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15 years of memories!!! I remember when...


UO Designer
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Stratics Legend
Oooo! Oooo! I wanna play!

Hrmm....I remember when the Occlo mage shop was THE place to be for all your reagent buying needs.

I remember when I got my first silvery vanq weapon....and then quickly lost it to the LL that killed me!

I remember the Tram land rush...I thought my heart was going to pump out of my chest in anticipation!


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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I found Age of Shadows in a second-hand store for $8! My first MMO I thought it looked cool so gave it a try. I also remember picking up reagents, spending hours doing that so I could train magery. I remember the first time I saw someone cast the gate spell..I was in awe! The first person that be-friended me on Napa...Lord Korick Stonedown..he was a blacksmith....took me in as his apprentice and had me fill BOD's for him so I could train my smithy. The first platemail gorget I made with my name on it I gave to him and he locked it down in his house.

Frank N Furter, the man who introduced me to Fel..I HATED it! But him and his wife showed me the error of my ways :)

I haven't been playing near 15 years but I've been playing long enough to have some amazing memories, here's to 15 more years :pint:

Picus at the office

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My best and clearest memory of UO from way back in the day was a PK raid in Covetous. I was killing the harpies as many did back then when some random blue ran by screaming that a group was killing everyone. Normally everyone ran and died outside but this time the 3-4 of us whom where there stood and fought. I couldn't say we won that fight yet we didn't lose either but it was the first time I helped kill a red pk team member. From that day forward the game was all about the fight for me. I was anti for ages but that line blurred as warfare became more guild based, then order/chaos and factions but I loved that first winning(believe me the losing ones far out numbered this) fight.


Joey Porter

I remember running from a pk and then being snapped all the way back across my screen due to the server lag and my 56k modem.

I remember having a backpack full of actual runes, not a rune book.

I remember having runes marked for all the chest locations in dungeons and recalling around collecting gold and items out of them.

I remember when T2A dropped and going into the new lands for the first time, being scared out of my mind.

I remember using boxes to trap monsters and then dropping blade spirits and fire fields on them.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I remember the first day getting killed by a pig . I was getting beat up by one and thought it was smart to log out till it go away.... NOT :p

Buns Of Glory [ATL]

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Remember making a tamer and taming 5 timber wolfs in Moonglow so I could sick them all on one red, he died, brought his friends back and I quickly died; WHAT A RUSH! :) Remember meeting a friend in 99 that can still remember her name, Integrity. She helped me save up 50k (insane dough back then) and I bought a workshop outside Moonglow (popular place at the time). Listening to the music out by the Moonglow farm to this day brings me right back to that time...a time of pure enjoyment, gitty "schoolgirl-ness" :heart: UO!
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I remember the first time I logged in... and wondering why the game was in black and white...

Yep - I was already dead before my screen resolved from the log-in page to the play window - and my 100 starting gold was already gone...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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I remember casting fire field against the wall of a house, luring a group of orcs over, then running around the other side of the house while they cooked... Oh the smell of well done Orc in the morning... And oh how I hated Orc mages!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
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I remember when this game didn't suck, the Devs actually cared, and people still played.

To bad none of those stayed true for 15 years.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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I picked up UO when T2A first came out, and I recall asking the salesmen if "The First Age" was included. He must of thought, what a noob! Hehe
LOL classic! Yeah I didn't even know what Ultima Online was...never heard of Ultima..I was a dice gamer..not D&D but all the others....I still have my little bag of dice so online gaming was new to me.

Basara...that's what made me talk to him in the first place! Frank and his wife Janet (no lie, that was her name irl) I was like SWEET RHPS Fans! I'm a HUGE fan, was in the case at the Oriental Theatre up in Milwaukee so I figured they had to be cool people! Also a very good first experience with them, they were an older couple in their mid 40's, Janet was legally blind so when I talked to her on ICQ I had to make my font REALLY BIG so she could read it. She played the game holding a magnifying glass! And she was a GOOD pvp'r!

But for my first Fel experience they took me to Despise....*let us show you a champ spawn* they said...died the minute I walked down there...raged! They were laughing at me of course...I was like *I don't like this place!* Dranser...I will never forget the name of the person who killed me! And best believe when I was stronger I found him and killed him right back!


