (let alone attempt to explain) that there is some exploitable mechanic that allows certain people to hit more frequently than others, you're simply deluded. It is RNG. Welcome to computer gaming.

In regards to shard competitiveness, that isn't even a debate at this point. Your shard has been dead for months. You sit inside a house on Atlantic with a large zerg, just like you did on LS. Mooselisted and Sibble were supposed to be the best players on LS, and I think Leet and I gave Mooselisted PTSD from a really tragic decision he made in a 2v2. Not sure about Sibble, I think he's playing other games which is probably best for his health given his epic rages.
Jesus, you're delusional - Sibble doesn't even rage that much, and I would know. As far as Moose: he quit because his zerg lost pretty much every single fight, and even a war that was sitting for a month or two (they accepted it trying to catch us by surprise in Luna, which backfired.) And, um, how was 151 a large zerg? We usually averaged 6-7 people for fights - @CovenantX can correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I doubt I am. Either way, I think you're confusing us with the now more-or-less defunct nwa...although you can still find them on Atl under the um@d tag.

Diddles, you (and your guild) are nothing more than garden variety Yew Gate players. There is more to pvp than gate fighting, kiddo - when I pvp on Atl, the vast majority of it is NOT at a moongate. If I'm in a house there, it's because I'm not actually there, which should quite evident by the fact that I'm just sitting in one spot; ffs, I've timed out more than once doing it. Of course, there's no way you could possibly know that most of my time isn't spent at the gate, since you don't go anywhere else.

PS: I know how RNG works. Probably a hell of a lot better than you do. But thanks for trying.


Stratics Veteran
PS: I know how RNG works. Probably a hell of a lot better than you do. But thanks for trying.
Not sure how you can POSSIBLY say otherwise, when, as a Parry Mage with max DCI/80 dex/120 parry/wrestle, I (and others) get hit far more often than we should. By several people. On a consistent basis. So do NOT tell me it's simply RNG.
Actually no, no you don't.

Oh and literally everything you have said about you're guild on LS and 151 has been wrong. We killed that shard when we literally won every fight 4/5 vs 10-15.
Thats why you must play on Atlantic now where the big boys play. You are welcome.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think a mod needs to come in here and clean the thread and lock it.

Let a dev respond with their thoughts if any. I don't think anymore productive arguments for/against will be had in this thread. Thanks.

@Kyronix @Bleak @Mesanna

Legendary Rick

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
A 4/6 chiv char still needs to have all that casting on his temp, not the easiest temp to build or play, most ppl who play it, aren't really good at it anyways. As far as i understand the remove curse has been the same for like 9years since it came out, why is all of a sudden it is a problem?!?!

Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I love how u twist the reality. Healing should not be allowed with magery. Specially because u add max hpr and parry and alchy. Your toon is much more unkillable than any other 1vs1. U come here with two of your guildies to cry abt a 13 yrs old spell. Nobody ever complained about it. You have a super defensive toon and cry because u cannot kill a super defensive dexer. Just use a disarm archer and u get a splinter disarm in an u can kill a chiv char in 10 seconds

InfernO will come to get you


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
so let's see a PRACTICAL example of HOW a mage "cannot" kill a CHIVARLY parry char , from FULL life ..., take a LOOK carefully on how the chiv dexer is stucked CASTING REMOVE CURSE ( ahhhh this amazing spell!!!) ...while getting dmged anyways....

so..... I think Paithan is just twisting reality, because he has a super defensive unkillable toon 1vs1 , ie ALCHEMY-PARRY HEALING mage!!!! I mean....a mage who can use bandages to heal , 1vs1 is IMPOSSIBLE to kill for any chars , and he is crying about a 13 yrs old spell .


P.s. thanks to my friend for this precious example :shots:
Does everyone that PVPs on ATL run that client?

I especially like the target que.

I also wonder if that guy is even at 120 chiv. Third highest skill was 115
Resist but could be using jewels I guess. Same for parry maybe?
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