Grand Inquisitor
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I remember hanging out in the Lich Lord room at the bottom of Deceit, decked out in full bone armor, stealing the gold (and everything else) off the corpses before the tamers could loot their kills.

This, of course, was before the advent of looting rights, so I didn't even have to go grey!


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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This is too funny... Yesterday I was waiting for our event to happen on GL's and as I'm waiting I start roaming around Britain... next thing I know I find myself at Brit Cemetery... I walk thru the cemetery and I'm not really thinking of anything much until I come to the lower SW corner... I see the two pillars there with the white blocks and I run up onto the block and stood there a few moments my bow annihilating anything that spawned and looked at me with any evil intent in its eye sockets and I thought to myself.. "Gods how I remember standing up here on Willa, hour after hour after hour... working up my skills as an archer... my but that was soo very long ago.

I remember my old friends back then standing on the other pillar.

I remember my first encounter with a Gargoyle... Wondering What was making that weird laugh and strange noise.... what was it saying??? Must have been "Ha ha fool! I see you now prepare to die!"...... Because shortly after seeing it pop on my screen I was seeing the world in shades of Gray.

I remember wanting a house so bad in the first months that I played. I remember buying me a Small Tower deed and trying to place it everywhere. I never found a spot for it.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
My first character in 1997 was dexer mage with taming (taming sucked back then) and I used giant spiders and giant scorpions in Deceit to gm the skill. I would only tame dragons spawns by that brazier on first level and I spend hours waiting and crossing my fingers hoping for a dragon to be spawned.

I worked on my other skills while I waited and to this day, I can not believe the amount of patience and time I have spent just wait on the brazier timer and cursing my luck when I did not get the dragon spawn.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
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I remember starting on Skara Brae island, took me forever to figure out how to cross the river on the public boat. I also remember being scared to use the public moongate because I had no idea where it would take me.

I remember being so proud when my title read "Master Archer" lol.

I also remember watching my friend try to kill a cat with a butchers knife, I had to heal him a number of times before he killed it.
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Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I used to make bows to sell to the NPC bowyer in britain when I first started (May 1998). But he stopped buying them, so I tried to run with a full backpack of bows down to Trinsic. A PK killed me at the bridge with some fire fields. He took all my bows :[
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Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Remembers when nightmares turned onto theirs sides to cast fire spells, killing llamas meant karma loss, poison ellies were lethal and not to be soloed under any circumstances, having a dragon would make a red leave you alone, deposit your house key in the bank box before going hunting, lagging along with 400+ ms ping on 40k dial up modem, taking an eternity just to make a magery spell scroll, and my first large home...a buggy smith shop that had a potted plant fall through the floor right in front of the GM investigating the issue.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A friend talked me into buying the game (you could buy a box then). It was before Tram & I was not impressed. I was never pk'd but thought so once when brigands attacked! I tried to reason with them to the absolute delight of my guildmates. Played for a few months and was ready to stop when news of Trammel came. Ooh! Maybe I could get a house! I did and stayed all the rest of the years till now. Just because of housing.

I opened more accounts because of housing and kept them because of gardening. Needed space. Since vanilla seeds are useless to me now I let a few accounts go. :(

It has been fun for a long time, thanks!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've posted some memories on other threads like this but one I haven't fleshed out much is when me and my 4 guildmates (the original Mages of Britannia - not the eventual huge guild that came along) all hit 75 magery (I think it was) which meant we could go to that special place that only REAL mages could go: WIND. When we all confirmed via messenger (ICQ) that we had all hit it, we set the date for adventure that following Saturday. I remember how excited we all were and what a magical place it seemed to us. It was really scary getting past something called a "liche" that laughed so evilly at us (and killed us many times in the beginning). We spent some time there every weekend for months with me and Tolken staying in a safer spot near the center cutting up the leather from the kills and Mordred, MoshThrull and Zeeto off slaying the creatures that roamed about in there. It was amazing, as so many places are in Britannia.

The exploration is something I will never forget. My friends were very adventuresome and often found really cool places to show me. I'd log on and one of them would say "wanna see something really cool?" and off we would go. We explored a hedge maze, waterfalls, towns, islands, virtue shrines - it seemed like we were adventurers in a new land, which I guess we really were. There was no such thing as rune libraries. We just took off on our horses and explored.


Always Present
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I remember when I experienced at my own expenses the disastrous House break in Gate exploit.... My Tower was looted clean...... I knew it from a neighbour, even tried to report it to a Game Master but nothing happened, I had to suffer all losses....

One thing I know, I would have certainly enjoyed playing Ultima Online way more without all of the scripting, duping, exploits I had to cope with over these years......
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Blood Ghoul

Stratics Veteran
I remember day one on Eastern.. Trying to "hop skip" a large pile of ore from the mountains in Minoc to the forge to smelt and you only had a one square trail that about 50 people were trying to follow at the same time..because the rest of the screen was all "unused" blocks you could not walk on.

I remember luring NPC's in Jhelom to that northern most point, out of guard range, to kill and loot. And they used to carry all kinds of unique items that if I would have banked/saved today would have made me rich beyond belief.

I remember hiding/stealth outside of people's homes and waiting for the chance they would recall in, open the door, and I would stealth inside and stay hidden until they left. And then it was a loot fest!!! Back in the day there were no lock downs or secure containers. Nothing decayed so people had billions of things in their houses.

I also remember so much crap on the ground by the banks it would lag you out.

I remember placing a house on top of the building in the hedge maze...

I also remember before all the cheat/script/third party programs....

Thoses were the days
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
I remember my friend who got me into the game "dumping" me in Fel Delucia and saying "go mine" to work my little blacksmith/miner. Every day I'd log in and go mine, memorized every color spot in Delucia, and hop the ore over to the forge to smelt it. Then one day a nice person came thru and looked at me hopping the ore and asked why I did not buy a packie. OH! What is this magical beast you speak of?! He took me to the stable and bought me my very first packie! I was amazed.

Then when Age of Shadows came out and Malas opened up I could finally place a house all my own and move out of my friends house (yes I eventually found my way out of Delucia). It was a tiny 7 x 7 but I was so very proud because it was MINE. :)

Too many fun times to list them all. Friday night hunts with the majority of the population of Catskills in death robes. My first net toss when I discovered that krackens could hit really hard and yes, ghosts can drive boats. My heart pounding and hands shaking trying to run from the ogre that was chasing me. My friend taking me out and killing me repeatedly to help me "get over it".

Here's another 15 great years. :shots:


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
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I remember during the first year I played I bought a boat, and sailed to Valor Shrine island. I then killed whatever I could find (giant serpents etc), whilst trying not to get killed by PKs as I did so.

This was when anything that died left a backpack on the ground. I would pick up absolutely everything...torches...backpacks et al, and once I had filled my little ship up, I would sail it all to Serpents Hold. I then ran that crap to the provisioner, sell it, and then sail back to the island.

It was in this fashion I finally got the gold needed to buy a small cabin deed, which I placed north and east of Vesper...a proud moment to be sure!


Stratics Veteran
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I was intoxicated yet another night, was at the Moor's complex (Atl) practicing PvP combat and I accidentally shot my horse in the back of the head with my bow which was the same as dbl-clicking to dismount the horse and ended up killing it thinking I was attacking an alliance member, of course I went through a horse a day anyway so it wasn't a big deal. I heard about that incident for months. :violin:

Another time (at UO camp), I was scouting out a place to put a bigger house. This was when the mass pking was at it's worst. Packs of talentless ppl running around zerging everything and overwhelming by sheer numbers. I had made an alchemist and had found out the hard way just how powerful those old school purple pots really were. I also found out that if you laid them out in a line and set one off, they'd domino till the last one placed exploded, pretty much killing everything in sight. I decided I'd load my pack up and went and set a few traps. Eventually a group of pks started tracking me so I led them to the first trap. Now remember modems back in the day were smoking hot at 9600 baud rate and were prone to acting up at the worse possible moments. I knew I was a goner too as soon as I felt "that" lag but there were body parts, dead horses and a lot of confused pk's. It was a pinata of carnage! My entire pack had been full of pots with the exception of a rune and spellbook. On leaving my pack was full of weapons and armor! ;)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was playing "Air Warriors" one day when all my buddies disappeared. They had found a new game, UO, and by the time I bought in, they had a guild on Catskills. My fondest memory was when I finally got a small house placed on Ocello island next to the water. I fished in safety through the window of the house all day, filling the floor with fish. I gm'd fishing from that window. We used to gate dragons and elementals to the vicinity of our houses for protection from PK's.

Buddy Lee

Stratics Veteran
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My best and clearest memory of UO from way back in the day was a PK raid in Covetous. I was killing the harpies as many did back then when some random blue ran by screaming that a group was killing everyone. Normally everyone ran and died outside but this time the 3-4 of us whom where there stood and fought. I couldn't say we won that fight yet we didn't lose either but it was the first time I helped kill a red pk team member. From that day forward the game was all about the fight for me. I was anti for ages but that line blurred as warfare became more guild based, then order/chaos and factions but I loved that first winning(believe me the losing ones far out numbered this) fight.

This reminds me of my first time killing another player. I was wandering down the road and this guy comes up and just attacks me. My first instinct was to run so I started running down the road with him chasing me. Finally I thought to myself why am I running from this guy I'm a GM fencer and all I have to lose is this spear. I stopped turned around and attacked him. He laughed for about 3 seconds before my second blow connected. Then he was oOoOooOOOoo shortly after that. It felt great and I was totally pumped after that. I even looted him clean just for good measure.
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Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I remember...

... finding a black pearl on the ground and thinking I was rich.
... actually picking up reagents on the ground and USING them.
... being killed by a cat, dog and an eagle.
... saving up to buy my first home.
... being pk'd repeatedly, but the rush was unbeatable.
... learning how to pvp and being able to defend myself from being pk'd repeatedly.
... rping so much and having the freedom to rp anything with everyone without highlighting (pre tram)
... killing unattended macroers who were working off counts in their homes (only the ones who caused problems).
... there being a sense of honor and community before trammel... many of the reds didn't even kill you again just to be mean.
... I remember exploding boxes at WBB.
... I remember thieving in its glory.
... Buc's Den, Felucca being the place to pvp.

Ron Silverbeard

Stratics Veteran
Remembering enticement now!!! Good old days!! Black Sandals were not enough to get (and i guess alot of you still know what we did to the poor jewelers hehehe) because the Moonglow ARTISTS had all kind of shiny nice sandals too! So you enticed them out of guard zone (right there were the Moonglow Town Guard and his chest is now to get the rope) and slayed them - you just lost karma, no counts back than - and the poor BRIDES you went after to get their silver sandals hehe - i STILL have some of the sandals (you got greenish, brownish, redish, bluish ones - everyone was hoping to get the pure red Sandals!) and thats one of my best memories:

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Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So many dead brides... so many silver sandals.

I also remember losing my first blessed blacks to a macer I was sparring with. Opps.

Magic Resist training with the guild on a boat with people summoning demons and people healing.
Training healing with a ghost and a ship. Being the ghost many times for guild mates.
Power Hour. Ha.
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Legendary Mall Santa
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
...I logged in as a newbie in "those" days and ran in a "deathgate", suddenly being sourrounded by demons and wrapped in a deathrobe... People standing around this gate where laughing at me. That was my first impresson of UO :D

Picus at the office

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
100+ person fights and the lag that was the time. My old Napa guild, LMJ(LynchMob Justice), hung around Vesper and it seemed there was a never ending fight. We lived on a island and had a tower there that I spent what seemed like a month making fancy shirts to get the gold for placing that puppy.
-gating sheep to our old two story house and sheering them every three hours or so
-deadly poisoning any bladed weapon and hoping that it would tick off in a fight
-ressing with your newbie DP'd weapon and actually assisting in the fight
-hunting people in the dungeons and actually finding people who would stand and fight
-gating a gazer to the island to train resist or parry and it killing 10 people cause we couldn't box it in
-drakes were a challange, dragons were not soloable and acient wyrms took a guild to beat
-archer armor
-a heater shield plus GM parry skill made me a PvP god it seemed
-our 50+ member guild making newbie archers on the fresh asian shards and killing EVERYONE!!!!! What a laugh riot that day was.
-Devs and GM's playing amazing creatures during halloween and clearing house with them
-so much more


UO Forum Moderator
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Two of my funniest memories weren't playing, but watching Devs play.

2007, Columbus Town Hall. Draconi or one of the other Devs, naked at TC Fel Yew Gate with a butcher knife 100% intensity EVERYTHING, demonstrating Kingdom Reborn. One guy died several times, then started chasing the Dev as a gohst, repeatedly asking "what the **** are you???"

2010, High Seas release in Fairfax. Cal being so proud of HS, and wanting to demonstrate setting up macros for cannon use, proudly sailed from the dock on one of their in-house testing servers, immediately ran into an orc ship as he reached the buoy line, only to discover HE FORGOT TO SET GOD MODE (shades of LB) and got mercilessly slaughtered by the orcs.

Celestial Knight

Stratics Veteran
Game was bought for me with my first computer christmas 1997 .I remember being confused because my family was not hightec plus how the heck am i gonna get this too work.welp i placed everything off to the side because i had only 2 days off for the holiday.While back at work i told a co-worker who ask whatya get fer x-mas.I said a computer (the look on his face was not of surprise or a shocked look he just said yes alot of pple are getting those nowdays.Welp i said how do i make it work ? He said no problem pick a day like Thursday i will setup everything for 5 dollar's (okay) I remember it was January 1 ,1998 waiting for him to stop by and setup this computer while i waited for him i noticed the ultima onlne box .Hrm I skim over the box -Knock at the door okay took this man only an hr to get it started (ya wow) Friend noticed the Ultima online box and said lets open the box and check out an online game <STOP>online game i said really no way okay now yes news too me.so i am without a phone because this cord is useing my phoneline :{.I go get drinks from the kitchen and he says to me u have to fillout all this and i am sorry i need to leave now take it easy man.Damn ...How do i get this off the screen i ask myself> welp many hr's later after reading more chit i did not understand i came to a page that did help and yes it was in english WOOT , lol yes many hr's later like allday around 9 pm .I get in the game >okay i see u ask what i did in the game but it was alot more of a monster fight starting the game because when i did get in the game my screen turned black/white and no i did not know i was dead LOL,Thank You very much Ultima online ,I'll be here intill the game goes offline or i am unable to play.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My flatmate bought the game for us in early 1998. My first memory was being killed by a guy who cast a fire ball at me in Britain. He was using some sort of exploit and was able to out run the guards. I never found out how he did this. UO ruined most of my early working life as I was constantly tired and late for work due to playing into the early hours and getting no sleep. I'm also sure my flatmate suffered mild retardation because of the lack of sleep. He seems alright now apart from a slight dribbling problem.
It's amazing that we had so much fun as we were living in New Zealand and had pings mostly over 600ms. It wasn't until Oceania opened that I could truly start playing with a ping of about 200ms.

I have so many great memories of early UO! I really hope that one day they can do a reboot or at least get Garriot involved again. I'd be back in a heartbeat!

Prince Erik

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Many memories, some good.. some bad...

- Playing the game off the CD since my computer did not have enough disk space to install it (fairly common back then) with slow dialup and not being able to outrun an ettin.

- Guild tamed chicken fights on the Skara docks

- Getting a key to the small guild house outside Skara (YAY, I have arrived!), getting killed and looted the first time I tried to go there and watching every guild possession in the house get looted in front of me.

- The very first day of Siege with no houses, no uber players - just a bunch of noobs running around having the time of our lives. I honestly thought at that point that why bother with skill... lock everyone at 50 skill across the board forever.

- My first orc mage.

- Running like crazy from a brigand thinking it was a PK.

- The community at the Britain mountain and cove guard zones around the outside forges where all miners would stake a claim, never move (except to smelt) and just wait for their spot to respawn.

- My first set of GM made plate (still have it)

- The pride I felt when someone at the brit forge I didn't know trusted me to repair their silver vanq katana

- Becoming cross shard GM of the United Blacksmiths of Britannia and visiting all the shard chapters - truly the biggest honor ever awarded to me, even counting real life.

- Officiating my first (and only) UO wedding.

- Setting foot into every dungeon for the first time after Trammel opened since our guild never hunted dungeons because every time we tried we ended up PK food.

- When "going to down to the crossroads" was more than a Robert Johnson or Eric Clapton song

- The role playing Orcs on Siege - honestly, the only time for me when PVP was fun. "Shinies!!!"

- Having to move our guild Siege tower because a red guild wanted our spot for a keep and camped us almost 24/7 killing us inside our house the second we logged in.

- The early days of pub 16 when Fel dungeons didn't seem so scary anymore.

- Trying factions with a several friends and realizing immediately that all five of us were complete PVP imbeciles when one mage with a poison field wiped us all out.

- The lags and crashes and disappointments during the great Trammel land rush.

- Losing GM Smith because some yahoo camped next to me at the stupid bank and my camping skill went up.

- Trying to keep strength up on a mage pre stat locks.

- When hiding immediately after saying "bank" or going into my house was standard operating procedure (STILL do these to this day!).

- The day 25 out of 27 remaining guild members left to play Everquest because you couldn't be PK'ed there and I had to stay since my computer wasn't powerful enough to play it.

- When UOA was considered an exploit

Soooo much more... a true roller coaster of an experience!


Joey Porter

Many memories, some good.. some bad...

- Playing the game off the CD since my computer did not have enough disk space to install it (fairly common back then) with slow dialup and not being able to outrun an ettin.

- When "going to down to the crossroads" was more than a Robert Johnson or Eric Clapton song

- When UOA was considered an exploit

All of these.

completely forgot needing the CD to play and heading to the crossroads was a meet up place for years.


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Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
If you go to
UO Stratics *New*
then click on the 'lore and history' link in the left sidebar you will find some links you might like in the righ hand column of the page that opens.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My hubby still teases me about being stuck in Yew for 3 days. I knew nothing about rune books, ran everywhere and was too darn scared of the lich in the forest to run past them to get back to Brit.

El Phantasmo

I remember when:

-Dying, repeatedly, to mongbats
-Killing rabbits for the hides and selling them to the NPC's
-All of the Lich crystal balls in the Moonglow GY strewn everywhere.
-Forgetting to lock up my house. Going away for a week on vacation, then coming back and all my stuff in the house was pretty much gone.
-That first million gold. Took forever!!! But was one of the greatest experiences in all the years I played the game.
-The bone wall in Deceit. Leveling all the skills during my power hour
-A red running up to me, asking if I wanted to fight. Of course he killed me. Then he rez'd me and said thanks and left.
-GM's that would respond to pages within minutes. Even if you were lost, in what seemed to be the middle of no where. Then the GM actually showing you where to go.
-But in the end, it's all the great people I met throughout the years, that has kept me playing the game.
Happy 15th B-day UO.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wasn't that long ago, but still...

I remember my first day, running around Malas... it took me months before I finally stopped running away from skittering hoppers, I was positive they were going to attack me.

I was a total hoarder in my early days, I'd pick up everything I saw. Consequently, my first death was to a trapped box in Luna. I walked around the bank sitters for ages waiting for someone to res me (I'd seen hubby's grey screen enough to know that that was what one did...) only I had no idea about showing as a ghost, or wandering healers. I must have stood there for ten minutes before a necro ran up and saw me. Don't think I logged on for a week after that!

There have been things that have made me enormously proud to be an Oceanian... like when half the shard turned out to do Twaulo of the Glade (epic, epic chaos), or the Void Shadow (which, granted, had to be "turned down" before we had a hope in hell of killing). If I remember correctly, after a weekend of hard slog we got the Moonglow Zoo up to tier 8, but boy was I sick of the sight of drakes by then! I still look back with great fondness at the Inu event arc... running home from work and catching up on three or four pages of the spoiler thread here on Stratics, then racing out to find where the nasty ophidies were that day and finding Oce folks already fighting the hoarde.

But as others have said, it really is the people. Being made first an emissary then GM of the guild I loved by the GM who I still keep in touch with (and miss dearly! Come back, Lihan! Pandas? Really? C'mon man, gargoyles are so much cooler!). Sitting around gossiping and losing all my money at the Fox Emporium Casino, or cheering on the bloodshed at Thunderdome... those were the days.

*Raises a glass* And many more.


Stratics Veteran
I remember cutting up the corpses of people you had killed ..... (was a good market for heads at one point)
Moongate were random travels .
Loosing my first ever house key - without a spare (aka house stolen)
finding a excedingly vanq kryss - only to get pked 20 minutes after (teaches you to show off at the bank)
getting stuff stolen whilst at the bank
the introduction of tram (end of good memories)

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did anyone else go around thanking wandering healers back when they used to throw you g-heals when you were low on health? Or am I the only one :p


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Did anyone else go around thanking wandering healers back when they used to throw you g-heals when you were low on health? Or am I the only one :p
NO you're not alone I remember that too... I also remember when you used to be able to ask NPC's where the bank and stuff was and they would tell you.